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Skybus Toast

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Really? What part are you having trouble with?

I'll type slow....It is my understanding that Skybust hired some of the ACA 320 Yahoos. You know the ones. They were going to "put UAL out of business". They undercut the HE!! out of industry salaries.

Year Cpt FO
12 $140 $82
11 $138 $82
10 $137 $82
9 $136 $82
8 $135 $81
7 $133 $80
6 $132 $79
5 $131 $79
4 $128 $73
3 $125 $67
2 $123 $61
1 $120 $37

UAL A320 rates years 1-12 are $120-133. 12 year CA pay at INDY is $140.

I may get flamed for this but those rates are not bad for a first time agreement on a new fleet type at a traditional regional airline. I would amagine that the right seat of the Airbus will go pretty senior as it pays at year 5 more than a 50 seat jet rate in the left seat. I wish you guys the best with Indy Air.


We have a very talented NC. One member is a former Midway I pilot turned Wall Street/MBA financial analyst who was bitten by the airline bug a second time.

As far as the bid goes, the right seat went surpisingly senior -- mostly CRJ CA's. One guy was #110. I couldn't have held it and I am trading around 500 right now.

That the FLYi A319 right seat went was bid very senior shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. The usual way pilots advance to an A319 or 737 is to leave (generally as a captain) from a regional airline (often flying CRJs) and becoming an FO of an A319 or 737 (at 1st year rates) at another airline.

So the same thing is happening at ACA except the pilots don't have to leave the regional to access the A319.

In addition.... managenent wanted ALPA to lower those Airbus rates near the final days and the ALPA guys refused to lower the bar as they fell on their sword.
Just knowing that people like PlaneDrvr are getting all worked up is enough to encourage me to keep posting a few thousand more!


Sorry to disappoint you, but not "getting all worked up" at all. I just know 'what' you are, and so does everyone else.

The guys who when to work for skybus are just about the 'bottom' of this industry. However, the lowest of the low, are "PFT-ers" who are just barely above 'scabs' So, where do you stand in this industry??

Again, sorry for this disappointment, but don't care at all about you. Bye.

For what its worth.

I don't know about you, but I'll feel fairly compensated. Call me crazy, but it ain't about extorting max rates today only to lose my house next week when we go bankrupt because while I was getting that $325 to fly an RJ (without "industry minimum rates") some shmoes roll in and take all my pax because they are doing it at $50 an hour. I guess I'm just crazy though

You're crazy.

I never said extort. Why would the senior guys take a hit on their pay rates so we can have min rates?
Again, sorry for this disappointment, but don't care at all about you.
Your continued posts seem to indicate otherwise. But don't worry, I'll keep posting, just for you!
Finally, an airline 'closing' that is actually GOOD NEWS. Glad they are gone, and to think they didn't even last a year.

And, to the post above, sorry, but don't feel bad for the pilots; as they got what they deserved in taking the job in the first place. They were just 'oportuntists' (sp), taking a "Big Jet job" for NO MONEY, trying to get ahead at the expense of others in the industry. A year ago when they were hired, there were other, better jobs out there to be had, with better companies, if they really had the experience to get a Big Jet job.

Again, Glad they are gone.

For what its worth.


So how about those who scabbed at Eastern and Continental for Frank Lorenzo wages? Many of those are now Airtran and CAL pilots. How about all of the regional pilots that work for 19-20 dollars per hour. Do you lump them into the same group? Don't blame the just Skybus pilots. There are and have been plenty of opportunist out there. How about Mesa? Many good paying jobs today started off as Skybusses of their day, all on the backs of those that made this job into the job that many wanted. Who's to blame for the legacy pilot's massive pay reductions and loss of purchasing power. LCCs and the mediocre wages the wannbe pilots were willing to work for. Skybus is just the latest chapter in the ever present attack of the airline pilots quality of life and pay. Need a list? Here's one.

Peoples Express
NY Air
The new Continental
The new Eastern Airlines
Air Florida
Value Jet
Jet Blue

To name a few.
While I never agreed with the payscales at Skybus, I don't enjoy seeing a human being loose their livelyhood. It was always my wish that applicants would seek life elsewhere. Some probably could have, some may not have had a choice.

Regardless, as sorry as I feel for the human beings that are loosing their jobs, Skybus was an airline that hung like a weight around our necks. It was taking this industry backwards as far as compensation and competition was concerned. It is my sincere hope that all the employees affected by the latest casualties find employment elsewhere. Aloha, ATA, Champion, Sun Country and yes, even Skybus. They have families too.

The new problem with these huge losses of jobs, is that now we're getting close to post 911 pilot surplus numbers. This isn't good for anyone about enter, or in negotiations. I hope I'm wrong. Therefore, I hope that all of those that wish to continue in this industry find employment as soon as possible. Good luck to all of you, regardless of where you come from.
Year Cpt FO
12 $140 $82
11 $138 $82
10 $137 $82
9 $136 $82
8 $135 $81
7 $133 $80
6 $132 $79
5 $131 $79
4 $128 $73
3 $125 $67
2 $123 $61
1 $120 $37

UAL A320 rates years 1-12 are $120-133. 12 year CA pay at INDY is $140.

In addition.... managenent wanted ALPA to lower those Airbus rates near the final days and the ALPA guys refused to lower the bar as they fell on their sword.

Hmmm....try again....The string indicated that ALL pilots would get the year 2 rate...Thanks for highlighting another source of constant frustration...the myth of irrelevant payrates. Who the F cares what the 12th year rate was? They paid that to how many guys? It might as well been $500 an hour. Here's the deal, UAL was paying MOST of it's Capt's at the 12 year scale (which was higher then than the 133 you are quoting), Indy was paying ALL it's A320 Capt $120 and hour. UAL was paying ALL it's FOs in the mid 80's are better...Indy was paying all it's FOs $67....and there is the issue of the 15% B and C fund. So all told, UAL was paying it's crews a good 20% more IN BANKRUPTCY. But thanks for making me feel that much better about the financial prowess of my Union....and finally, the last thing you should do to "prove how smart someone is" to an economist, is to point out that they have an MBA (I have one of those also....completely useless):rolleyes:
I've answered all those questions and many others over and over again on this website. You can always use the search function if you're interested. I'm not repeating myself.

And no, I'm not going to "STFU." So sorry.

Little PFT boy didn't know any better when he signed up at Gulfstream..... Then he went to Pinnacle, because even though it was one if the worst regionals around it offered a quick upgrade.........

You chant ALPA, and have cut everyone down from SWAPA to APA......... and then go to a company with a in house union....

You are a sad little self serving hypocrite..........

Then he went to Pinnacle, because even though it was one if the worst regionals around it offered a quick upgrade.........
Worst regionals? Quick upgrade? In 2002? You obviously know not of what you speak. Upgrades were not quick in 2002, and our contract was industry-standard at the time. Thanks for playing, though.

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