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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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It then goes on further to say in 2.d.ii that SWAPA acts as consultants ONLY for 2.d.i.a. In other words, ALPA negotiates (not SWAPA) for our pay rates until we fall under the SWAPA CBA rules (b, c, and d above).

I think that you are still missing the GIANT "IF" statements that are written into this document:

(d) In the event that an integrated seniority list is reached through negotiations, the
following shall apply:
(i) SWAPA and ALPA will each designate members of their respective
Negotiating Committees to comprise an Implementation Work Group,
whose sole responsibilities will be to negotiate an implementation
schedule with the Companies to include:
a. Adjustment of the AirTran-ALPA CBA to reflect the
compensation and benefits of the SWAPA CBA;
b. Application of the SWAPA CBA to AirTran pilots;
c. B717 rates of pay and work rules to be applied under the SWAPA
CBA to Southwest and AirTran pilots; and
d. International pay and work rules to be applied under the SWAPA​
CBA to Southwest and AirTran pilots.


(e) In the event either ALPA or SWAPA fails to ratify the negotiated integrated seniority
list, the list and the implementation schedule and letters of agreement delineated in
Section II (d) shall be null and void and without any force and effect and shall not be
admissible for any purpose in any proceeding including but not limited to any arbitration
under this Agreement.

Sure... IF our NC and your MC come to an agreement, AND that agreement is ratified by BOTH pilot groups, then ALPA will get a chance to talk with WN about implementation.

IF any one of those items fail to happen, THEN this entire section
(Section II: Negotiation of the Integrated List) is "Null and Void" and none of it gets to take place.

Please remember that IF this can't be negotiated and rattified, ALPA cannot force WN to recognize an arbitrated list. They do have the ability run seperate ops for a VERY long time. An arbitration panel cannot force WN to combine...period.

Are you saying that no matter how long it takes to get on the SWA cba, Alpa is going to negotiate with SWA on new rates for your side? Isn't your contract up for renewal in 4 1/2 years?
No, I'm saying that until a SLI is reached (one way or another) and implemented (one way or another), we remain on our CBA. 4 1/2 years is unlikely in the EXTREME, even with an arbitrated scenario, and I'm certain we'll be able to figure out something long before then, but I can live with the pay rates and work rules in our T.A. - they jump quite healthily in 2013 and 2014 and actually start approaching within a couple dollars of your rates by then.

However, both sides are reasonable people with a common goal in mind of long-term, stable employment and a healthy, happy company and I am confident we'll reach an agreement or get so close that only small things to go arbitration and the award is still acceptable.

I think that you are still missing the GIANT "IF" statements that are written into this document:
No, I just chose not to address them because just as the alternative is unappealing to us, it's unappealing to you, too, but for reasons no one seems to really have considered yet and I REALLY hope never becomes necessary.

Sure... IF our NC and your MC come to an agreement, AND that agreement is ratified by BOTH pilot groups, then ALPA will get a chance to talk with WN about implementation.

IF any one of those items fail to happen, THEN this entire section
(Section II: Negotiation of the Integrated List) is "Null and Void" and none of it gets to take place.
Not exactly.

Yes, Sec 2 becomes null and void, HOWEVER, there is a mechanism in place to cover that event after arbitration when one side doesn't want to implement the SLI award. RAH and F9 are going through it right now. It's ugly. It's messy. It makes everyone REALLY, REALLY angry and I really, truly, hope this doesn't happen, too much is at stake with the culture to LET it.

I believe if both sides negotiate in good faith, which I believe they will, we will come to an agreement. There's probably going to be a lot of rumors over the next several months, a lot of propaganda, and tempers will be short, but both companies have good people and we will all make it through this.

I sure look forward to the day we try kick the competitions ass instead of each others!
That is not what I meant. Ty said that he is happy at AI and did not ask for this acquisition. My question is was he happy at AI prior to the announcement which had AI headed toward a strike. Or is he saying he is happy now after the announcement with SWA and the pay raise you received possibly because of the announcement.
Oh, I gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. :beer:
OY6 says: then he said: pass the bong, dude this is some great stuff! (cough cough)

Problem is they don't get the SWAPA contract until after the list, if SWA uses "said list" you dip ****. We would be making LESS money if we piggybacked off of bankrupt Delta and bankrupt United (funny you worked for both) contract. Just a thought. :D

Well done! Contract after SLI, sounds exactly like USAir. And, your rates were piggybacked off of DAL pre-BK, and UAL before that. If they were done post BK, yours would be lower. Darn you are cocky. I still advocate the AT guys to go for arbitration first, especially with guys like you out there on the SWA side. Fair is best.

Not exactly.

Yes, Sec 2 becomes null and void, HOWEVER, there is a mechanism in place to cover that event after arbitration when one side doesn't want to implement the SLI award.

Still missing the point:

Notice how I said WN and not SWAPA? We will have a list...come H**L or HIGH WATER (whether it be negotiated or arbitrated. That's a given. However, that list does not ever have to be implemented if its arbitrated (and) WN decides to go the "Road less Traveled".

I don't think that was unintentional.
Southwest management signed 6.a. as well. No, I'm not missing your point. I simply believe this being a 4-way signed document including SWA management and par 6.a precludes what you are thinking but who knows.

Time will tell and I still have faith in all of us to find a middle ground and choose a solution we may not "like" but can live with versus the unknown of arbitration.
Wow. Been off here for a few days and took me an hour to catch up! Good entertainment boys. My money's on a negotiated settlement. Let's get this party started.
Yep, you're right... 6(a) was signed off on by all parties involved. I just wonder how much water that paragraph will hold if there are any "debilitating circumstances" pop up.

I'm not trying to be a jerk (although I'm sure that I am coming off as one to some), but I just don't think that everyone understands the importance of this document: GK does not want this to go to arbitration. He wants a negotiated list (one big happy family). If it does go to arbitration, then all bets are off.

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