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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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I-R-DXR said:

Then NJwife er whatever tells me to watch from the sideline - Are you kidding me? She doesn't even work for NJ and she is driving around to the zoo in OMA for a rally - then posting 300+ here. I call that involved.

That's her choice - and great for her but don't think she is still uninvolved.

DXR, certainly I am involved in a situation that greatly affects my family. I have never denied it. I believe that anyone whose livelihood and /or family income is dependent upon NetJets SHOULD follow along closely and educate themselves on the issues. For the record, I began reading/posting here last year after the (failed) TA came out. Not quite the way you stated it.

My suggestion to you to watch from the sidelines, and I'm sorry if you misunderstood it, applied only to the Omaha discussion on this board. Some of you were insisting that the pilots share confidential information with you. I felt that that was akin to spectators expecting to be allowed into the locker room to hear the team's strategy instead of just being content to watch the plays unfold on the field. Yes, I went to Omaha, as did other wives, to cheer on the pilots and assist in a support role with their informational picket.

It does not surprise me to see other NJ employees trying to gather additional information on a situation that has the potential to affect them. I have tried to help with that effort by posting the website link the pilots have set up for y'all.
netjetwife said:
DXR, certainly I am involved in a situation that greatly affects my family. I have never denied it. I believe that anyone whose livelihood and /or family income is dependent upon NetJets SHOULD follow along closely and educate themselves on the issues. For the record, I began reading/posting here last year after the (failed) TA came out. Not quite the way you stated it.

My suggestion to you to watch from the sidelines, and I'm sorry if you misunderstood it, applied only to the Omaha discussion on this board. Some of you were insisting that the pilots share confidential information with you. I felt that that was akin to spectators expecting to be allowed into the locker room to hear the team's strategy instead of just being content to watch the plays unfold on the field. Yes, I went to Omaha, as did other wives, to cheer on the pilots and assist in a support role with their informational picket.

It does not surprise me to see other NJ employees trying to gather additional information on a situation that has the potential to affect them. I have tried to help with that effort by posting the website link the pilots have set up for y'all.

As I stated before the ASAP website is propoganda. A site made and paid by the union to serve the union goals. The company releases can aso be seen as propoganda. Thus the questions on this board. Frankly I didnt think the questions were that bad.

Why would the MEC not want to sign a NDA?

I-R-DXR said:
As I stated before the ASAP website is propoganda. A site made and paid by the union to serve the union goals. The company releases can aso be seen as propoganda. Thus the questions on this board. Frankly I didnt think the questions were that bad.

Why would the MEC not want to sign a NDA?


You state that you just want unbiased truth but your questions continue to call into question nothing but the motives of the union and our elected leadership. I've yet to see you acknowledge that the company has been less than truthful in it's statements even when shown the errors in their message. You're obviously here for one reason and one reason only - to sew the seeds of management's position and hope that it grows into a bush. It certainly has enough fertilizer to get the job done.

The only person that didn't sign the statement was the MEC chairman because he is honor bound to keep an open line of communication to the pilots. The negotiating committee signed it and the negotiations continued. This is nothing but another red herring thrown out by management trying to cloud a very clear issue.
Grizz said:
You state that you just want unbiased truth but your questions continue to call into question nothing but the motives of the union and our elected leadership. I've yet to see you acknowledge that the company has been less than truthful in it's statements even when shown the errors in their message. You're obviously here for one reason and one reason only - to sew the seeds of management's position and hope that it grows into a bush. It certainly has enough fertilizer to get the job done.

The only person that didn't sign the statement was the MEC chairman because he is honor bound to keep an open line of communication to the pilots. The negotiating committee signed it and the negotiations continued. This is nothing but another red herring thrown out by management trying to cloud a very clear issue.

It appears the tactics from Mgt are working, that is scaring the non bargining work force. Gone is the 'no lay offs' promise, replaced by "The MEC won't negotiate." The numbers presented in Crew Ops are meant to make the Union look greedy. They are 50% of the picture. Boisture has been brought on to kill the Union, I have no doubt about that at this point. The question should be, " Will Mr Boisture's ego prevent Netjets from going forward as the company it can be?"

Your pilots have provided stellar service to the owners and cardholders throughout these protracted negotiations, it's time for the Company to honor the time and commitment of the pilots with a superior contract.
x402 said:
It appears the tactics from Mgt are working, that is scaring the non bargining work force. Gone is the 'no lay offs' promise, replaced by "The MEC won't negotiate." The numbers presented in Crew Ops are meant to make the Union look greedy. They are 50% of the picture. Boisture has been brought on to kill the Union, I have no doubt about that at this point. The question should be, " Will Mr Boisture's ego prevent Netjets from going forward as the company it can be?"

Your pilots have provided stellar service to the owners and cardholders throughout these protracted negotiations, it's time for the Company to honor the time and commitment of the pilots with a superior contract.

It continues to amaze me why you think anyone in the Casino would support a strike. That's the only thing that scares people. Isn't that what a strike is supposed to do? It's working - just not to your benefit. But maybe your pay off is when you get your vengence. Hope it will be worth it for you. You will be personally accountable for your actions to everyone employee that is harmed. You won't be able to stand behind your union on that day.

Bottom line - no one promised anyone a job if the union drags this company under. You have no facts to the contrary. We can obviously evaluate the situation for what it is without any help from the Union or the company.
105K is what they say.

Only if I sign up to work 37 more days per year. Give up overtime pay (say $6K) Pay for health insurance (don't know what this amounts to but could be 10 to 14K... I hope since the company has strong ties to the insurance industry it could be far less). Have also heard NO 401K.

