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Skywest TA??? Pay??

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I'm sure that both UAL & DAL would love it if this TA passed. They would suddenly let us fly 90's sit back and laugh!!!

The good news is that someone is taking a poll on the SAPA site. Last count (124 pilots) 60% were rejecting it. Let's hope more pilots reject this. If this does pass I for one sure don't care to be the #1 on time airline. I'll need all the App D I can get to make up for lost wages!!

I would also like to add good uck to the Chataqua guys with thir strike. We need to slam on the brakes on this race to the bottom!!
O.K. lets take a quick look at how things are here at SkyWest since 9/11. Zero fuloughs, zero paycuts. As far as all of this talk about management screwing us in 18 months, we don't have a unioun on property because there is no history of management screwing us. As far as same pay for 70s and 90s we haven't even ordered any and its not as easy as just changing our current order, there's a line kids. And windycity I would love for you to get a job with any other carrier because we can do just fine without ya.
I would love to know just how much more the company receives for flying a 70 seat RJ compared to the 50 seat?

Anyway, my vote will be a big fat NO!

Regarding the TA, it is just awful. When I read the darn thing, I felt like I was reading a high school research paper. Everything was so negative, but thank goodness for all the citations otherwise I don't think I would of believed the industry was in such a mess!

I will not be part of a group that will lower the already pathetic wages regional pilots receive. Even if it means no extra jet flying or loss of flying. I would just prefer to not have it.

"you can buy a lot with a buck or two"

The current "poll" on the SkyWest site is 60 % NO vs 40 % YES.

However, only 150 pilots out of 1450 have voted in this informal poll. And it's those 1300 idiots who don't read the message board with that "Duh, Im just happy to have a job. Duh, I'd fly for free. I love flying. Duh, I can't belive they actually pay us for this! Isn't this so much fun!!" attitude that always vote yes to stuff like this.

This TA is unfortunately going to pass by about a 80% yes vote, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Except maybe give a brain to all the genius Yes-Men we have here. But, as we all know from watching the Scare-crow in the Wizard of Oz, that it wont happen.
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"because there is no history of management screwing us"

Give it time young grasshopper....and you too will get to experience management screwing you.

There is a point where this job is no longer worth doing. I think we are just about there. I am not going to fly airplanes for 5 bucks an hour just so I can keep doing it. It has to do with principal, pride, and your feeling of self worth. I have spent too much energy, time, and money to get to this point to let someone tell me that I am worth such a little amount of money. I have too much responsibility to accept less than I am worth. Yes I am a professional and everytime I get in the cockpit I operate the aircraft as such, there will become a point where I will not get back in the aircraft. All you CFIs out there who are having wet dreams about my job can have it at that point. You will quickly realize why what we are saying is valid and you will also walk away.
VOTE NO!!!!!
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Surplus 1,

Well written - I agree with your analysis. And, although I agree with the General from time to time, I am NOT a Delta pilot - despite my best efforts to join the team in the past...

I hope the Skywest guys out there heed your advice and vote no - I agree that management gains everything in this case... I still can't believe that people would accept agreements that are NOT PUT IN WRITING.... You need to cover your a$$ nowadays...
General Lee said:
I can't believe it!! Surplus1 actually agrees with me!! Maybe I was right the whole time and he just didn't see it? Maybe I actually do understand the inner workings of this industry and can see through the smoke and mirrors? Or maybe this is an obvious problem that anyone could see? I think the latter.

Now don't get carried away over one li'l attaboy. You do handle the smoke and mirrors fairly well .... unless the smoke is coming from your own tribe and the mirrors reflecting your own desired images. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

On this issue you are on target and I have to give credit where due. Now if I could just get you to apply the same logic on the other stuff we could maybe take one more step in the right direction. Let's not try in this thread though, it's important and I wouldn't want to highjack it.

Heavy Set said:
Surplus 1,

Well written - I agree with your analysis. And, although I agree with the General from time to time, I am NOT a Delta pilot - despite my best efforts to join the team in the past...

Oooops, my bad. Apologies, I shouldn't have presumed. If that was your desire, sorry you didn't get there. It's been a good team in the past, just added a lot of young masterminds in recent years that have yet to reach the age of reason. They'll get there though. Good people most of them ... just frustrated and a little confused.

