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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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No offense dsptchrNJA - if you are who you say you are - you of all people should know what the pilots (and all the other line employess) of this company go through to get the job done.

I'm just surprised that with your experience that you would buy the company line so easily. I've been through a strike before and believe me its no fun - in the end no one wins - but after 4 years of regotiations - and we still cannot agree on Scope, Salary or Schedule ...

Its is Union Busting 101 to try to pit employer groups against each other. I came here because I believed our management was above that ... oh well ... Guess I was wrong .... bring it on!
Grizz said:
Unless and until NetJets management starts to put a priority on taking care of it's single largest customer service group, their business will continue to erode.

Grizz, I'm pulling for fairness. For you all and success for our company. Hope we can get this behind us soon and get back to doing what we do best.

Stay safe
dsptchrNJA said:
Grizz, I'm pulling for fairness. For you all and success for our company. Hope we can get this behind us soon and get back to doing what we do best.

Stay safe

No argument here ....
One last tidbit to clarify for folks - the $100K at year five that is coming across the company PR channel also includes adding in the "signing bonus" for the past 3 1/2 years to get there. Don't pay a raise for 3 1/2 years after a contract is due, then roll the "signing bonus" into into the next contract for the following 3 years. Pretty creative, I'll give them that. Too bad nobody's falling for it.
dsptchrNJA said:
Money just isn't worth the price some are willing to pay to get it.

It's also not worth the lengths that some are willing to go to not pay it.
dsptchrNJA said:
How would you conclude we are not directly involved when our livlihood is at risk? Unlike pilots, the choice is made for me. Pretty easy for you to say who has no vested interest at stake.

You make a valid point..... I honestly didn't consider that... I guess it will affect all you guys.....I guess I'd be emotional as well.

It just seems that non-NJA pilots responding on this board are attacking the NJA pilots' positions/views and not management's --
dsptchrNJA said:
But if you want to get serious about the bargaining discussion, what's up with the Chairman of the MEC balking at the companies presentation and leaving the room!?!?

Ask and ye shall receive. He left the table at the recommendation of the mediator when it became apparent that the items being discussed would require him to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Our elected body has made open and honest communication with the membership a central tenet of their team and the MEC chairman could not be hamstrung by such an agreement.

By the way, the negotiation committee remained at the table for the financial disclosure portion of the meeting. The MEC chairman not being there for that portion didn't stop negotiations regardless of the spin put out by Bridgeway.
MalteseX said:
You make a valid point..... I honestly didn't consider that... I guess it will affect all you guys.....I guess I'd be emotional as well.

It just seems that non-NJA pilots responding on this board are attacking the NJA pilots' positions/views and not management's --

I, for one, mean no attack. At this point in the game it feels more defensive than anything. The only reason I would not support a pilot's position is when they threaten the livlihood of others because their demands are not met. And the increasing number of cheerleaders for striking is irritating at best. Challenging their assertions bears no semblence of attack. Heck, I work in fairly close vicinity to some management and I've seen all kinds of things I can gripe about - I could start a whole seperate message board on that alone. I've stuck up for scheduling on this board but at work - trust me - I have my issues with them too. But my issues are objective concrete problems. The issues I've seen with scheduling in these threads are baseless empty allegations - mere suspicion (not to ignore a merited accusaiton here and there I'm sure). So I defend them here - but at work... grrrrr..
Grizz said:
Ask and ye shall receive. He left the table at the recommendation of the mediator when it became apparent that the items being discussed would require him to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Our elected body has made open and honest communication with the membership a central tenet of their team and the MEC chairman could not be hamstrung by such an agreement.

By the way, the negotiation committee remained at the table for the financial disclosure portion of the meeting. The MEC chairman not being there for that portion didn't stop negotiations regardless of the spin put out by Bridgeway.

I thought non-disclusure agreements were a normal part of the process to protect the interests of both parties.

As you know the information put out by BWY made no mention of a financial disclosure being part of the meeting so I couldn't comment on that. Just that the union reps refused the offer by the company for the finances to be reviewed by a 3rd party.

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