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Sky West pilots response to mgt

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Things are different when you're not in the top tier of pilots, Skynation.

You RJ guys got your last raise and Brasilia guys got NOTHING. PBS is a disaster for anyone in the bottom 3/4 of the list.

When the pay package came through, more than 3/4 of the FOs on the Brasilia were first year pilots. They did all get a raise. The people that got screwed were the 10 year guys in their cozy little west coast domiciles who refuse to go to the jet. That's their choice. The Brasilia is a dying airframe, just ask anyone who flies it above sea level... Being able to take 20 passengers and 15 bags doesn't help much when the flight is oversold.

Everyone I fly with or talk to who complains about PBS admits they don't know how to use it, and haven't bothered to read the instructions. I'm supposed to feel sorry for them??

It will be interesting to see what comes of the vote. The day after the pay package passed, everyone was complaining in the crew lounges, yet 30% didn't even BOTHER TO VOTE. Just look at what happened at Colgan... apathy is rampant.

I couldn't resist, but I hope everyone is flying the Brasilia above sea level! :) I flew it for a while, but I doubt it would make a good lawn dart.
It's not my fight. But ALPA sure didn't do much for Mesa in the nearly 10 years I was there (other than take 10,000k from me).

They haven't done much for any of the majors in the past 10 years either.

ALPA is by far the WORST pilot union out there. Corrupt, expensive, and most unforgivable . . . they are ineffective.

Form your own union or join a different one, if you must. But ALPA is a joke.
When the pay package came through, more than 3/4 of the FOs on the Brasilia were first year pilots. They did all get a raise. The people that got screwed were the 10 year guys in their cozy little west coast domiciles who refuse to go to the jet. That's their choice. The Brasilia is a dying airframe, just ask anyone who flies it above sea level... Being able to take 20 passengers and 15 bags doesn't help much when the flight is oversold.

Management in St. George is busy high-fiving and slapping themselves on the back knowing they've successfully divided the Skywest pilot group into "haves" and "have-nots".

Just look at what happened at Colgan... apathy is rampant.

There is a delicious irony in this statement relative to the rest of this fool's posting...
It's not my fight. But ALPA sure didn't do much for Mesa in the nearly 10 years I was there (other than take 10,000k from me).

They haven't done much for any of the majors in the past 10 years either.

ALPA is by far the WORST pilot union out there. Corrupt, expensive, and most unforgivable . . . they are ineffective.

Form your own union or join a different one, if you must. But ALPA is a joke.

Would mesa have been better w/o alpa?
Would mesa have been better w/o alpa?

great question. any answer is purely hypothetical, however.

in contrast, where they are today is what it is, and the facts are evident. Mesa pilots have one of the worst, if not the worst, contracts out there. This contract was negotiated for them by ALPA via their MEC, and ALPA approved it.
When is the damn vote? I'm tired of always coming on to FI and having to read about all the bitching going on at SKW.
Would mesa have been better w/o alpa?

I used to buy this line. However, it's flawed thinking.

This is more properly an argument against working for Mesa in the first place. Because even though Mesa would have been worse without ALPA:

WITH ALPA, Mesa was (and is):
  • still a terrible place to work; it simply is a non-employee friendly place run by awful managers
  • ALPA takes nearly 3% of your paycheck in dues then . . .
  • ALPA tells you that the place "could be worse" . . . .
  • ALPA says "things will get better in the next contract" . . . as things get progressively worse and worse.
After seeing this go on for 10 years, the only logical assumption is that ALPA does not work at the regional level. ALPA has a long list explaining why it's not their fault, but the fact remains: membership is compulsory, and people should reasonably expect something for all that dues money. Something better than:

"Well, it could be worse"
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At Mesaba if it wasn't for the union during the bankruptcy the pilots would have had no say when the company wanted to impose its terms.

ALPA gave our MEC over 4 million dollars to fight the company during the bankruptcy. In the end we did give concessions but they were negotiated and approved by the pilot group. Had there been no union we would have no say so and I shudder to think of what circumstances we would be now working under.

By the end of this concessionary contract we will have gotten back most of our lost wages through the snapback provisions. We kept our work rules, min day, sick time, trip guarantee, etc and got a claim in the bankruptcy worth ~20k per pilot. Not bad for a union that 'doesn't' represent the regionals.

Why is Mesa's contract the way it is? It is my understanding that during the last negotiations that a lot of things were given up in order to stop Freedom and any future type entities at Mesa. Different pilot groups different priorities. Now with their contract amendable I am sure they will end up with a much better contract although it will be a long fight.

Things are great at SkyWest right now and I hope they continue to be so. Should the unthinkable happen there like at Mesaba, be it a bankruptcy, real or imagined, or some other event without a union the pilot group will have no say in their future, the company will impose its will upon them.

It just isn't about contracts either. For example, I keep seeing things on the SkyWest threads about the PBS. We have that coming to Mesaba as well. But with the union we have a scheduling committee and a say so in how the PBS will operate, most importantly how much open time will be alotted which makes all the difference in a PBS system for all involved. Plus an eye to make sure the company isn't tweaking the sytem to thier benefit.

I also see many complain about the union dues. It is just about 2% and is tax deductible.

Which every way you SkyWest folks decide, good luck.
Management in St. George is busy high-fiving and slapping themselves on the back knowing they've successfully divided the Skywest pilot group into "haves" and "have-nots".

There is a delicious irony in this statement relative to the rest of this fool's posting...

Besides management, who are the "haves"?? I "have-not" had a COLA in almost 8 years...

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