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Skybus Toast

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Goodbye and good riddance.

My neighborhood could use a new gardener. For any former Skybus pilots, it might be worth checking into...it pays more (and no stock options as a part of the salary).

Adios, MFs.
I finally agree with Jimmy Corn!

Then managment might want max rates.
how will we feel if our company is making so much money that we could negotiate more...fairly... but were stuck...
To be very honest, I'm very disappointed in many of you being so smug thinking that you are better than others and dancing on the graves of others' careers! I may not have agreed with the pay rates of the likes of Skybus or some of the other companies out there, but I'll be damned if I'm the one to be passing judgement.:puke:

Then you just don't get it. I think we should be doing everything possible to get the folks who lost jobs at ATA and Aloha jobs. They are standup folks who went to work at established carriers. They weren't "pseudo scabs". The skybust guys....sorry, I can't say I have sympathy and I hope they leave the industry. I'm sure they can find work as manwhores.
Then managment might want max rates.
how will we feel if our company is making so much money that we could negotiate more...fairly... but were stuck...

Honestly, that is one of the most ASININE posts I've read here. I'm a STAUNCH ALPA supporter, but that comment makes me wonder just how out of touch our union is.

First, and pay attention, THE COMPANY ALREADY WANTS "MAXIMUM RATES". I'm sure the company would also like max rates for fuel too....how's that working for them? And before you go down the "can't make money at $100 a barrel" BS, let me remind you that they said the same sh1t about $50, $60, $70, $80, and $90. I'll let you in on a little secret....please don't leak it to the press, but PEOPLE WILL STILL FLY IF FARES GO UP!! maybe not as many...BUT THEY WILL. The problem is if ONE company pays rates LOWER than everyone else, they enjoy a cost advantage and invariably lower ticket prices in an attempt to get a bigger share of the pie, and the whole industry suffers.

But if "max rates" really concern you, I'll concede here and now that I will compromise with management on the issue....$250 an hour min rate for a 737 Capt and I'll accept a $275 max rate....See, I can be reasonable....
Did you really pay for training at gulfstream??? Thanks for lowering the bar.

Do you really work for Airtran?
Thanks for lowering the bar.

Yes he did, his daddy paid for his training at gulfstream. He is now born again, u know what they are like
Sorry, not gonna happen.

That's because you have nothing to live for besides the internet...how many sites do you have 1000 posts or more on???? You sir are one pathetic looser...Get a hobby, one that doesn't involve you being a dushebag
Did you really pay for training at gulfstream??? Thanks for lowering the bar.

Do you really work for Airtran?
Thanks for lowering the bar.

Yes, he did "really pay for training at gulfstream" Now, enough said, about who he is??

No room to talk about anyone else in this business, EVER.

For what its worth.


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