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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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My perspective as a 7 year SWA F/O.

1. Seat protection or lock for Tranny CA's is unacceptable and would create a caustic work environment.

2. Forget fencing out the 717 also. SWAPA negotiated a maximum 24 month fence in our contract for a reason. We don't want lesser paid pilots running around our system on a fenced out airplane that happens to be the same size as a -500. Hello...can you say B-Scale anyone? In all likelihood, those airplanes will end up deployed on our short haul routes out of TX and West Coast so no way in hades we want it fenced out of our hands permanently.

3. Date of hire...not what I want but realistically a possibility provided the maximum 24 month duration fence applies around your operation. After 24 months, we get into ATL and your aircraft and seats and you get into our system. You get what your seniority holds Southwest and no more...

I think this is where this SLI will end up. I think except for the 10% militant on both sides, most of us expect something like what you said. Airtran pilots expecting to keep the left seat after the fence comes down are dreaming. Also, one pay scale would be awesome, so that way training costs are kept at bay. This is just my opinion, but I bet 80% of us (both at Airtran and SWA) see this coming, wich means no arbitration. the other 20%, well they will be annoyingly militant for a while until the other 80% finally tells them to STFU and get to work. Rumor has it that SWA will have 10,000 pilots by 2015. we shall see.

By the way, DAL/NWA was a different animal than SWA/AT. The only reason that went ok with arbitration was because both companies were very similar in size and longevity.
Very strange? We just went through this, and all of this exact stuff happened prior to our SLI. Guess what? The arbitrators made the decisions, and it was about right down the middle, something you SWA guys can't seem to understand. But, I do think it is comical watching this because of your extreme cockiness, and it will be great to see the final outcome. It won't be what you are expecting, which is DOH, STAPLE, or anything close to that. It is time for you to start embrasing that idea. Have fun.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Again. Very strange. And third grade logic. If it happens to me it will certainly happen to you. Yea.....OK.
Why are we doing this to each other? I will be simple and frank. I have worked at 6 airlines prior to coming to work at AirTran. I have been furloughed more than most anybody I have ever met. I have applied and been hired at Legacy carriers and I have applied and been denied by LCC's as well, Southwest included.

I came to AirTran a few years ago because it was the best offer I had at the time. It wasn't great but it was a job flying Boeing Jets and getting a steady paycheck, most of the time and so I was pleased to take it. I am still very pleased to have a job today. Lord knows I have been without one many times before so I never look a gift horse in the mouth.

On September 27th my ex-wife called me. I couldn't figure out why she was calling but i answered the phone anyway. I was shocked that she was actually being nice and I asked her what was up? She said nothing I just felt like calling and congratulating you on your lottery win. I had no idea what she was talking about until she told me she had heard on the news that SWA had bought AirTran. I have to say I was exstatic to say the least.

Now, a few months have gone by and I am as excited as I was on day one and I believe most of my coworkers are too however I am begining to get more concerned by the day. Here at AirTran we have a reputation for being militant, over the top, and out right rediculous in our demands. I am concerned that the 8% of our group that are the loudest will ruin this for the rest of us. I have called no less than 100 of my peers and they for the most part feel the same. Dont screw this up for us. We have worked hard, had hard knocks, and finally are catching a huge break for once in our careers.

All but 2 or the guys I have spoken with told me they would take a staple and be happy as a pig in Sh!t. I would have to agree.

I hope you SWA guys on this board will please tell your MEC that we are a reasonable bunch of guys at AirTran for the most part and all we want is a fair chance at a job flying for SWA. Our so called leadership doesn't necessarily speak for the majority. Please don't let our guys do to us what the Frontier union leaders did to their group. We want to come over and join the family and if a staple is what it takes for that to happen so be it. Please don't let ALPA ruin this like ALPA has ruined my career expectations so many times in the past.

Thanks for listening Swapa and before any of you loud AAI types start throwing the darts be honest with yourselfs and admit that I speak for the majority and you speak for yourself.
I guess I was wrong. It is 9% that are unreasonable. If you are who I think you are we are not far apart on our list. We are both close to "Face" and "Derby" as 2006 newhires?

I don't understand why you would want to create havoc when there is no need. Smarten up Les. This isn't a game this is our careers on the line.
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Look at his post history.. hmmm maybe i have an old profile on here i need to resurrect and stir the pot with some fake claims.. On second thought, i'm going to just drink a few cold ones and watch MNF. Get the 2 sides to agree where they can.. send the rest to Mediation and let the chips fall where they may and lets move on.
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I have no clue who "Face" is.. but its easy to tell when i started here by looking at my post history as well.. you have to do a lot better than that. -and i'm far from unreasonable.
Teamster, finally an aai pilot talking sense. The swa guys/gals are getting seriously vocal about the ranting aai pilots on here. Sincerely hope you are more of the "norm" at aai. The swa guys are looking forward to the opportunities of the combined operation, and want to work with guys like you. Good luck at swa and don't let the "9%ers" ruin this opportunity.

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