I hope the Skywest guys out there heed your advice and vote no - I agree that management gains everything in this case... I still can't believe that people would accept agreements that are NOT PUT IN WRITING.... You need to cover your a$$ nowadays...

I hope they do too, but candidly I see the glass as half-empty. For some strange reason airmen always seem to find it necessary to repeat the mistakes of history rather than learn from them. Nevertheless, I still have to hope for the alternative is truly scary.

Fly Safe and thanks for the kudos.

PS. Who are you with?
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Does it strike anyone else as odd that the Skywest bunch on the boards seems to be most gung-ho against this TA? The quandry is that they are the least well-equipped of the UAX carriers to actually fight it without a real union in place. The pilots elsewhere seem to have forgotten that unity, and therefore strength, comes from within the individual pilot, not from some magical force in Herndon. Sigh.
The following is a repost of comments I made in the "aca update" thread. The situations are so similar that I thought it was worth saying again here.

Originally posted by neflyguy
A common theme I've seen here, 'if the MEC and the negoatiating comitte have brought this back it must be a good TA.'

No one can tell you all what to do or what is best and I'm not trying, but you hit the nail on the head with that one.

Your union, and I'm not talking about the ACA group, I'm talking about ALPA, has a concessionary mindset right now. It is focused on the needs of the majors (like everything else in ALPA). If "the majors" have to take concessions, then of course YOU have to take concessionS too, because that is in "their" interest.

Negotiations have taken place because somebody has decided that they should take place. As soon as that decision was made concessions were a foregone conclusion; there was no reason to negotiate at all if concessions were not the intent of the eventual outcome. Therefore the outcome should be no surprise.

Whom do you think recommended to your MEC that concessions were a "good idea"? Any chance it was the same people that "recommended" the Mesa contract? Who "recommended" what happened at ALG/PSA/PDT? Who "recommended" the 16-year Eagle contract? Who is there in the road shows (besides ACA pilots) "recommending" that you should take the deal? Will they be affected by it?

Originally posted by Blueridge Just a word of caution for all those thinking that this TA will guarantee us continued profitablity and expansion.

This TA guarantees us one thing and one thing only. We will make less than we would have without the TA.

BINGO! You are 100% correct.

Sure UAL has to pick us to affirm the TA but so what. It does not say that UAL has to expand us or even to keep us at our current level. UAL could very well use us at half our current capacity or less.

Your batting average is still 1,000. What is the "purpose" of these concessions again?

Do you really believe that this is going to make UAL "pick you" when otherwise it would not?

This TA does not bring back those who have been furloughed nor prevent anyone else from being furloughed.

Right again, so who is it going to "help"? Is this actually going to protect your job? How?

This TA does not allow us to revisit the necessity of pay cuts if by chance the company winds up doing better than expected. We'd have to wait five painful years to do that.

You got that right too (except the wait will be more than five years). That translates to at least six to seven (counting negotiating time) to maybe get back to the numbers and rules you have today, minus the impact of COL increases that will undoubtedly occur in the interim.

Same question as before ... what is the true purpose of these concessions? Who are they going to "save" and from what?

Remember too that we are fighting for the business of a carrier that is in bankruptcy. There is no guarantee that they will emerge successfully. What happens if UAL accepts our bid but subsequently liquidates?

Another accurate statement, followed by a very pertinent question. I like the way you think.

If your TA is approved and UAL tanks or simply gives its business to a competitor, what happens next? Your Company will look for business elsewhere, and the most likely "elsewhere" will be ..... Delta ..... where your new "concessions" will likely force the other Delta Connections to match or better your concessions or the ones in the new SKYW TA or the AWAC agreement.

Bottom line .... little by little we are all being led like lemmings down the primrose path to making more and more concessions to profitable companies, none of which have so far benefited one single regional pilot and none of which is likely to do so. Meanwhile we race merrily along undermining each other, giving up our seniority to furloughed mainline pilots, sabotaging the negotiations at ASA and COEX and CHQ and benefiting whom? Management ... and a "labor union" with little if any concern for the welfare of its second class members.


I wish you luck, but this is one regional pilot (an outsider at ACA), who does not comprehend the madness. We all seem caught up it the willing rush to poverty and our own detriment, without logic, without reason, and with no visible or even promised benefit. That brings us right back to square one ......
This TA [and all the others] guarantees us one thing and one thing only. We will make less than we would have without the TA.

(Emphasis supplied)

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