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Sky West pilots response to mgt

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Jerry and Co. were bullied into buying ASA to preserve their position with DAL. given that scenario, they are doing what they can, but I agree they'll probably shrink ASA as their loyalty is to SW, the airline they built all these past years.

I also agree with the results of the aforementioned unscientific poll conducted among pilots at SW. I'd put the results are more like 30% FOR, 60% AGAINST.
I dare you to post any w-2 that shows the majority of sky west cr2 cpts making $80k I would venture to say there are a few but not the majority. What about the CR7 we have plenty cpt's making $120k +. If ALPA fails at Sky West I can guarantee you that you will never see a CR7 or CR9 rate even close to ASA, CMR,CHQ. JA would have no reason to ever give you what you are worth or he can easily afford.
John Pennekamp is dead on if the union fails, JA will know that there is no voice, no threat, no money for the pilot's to use to bargin, Sky West will always be behind everyone else. As a matter of fact he can take from you and there is nothing anyone can do about except quit or complain.
Skynation, You know what's more retarded than voting ALPA down? Having a union drive every couple of years, crying wolf to management and then voting it down. How many more times do we have to do this? If you think it'll be the last union drive if it gets voted down, think again. On the subject of hourly rates I agree that one has to look at more than hourly rates when it comes to compensation but at the same time why shouldn't we have the highest hourly rates? Aren't we the best regional? (as so many claim) We are the largest independently owned "regional" and one of the most profitable airlines in the world. We should have the highest hourly rates. Period. If we aren't willing to help raise the bar, other pilot groups don't have chance. How is this profession going to keep improving? What we do as a pilot group has an effect on the profession whether you like it or not. This "I don't care about other pilot groups, all I care about is myself and SkyWest" mentality that so many SkyWest pilots have is shortsighted and selfish.
I dare you to post any w-2 that shows the majority of sky west cr2 cpts making $80k I would venture to say there are a few but not the majority.

you dare me, huh? well my dad can beat up your dad!

I've already been excoriated for posting W2 info here. if you want to know, start a new thread, called something like 'SkyWest pilots, how much do you make?'

you must not have been around for the last go 'round of this discussion. many, many ASA guys confirmed that we do better here at SkyWest overall.


the threat of a union is better than having one, even though I agree it's retarded to have one drive after another. don't complain to me, however. I didn't start it. if what they were selling were more attractive, it'd pass easily. heaven knows they've gotten the their message out, it's just that only a minority is buying.
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WWE fan,

as has been proved, there is more to pay than hourly rates. I guarantee I make more at the end of the year than most if not all other CR2 pilots at other regionals in my seat and seniority. (3rd year CA, will make mid-80K range this year on reserve, rarely pick up OT or do any extra flying)


do you mean 35 when you say the 'last couple of years'?
Again you are spewing $hit again, 3rd year CPT making mid 80k. Yeah right, if you go to the company website and add the cost of the krappy socalled health insurance, SSI and every other thing they can add to make you think that the blue kool-aid is really tasty. Guess what that kool-aid come out the back of a RJ, and you are swilling like there is no tomorrow. I am a 9th year CPT and will not get anywhere that number, unless you use all the company supplied propaganda. 3rd year CPT, whoohoo WTF, you arent even a journeyman yet. grow up you putz, you are starting to sound like hellownewwoman. "Those who refuse to study history are doomed to repeat it" Here we go, you and the rest of unkle ricos lap puppies will screw the rest of us. You are an embarrasment to all workers. The great irony is you will get exactly what you deserve, a$$pounding!
Just out of curiosity, how and when did BH get the nickname "uncle rico" and why? Skynation, The threat of union becomes less and less effective each time we vote it down. At some point we will have to follow through. It is a matter of time before SkyWest will be union. I'd rather not wait until we get royally screwed over.
You still have no response to the CR7 rate???? You will never see it without a real union. Apply $102.59 to your flight time and rigs and it's alot more than the $92 and change SKW pilots top out at......

hello Sunshine! you still work here? how can you stand it, man?! I thought you'd moved on since you hate this place sooooo badly. either that or imploded in on yourself in a fit of company hating, self-loathing, ultra negative rage.

so, here we go again.

Me-3rd year CA, some of the year will be 4th. pay rate is like 63 bucks/hr.

63/hr x 105/hrs per month avg. credit =6489
6489 x 12 months = 77868
plus per diem, which for me will be between 5-6K=$83368

plus all the other crap you mentioned

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