Really?? Cheap fares!. SWA is no longer considered a discount airlines. In fact, most of its regular fares are more expensive than other major airlines. are correct until you do the looking at straight fares we are often higher. But you add all of the fees and we are usually the lowest by far. That is a fact. And when the new stupid passenger bill of rights pass all airlines will have to show their fees up front. Good for swa not so much for others.
You both have some valid points but miss others.
Southwest can be beat by other carriers most of the time for cheapest fare. Most that buy the cheapest fare usually pack the biggest carryon bag that they can to avoid baggage fees.
The big price difference is on unrestricted fares. I did a bit of flying IAD/BWI-SAT on my own dime. If I booked in advance, I could get a good fare on the legacies if I opted to not try nonrevving on United (as a furloughee, I could nonrev). The legacies - specifically AMR and DAL - always beat AirTran and Southwest's lowest prices. And I never checked a bag.
If I went the nonrev route, I would always buy a fully refundable ticket as a backup. That ticket was always purchased on AirTran or Southwest, although usually on AirTran. I never used any of those tickets; I always called in to cancel them once I cleared a nonrev seat.