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Skybus Toast

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I will be the first to admit that I am glad to see the $10 fare disappear....but to do a grave dance over the livelihoods of so many families makes me sick.

PCL and his buddies are so quick to bring up someone else's past, but convienently forget their own. They stand on the shoulders of great men who brought the airline profession from ashes to it's prime in the late 90's and spew their ilk all over the internet.

The great professionals who built this profession would never, ever, high five each other on the demise of another. They would quietly rejoice that they had fought the good fight and in the end, had prevailed and then they would move on to the next mountain to move.

PCL has never known adversity, yet he speaks like an industry veteran who has seen it all.


He doesn't realize that this business is indiscriminate in who it takes and who it rejects. It can happen to anyone.

I will raise a glass to those who have fallen and to you as well.....I hope you prevail in your quest to return to AirTran, if that is what you want.



We are supposed to forgive PCL for his past, "he didn't know any better", yet he hopes the pilots at Usairways who support USAPA should be kicked out on the street, the pilots from Skybus deserve to be where they are... What a load.. Why shouldn't HE forgive those pilots for making mistakes. Self righteous to say the least.

I do not agree with Skybus, can't say I am sad to see them gone, do not agree on the pay and the pilots flying for them, then again I do not agree with Virgin as well. Yet that is ok for some (Lear), why, is 100K acceptable? So were is the defining dollar amount that makes you "ok" to work somewhere or a whorre, is it 90K, 89K?

Virgin is run by Carty, reason enough for me. Lear mentioned he would never have gone to Pinnacle as an FO, but as a Captain..Sure... So he did what he needed to at the time that was best for him. Not faulting him, just saying people have their reasons.

I can say now I would never fly at a company like Skybus, however I have also learned to never say never. It is called humility, it comes with experience, age, and education. Something PCL-128 has none of.

PCL graduated high school, and went to Gulfstream.... went to Pinnacle did some union work, and learned the history of ALPA and now is free to judge ALL others. He has ripped on everyone from pilots from his past company to Usair pilots, SWA pilots, AA pilots etc......

He read Flying the Line I and II and now can dispense wisdom to ALL of us, tarnish many good pilots (and people) because he knows best.

No, my problem is not with Skybus going out business, it like Andy said, my problem is with someone of PCLs experience and past pissing on the graves of others.

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I've been furloughed twice. Terminated once. Jobless 3 times as a result; it's not fun. That said, when I was fired there were a couple companies I didn't even consider, simply because I have enough self-esteem not to whore myself out. Skybus was on that list.

I feel bad for the FAMILIES of the pilots there. That said, I hope these pilots have learned a valuable lesson.

It doesn't matter how cheap the wage you take, it's not going to help your carrier survive, it's not going to last, and you only screw everyone else over.

Those of you who are bashing PCL are taking a cheap shot based on his background and refusing to acknowledge the fact that the pilots at Skybus screwed everyone.

Just because you don't like PCL doesn't mean that his message is any less truthful; taking a job at Skybus is indefensible, say what you will.

Here's hoping next time they won't try to short-change the system and screw everyone else in the process.

What about the pilots at airtran that helped bring down the wages of the majors. You are just as much at fault as skybus is. don't forget where airtran came from. (Valujet)

We are supposed to forgive PCL for his past, "he didn't know any better", yet he hopes the pilots at Usairways who support USAPA should be kicked out on the street, the pilots from Skybus deserve to be where they are... What a load.. Why shouldn't HE forgive those pilots for making mistakes. Self righteous to say the least.

I do not agree with Skybus, can't say I am sad to see them gone, do not agree on the pay and the pilots flying for them, then again I do not agree with Virgin as well. Yet that is ok for some (Lear), why, is 100K acceptable? So were is the defining dollar amount that makes you "ok" to work somewhere or a whorre, is it 90K, 89K?

Virgin is run by Carty, reason enough for me. Lear mentioned he would never have gone to Pinnacle as an FO, but as a Captain..Sure... So he did what he needed to at the time that was best for him. Not faulting him, just saying people have their reasons.

I can say now I would never fly at a company like Skybus, however I have also learned to never say never. It is called humility, it comes with experience, age, and education. Something PCL-128 has none of.

PCL graduated high school, and went to Gulfstream.... went to Pinnacle did some union work, and learned the history of ALPA and now is free to judge ALL others. He has ripped on everyone from pilots from his past company to Usair pilots, SWA pilots, AA pilots etc......

He read Flying the Line I and II and now can dispense wisdom to ALL of us, tarnish many good pilots (and people) because he knows best.

No, my problem is not with Skybus going out business, it like Andy said, my problem is with someone of PCLs experience and past pissing on the graves of others.


sounds to me like PCL just wants to jump ahead of everyone else whenever he sees the opportunity, ie...pay for training gulfstream, Street cpt at pinnacle, and attempted street cpt at virgin. To each there own, but sometimes the journey is part of the fun...

am sooo glad skybus fell apart, now if virgin just would soon. i know a bunch of guys at virgin, and although they are buddies, and most are good guys, they knew what they were getting themselves into when they left their previous jobs. and they also knew what type of label they would incur b/c of their decisions.
Dude back in 2000 I was making more as a D328 Captain for ACA, an excellent unionised regional carrier, than you ever did at Pinnacle but that didn't stop you from going to work there. You were only interested in the fast upgrade and you truely didn't or don't give a crap about your peers. God forbid that SWA eventually bid or takeover Airtran for I have little doubt you will wail and cry louder than a Banshee. You are solely about one person, yourself!!Again I say shame on you. You are one off the reasons why I personally want an inhouse union over at JetBlue as opposed to ALPA. I would be ashamed to call you a brother.
I'll give you an A-men to that brother! The Karma stick is gonna knock on his head some day.
So whar would you say to the pilots who started Southwest. Its all a gamble. Sometimes it pays off othertimes it doesn't.
Good Luck guys.

It could very well still pay off for (now former) Skybus pilots. Not many guys go from regional CRJ CA to Airbus Captain in less than a year.

For those of them willing to work internationally, they should be able to parlay their Airbus PIC time into a great paycheck in short order.

I suspect more than a few of the Skybus pilots who went there had something like this in mind. Probably thought they had more time than this though.
Steady progress - interest cards are filling the mailbox and the word is getting out.

I sure hope for your guys sake that it is not as disorganized as usapa! That place is an accident waiting for a place to happen!


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