Information is a little fuzzy but it could be:

Only 86 K (since I am not willing to work one more day than I do now for a raise)

- 12K? to pay for Health Insurance
- 6 K in overtime
-6K in 401K match.

That equals 62K about the exact same amount we get NOW.

That would be NO RAISE AT ALL.

Well I should not get excited until I see what the Health Ins cost and clarify what is happening with the 401K. But even if the company only charged us 5K for heath insurance... this offer is not a penny more than the Failed TA. Actually its less because there is no Retroactive pay for the going on 4 yrs since contract was up for renewal.

Mr Dispatcher.
If its true No 401K and No health insurance... I will be ready to sign up for this as soon as the company takes away these benefits from all the other employees as well. Don't want to be discriminated against you know.

Now I know none of us want that.
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Let's get serious dsptchr!

dsptchrNJA said:
My serious comments were in the Looking for advice.... thread.

But if you want to get serious about the bargaining discussion, what's up with the Chairman of the MEC balking at the companies presentation and leaving the room!?!? What's up with him refusing (again) to have the companies finances reviewed by an independent third party? What's up with refusing significant increases in SIC pay and 6 figures for 5 yr captains?

It's not about a new contract anymore, is it? It's about vengence. Gonna make the company pay now, huh? You don't appear to want a better contract anymore. You actually WANT to strike?

Let's see, more money and I still get to fly my jet around when I'm not on my days off.... or... let's see.. no pay, no benefits, probationary record, jeapordize my family and work associates, and I get to carry a sign around telling people it's not fair.

Tough choice guys... you might need to think this one over.
You're not really a dispatcher, but we can pretend you are for the discussion.

The company has refused to show the negotiators the Netjets Inc. finances. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? They are waiting, and since you know so much about the negotiations, maybe you can pass that on to your team.

What's up with managements refusal to offer significant increases in pay? See, I can make generalizations just like you.

It's all about a contract and nothing else. I can spin your strike statement around and it actually makes more sense. Management doesn't want a contract for their pilots, do they? They want vengence against a group of pilots who have done nothing but help Netjets and all of it's subsidiaries survive. The pilots aren't the problem, management is. If you were a dispatcher you would understand that, but you're not really a dispatcher, are you? You sound like management and your contempt for pilots shows your true colors. Are you asking the same questions of your management, or have they brainwashed you into believing we are greedy lazy pilots? Like I said, I don't think you are a dispatcher, the ones I know at NJA are top notch and don't have contempt for their pilots.

One last thing about your second to the last paragraph. The proposal was for more days of work, not more pay. Your management needs to lose the "Gee I'm just happy to be flying a jet" mentallity. Pilots come to work to earn a living, not for fun! Management already sucked the fun right out of this job. If you continue to attack pilots without questioning management, your job may be in jeapordy.
dsptchrNJA hate to remind you that you came to NJA(with a pilots union). You should have been aware of the ramifications and the possibility of a strike someday. Our Union is bargaining in good faith and using the legal tools available to us, established by the RLA. I would hate to see anyone in the casino lose a job over a strike, but I ask again, what other option do we have? Should we just take what is offered and be thankfull we get to fly shiny little jets for America's elite. This is not about fairness anymore, hasnt been for at least a year. It's about certain ego and reputations being tarnished by giving into a bunch of pilots. RTS and Dollar Bill don't need the cash, it's about position in the business community. RTS wouldnt be able to show up at the track and brag to his buddies about how he pulled one over on those pilots again! I am trying to see both sides of the debate without emotion being involved.

I like working at Netjets and I would love to work here for the rest of my career. Do you think 2100 pilots are taking it this far for revenge. It's not a rogue leadership taken us down a dark path either. I would just love to update my resume, look for new job, hope for an interview, and then if offered move my family if needed. I don't think I'm willing to do this just for revenge.

Just like you ask the pilots to think about more than just ourselves, you need to see our side of the dispute. Do you really think BB is going to shoot straight and tell the real story! Dont be foolish! Seek and you shall be enlightened!
dsptchrNJA said:
It continues to amaze me why you think anyone in the Casino would support a strike. That's the only thing that scares people. Isn't that what a strike is supposed to do? It's working - just not to your benefit. But maybe your pay off is when you get your vengence. Hope it will be worth it for you. You will be personally accountable for your actions to everyone employee that is harmed. You won't be able to stand behind your union on that day.

Bottom line - no one promised anyone a job if the union drags this company under. You have no facts to the contrary. We can obviously evaluate the situation for what it is without any help from the Union or the company.

No one expects you support the strike, but we would like you to understand that any harm done will be because mgt egos have gotten in the way. Mgt stalled for three years and now want to tell you we are greedy bastards bent on destroying the company. REMEMBER we work here, too. BB is only the latest white knight brought in to SAVE Netjets. I'll gladly face anyone when this is finished, but you have already stated you could care less who's flying, you dispatch ac, not pilots.
Live4flyng said:
You're not really a dispatcher, but we can pretend you are for the discussion.

The company has refused to show the negotiators the Netjets Inc. finances. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? They are waiting, and since you know so much about the negotiations, maybe you can pass that on to your team.
The pilots aren't the problem, management is. If you were a dispatcher you would understand that, but you're not really a dispatcher, are you? You sound like management and your contempt for pilots shows your true colors. Are you asking the same questions of your management, or have they brainwashed you into believing we are greedy lazy pilots? Like I said, I don't think you are a dispatcher, the ones I know at NJA are top notch and don't have contempt for their pilots.

Let me see if I understand your philosophy. Everyone who disagrees with you is either management material or a mole. Anyone who agrees with you is entitled to be a professional.

And you you accuse the company of being egotistical? Talk about true colors.

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