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Sky West pilots response to mgt

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I'm glad your experience was different. Perhaps you didn't have a management group that was so wholly anti-labor to begin with at Coex? Mesa's CEO is notorious for his labor relations.

10 years of ALPA ineffectiveness at Mesa is easily 1/3 rd of a pilots career. For what ever reason, ALPA does not add significant value to the pilot's life at MESA.

And here you say how bad JO is and was, and then in the same breath say that ALPA was totally ineffective. I would venture to guess that without a union in place JO would have abused the pilots much more than he did. And I love how everyone blames ALPA national. ALPA is made up of pilots, that work for YOUR airline. If you were unhappy with it then why didn't you get involved and try to make it better? Or were you one of those guys that just likes to sit around and complain instead of trying to fix things?

And as far as ALPA not doing anything for the last 10 years or so, I bet that's not what people were saying in 2000 when UAL and DAL signed their huge contracts.
Me-3rd year CA, some of the year will be 4th. pay rate is like 63 bucks/hr.

63/hr x 105/hrs per month avg. credit =6489
6489 x 12 months = 77868
plus per diem, which for me will be between 5-6K=$83368

plus all the other crap you mentioned

Per diem doesn't go on your W2, but you knew that.

Plus, if you're getting $6000 in per diem then you're spending an awful lot of time away from home. Not exactly something worth bragging about...

hello Sunshine! you still work here? how can you stand it, man?! I thought you'd moved on since you hate this place sooooo badly. either that or imploded in on yourself in a fit of company hating, self-loathing, ultra negative rage.

so, here we go again.

Me-3rd year CA, some of the year will be 4th. pay rate is like 63 bucks/hr.

63/hr x 105/hrs per month avg. credit =6489
6489 x 12 months = 77868
plus per diem, which for me will be between 5-6K=$83368

plus all the other crap you mentioned

Lets see so if you are at $63 and you should be around $68 x the 105 hours a month you claim thats $7140 x 12 = 85680 That means you are short $7812 a year or $650 a month under paid.

You still havent mention anything about the CR7 rate being low....... lets apply a real CR7 rate and see how much you are NOT making!
Again you are spewing $hit again, 3rd year CPT making mid 80k. Yeah right, if you go to the company website and add the cost of the krappy socalled health insurance, SSI and every other thing they can add to make you think that the blue kool-aid is really tasty. Guess what that kool-aid come out the back of a RJ, and you are swilling like there is no tomorrow. I am a 9th year CPT and will not get anywhere that number, unless you use all the company supplied propaganda. 3rd year CPT, whoohoo WTF, you arent even a journeyman yet. grow up you putz, you are starting to sound like hellownewwoman. "Those who refuse to study history are doomed to repeat it" Here we go, you and the rest of unkle ricos lap puppies will screw the rest of us. You are an embarrasment to all workers. The great irony is you will get exactly what you deserve, a$$pounding!

Okay man, we get it. You're all about the irony of calling "blue-juice" koolaid, and so any Skywest pilot that doesn't support ALPA likes drinking from the lav. It's funny, and good on ya' for making that connection. But that was like a year ago, and it has since worn thin.

Maybe you could pick up the Uncle Rico thing and run with that for a few months, it's still pretty fresh. I'm just trying to help your game. Oh yeah, another tip, maybe you should lay off the "asspounding" for a bit too.
Yeah, the Uncle Rico thing is still pretty good.:p


do you ever wonder why you are one of a small handful of people defending SGU's every move? Where's the guy who spent his career at SkyWest defending their noble actions? Where are the 30-year employees writing their love sonnets to our management. Why is it, the only people who can ardently defend our management's actions haven't worked at SkyWest very long? Get a clue. We're tired of the same-old rhetoric. If I wanted to hear from Uncle Rico's parrot, I'd
give our SAPA VP a call.
If you are at Skywest and 30 years or younger, do you like that Skywest continues to go after larger and larger airplanes for less and less pay? If you do, you're SCREWING yourself and your future. A clamp needs to be put on this company, a clamp that is in favor of companies that already fly heavy metal. Not micky mouse jets.

As for the actor guy how are the disney channel shows treating you?
Fellow Skywest pilots,

While ALPA tries to convince you that you need them, they are providing free job hunting seminars for the ASA pilots as things continue to deteriorate over here...... We are quickly going the way of ALG, CCAir, ACA, and CMR.....

Think very carefully about your decision, as it will be almost impossible to reverse....

Instead of a free Kit Darby seminar to help me leave, I would rather ALPA protect my job, but they are not capable of that.... instead, they will help me with my resume...

Maybe I can become a Skywest pilot....

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