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Skywest TA??? Pay??

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Don't sell yourselves out! Everyone does and they just take in the @$$ as a result! It's just a big carrot.

Its too bad most pilots are as short sighted as management.
Voting no..

Lets say I vote NO for the TA..which is my inclination...
Is my vote going to be as effective as a union vote?
How will the new folks (Hired the past 2 years) vote?:eek:
With my vote I will be asking our reps to go back and work a little bit harder.
It has to be a no vote. I am afraid what will happen in 18 months if its does pass.
Vote NO on the T/A! Nothing will happen, they come back with a new T/A and lower rates, vote no again, we still keep the current pay rates (Which are close to the top for 50 seats) The 90+ seat will NEVER show up on our ramp as long as we feed for UAL, DAL, CO or anybody else. And we won't be going out on our own.
If I am not going to get paid anymore, I don't care if we never see 70/90s. If there is no more money in it, then to fly it is an ego thing and that's not me. If the TA passes who's to say mngt won't want one pay scale for all aircraft under 99 seats, all at EMB rates? If we pass it now, they will be emboldened in 18 months when its up to see what they can get then. SAPA has done their best to throw t!ts on a boarhog, but its still not acceptable.
DAL and TA

DAL is getting their pay raise next month I think, and so far they keep their pay intact, meaning that this TA in fact will subsidize pay,retirement, medical,A fund, B fund, etc for the big brothers at DAL, every and each hour of hard work by the little jet pilots.

I think that you all at Skywest should ask for a pension and medical retirement benefits unless you have them now.

The majors will not be hiring for a very long time; therefore, most of you at the regionals will reach age 60 flying rj's and paying the bills will not be easy.

Vote "NO"
The more I think about it, the more this stinks.


You brought up a point that I just can't get out of my head. Not even $1.00 for flying something with almost twice as many seats. We have been the #1 on-time airline for two months in a row and not even a lousy dollar (or even some change for that matter).

Yes, I have only been here for 1 & 1/2 years and would like to fly bigger planes, but I would rather upgrade back in to the EMB with a better QOL than to fly double the passengers & basically take a 40% pay cut.

It truly is a race to the bottom with management toasting their glasses seing who can get there first!

Voting NO!

That is true. I actually heard that phrase from my friend who works there. It is ridiculous. How about $5 extra an hour, or some better work rules? How about something? The huge carrot of the 100-159 seat plane is just that, a carrot. Have they ordered anything yet? How long would it take to get those planes? Maybe you could have some of the discarded AA Fokker 100's? It doesn't make any sense. I think Skywest is a great company, but this trick is an old one.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: ;)

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