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Skybus Toast

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Didn't know they were ever hiring street captains, especially those with no Bus time.
Of course they were, they're a startup.

They hired a first wave of instructors and check airmen who had to have previous bus time, then hired a second wave of Captains who had to have bus time, along with F/O's who had a lot of time who could upgrade quickly.

Then they hired fewer CA's and a lot of lower-time guys who were going to take a year or two to upgrade (seat locks were mentioned by I never saw anything in writing). Those CA's weren't required to have Bus time if they had high total time and lots of jet time with EFIS and FMS experience.

Those CA positions were the slots I told them I was interested in when they called me for the interview.

Just like when I went to PCL, I wouldn't have gone as an F/O and, compared to what I'm doing now (2 weeks on, 1 week off, Lear CA making $75k), it would have been a 33% increase in pay and a 50% increase in days off.

I'm not saying it's the best choice (amongst the limited choices I have), but there's a big difference between Virgin and Skybus. Hoping to see Virgin unionize in the next year and start negotiations so that, when we come out of this downturn in 2-3 years, they'll be positioned to actually change something.

Enjoy your weekend, and sorry if I came off kind of crass. Shouldn't post after having a bottle of wine,,, still thinking along the same lines but probably wouldn't have said anything. It's a sad day for their families. :(
don't know how to quote in a response. PCL 128 we both few for 9e and sold our souls there. you make me sick with all your alpa righteousness. get a life duckhead!

not sure if he sold his soul..... he did work to make your stay there a bit better.......
Now didn't Skyway just have their flying taken by SkyWest? I don't think high oil prices or the economy had much to do with them going away it was SkyWest taking over the flying. I wouldn't include them on this list of casualties due to high oil and the economy.

The end result was the loss of 300 pilots' jobs.

They are done tonight when all the flights land in CMH. Toast, gone, closed......

More pilots on the street.

Sun country parking 1/3

Will the next one to close please step up.................

Don't forget Big Sky is gone too!
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Respectfully, I disagree completely. Maybe the pilots didn't have any other option at the time. You have been around long enough to know that aviation enterprises come and go - look at the guys who are retiring right now at Fedex. They didn't have any great insight back in the 70's, they just needed a job and it panned out for them.

Unforunately the Skybus thing didn't work out for those guys. They are still out of a job and could easily be some of your friends.
you mean a glass.... ;)
No, I said it right the first time... Well, almost a bottle. 3 glasses over 2 hours during dinner then the season premier of BSG.

whats up with FL?
Just waiting.

System Board was deadlocked. Company has to post the minutes before the arbitration scheduling can move forward. Was supposed to be filed within 7 days. It's been 27 days.

NPA says they'll push for minutes soon, then 3 or so months to get it to arbitration, then wait for the arbitrator's decision.

Worker's Compensation case is moving forward, waiting for minutes from company before filing wrongful termination suit.

Thanks for asking, what's up with you? You kind of disappeared for a couple weeks...
I'm one of those rare, principled people that actually has some self respect and a over-employed feel for doing what I think is right. I don't shop at Wal Mart and I don't take jobs that pay a fraction of industry standard. I was actually in the job market at that time and the words actually came from my mouth: "I won't fly an Airbus for that kind of money."

I know, I'm the only one that gets left behind while people 'seize' opportunities that present themselves, but in this case look where it got them. Now, the families of these pilots I feel for. The pilots themselves? Pound sand. You knew what you were getting in to, and if you took that job for the time in the Airbus, well you got what you wanted so go forth and conquer. But, don't you dare come to me looking for sympathy. Anyone who took that job simply whored himself at the peril of the industry. I'll still buy you a beer if I meet you at a bar, but I'll walk as far as it takes to find the Busch Light you deserve.

I will be the first to admit that I am glad to see the $10 fare disappear....but to do a grave dance over the livelihoods of so many families makes me sick.

PCL and his buddies are so quick to bring up someone else's past, but convienently forget their own. They stand on the shoulders of great men who brought the airline profession from ashes to it's prime in the late 90's and spew their ilk all over the internet.

The great professionals who built this profession would never, ever, high five each other on the demise of another. They would quietly rejoice that they had fought the good fight and in the end, had prevailed and then they would move on to the next mountain to move.

PCL has never known adversity, yet he speaks like an industry veteran who has seen it all.


He doesn't realize that this business is indiscriminate in who it takes and who it rejects. It can happen to anyone.

I will raise a glass to those who have fallen and to you as well.....I hope you prevail in your quest to return to AirTran, if that is what you want.


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