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Rip nji

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RAJ, let me handle this one!

OK...whatever you said is right because most of us don't have a clue as to what the point is!

Now, what do you think about this?
NetJets has shelved plans for a $200 million operations and training campus in Columbus, Ohio, and is instead going forward with a more modest $21 million expansion to its existing complex at Port Columbus Regional Airport. It will build a new 140,000-sq-ft facility that will be connected to NetJets’ existing Bridgeway Avenue facility to help implement plans to consolidate its headquarters and operations in Columbus. About 1,300 employees will eventually work at the combined grounds, which will also allow room for “significant” expansion. “As part of our response to the recent recession and its effect on NetJets’ business operations, we concluded last fall that this was an appropriate time to consolidate our corporate and operations headquarters in Columbus,” NetJets chairman and CEO David Sokol told AIN. “As such, we have closed five offices outside Ohio and relocated all of their related functions to Columbus, including the office of the CEO, operations, general counsel, sales, marketing and aircraft purchasing.” He added that just relocating its Easton office to the nearby Bridgeway facility will save NetJets about $900,000 per year.

You are confusing duties and responsibilities of the COMPANY with the duties and responsibilities of the UNION

Company's job is to make money. Unions job is to represent pilots.
A month or two ago a comment was made

"Regular Line Pilots should not be Union Stewards"

That Elitist statement says it all right there and may very well dictate our futures.
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Given the speed with which the company wants to consolidate, it seems single carrier would have been solved by the company on its own. Looks NJI was lucky to have an LOA, the terms of which the union is watching very carefully for compliance by the company.
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Several points to keep in mind....

The NJA pilots demonstrated their approval of the negotiated integration process in an overwhelming vote in favor of the IBB package which included the much-discussed LOA. Had they disliked it as much as Raj tries to claim, it wouldn't have passed. A handful of people negotiated it--true--just like every other CBA issue. But it was executed only because the pilotgroup gave it their approval.

Old, I agree that the NJI pilots were lucky the LOA was in place and that the integration process had already been started when cost-cutting measures began. It is quite possible that the LOA and/or the NJASAP umbrella saved them from the cut backs faced by non-unionized employees.

Raj, actually.... I think that it was a regular line pilot who voiced his opinion that only those who demonstrate an exceptional knowledge of the CBA should be Stewards. There's nothing elitist about putting your Volunteers to work for the pilotgroup in the area they're best suited for. There's a ton of work involved in running NJASAP and many pilots who contribute time and expertise quietly in the background. Kudos to them all!

Voting vs not voting amonng the NJA pilots is something of a glass half empty/half full discussion. I see it as half full because their voting record is better than that of the general populace in national/state elections and consistent, if not better, than other Unions. The bottom line is that the majority did vote and decided to continue under the direction of the same NJASAP president that was instrumental in bringing them the 2005 contract; the IBB package; integration; and the Preventive Measures program that kept NJ pilots employed a year longer before their ultimate furlough. It appears to me that the majority of NJA pilots recognize that the EBoard has been working very hard on their behalf. As one who follows NJASAP issues very closely, I am in complete agreement with their public assessment.

Enjoy the holiday weekend if you're off, guys. Have fun celebrating later if you're out flying. NJW
A month or two ago a comment was made

"Regular Line Pilots should not be Union Stewards"

That Elitist statement says it all right there and may very well dictate our futures.

Yup. I said that, and stand by my statement. It takes a special kind of person to be an effective Steward for NJASAP.
The bottom line is that the majority did vote and decided to continue under the direction of the same NJASAP president that was instrumental in bringing them the 2005 contract; the IBB package; integration; and the Preventive Measures program that kept NJ pilots employed a year longer before their ultimate furlough. It appears to me that the majority of NJA pilots recognize that the EBoard has been working very hard on their behalf. As one who follows NJASAP issues very closely, I am in complete agreement with their public assessment.

About 1300 out of nearly 2300 eligible voters cast ballots. Votes for Mr. Luthi totalled 828, or 36% of eligible voting members. More than half voted, but last time I checked 36% is well below a majority count. No doubt some are happy with the current state of affairs, but 44% didn't even bother to vote. Could be they just don't care, or maybe they didn't care for any of the candidates. And don't say more should have stepped up. Anytime a newbie appears, they are shot down as not having enough experience, or more accurately, are not part of the click this group has become. As involved in the union as you and your family are, I would hope you would avoid the spin tactics prevalent in politics these days. Listen to those outside your circle of supporters for a change. You'd be suprised how a lot of members feel right about now.
and the Preventive Measures program that kept NJ pilots employed a year longer before their ultimate furlough. It appears to me that the majority of NJA pilots recognize that the EBoard has been working very hard on their behalf. As one who follows NJASAP issues very closely, I am in complete agreement with their public assessment.

I'm sorry but I don't look at is "having the priviledge of KEEPING my job for a year longer...

I see it as receiving a sense of false hope for an extra year. Since your neither a pilot, nor was your husband furloughed, it is something you simply would not understand in regards to NJA.

If it would have been known last May that.."hey guys you will be furloughed in January, but we can keep you employed until then so start applying to other jobs, get your financials in order, sell the house if needed, start working your contacts etc..."

Instead we were in a heightened state of limbo for a long long time, unable to accept any other crappy employment if needed, unable to sell our homes because there was a chance we wouldn't need to, we couldn't commit to anything because NJA couldn't decide what to do. Granted we had a few options, take an LOA (if you had the resources to take a long term huge paycut on the chance you wouldn't have ever been furloughed)...

Personally I would rather have known a year ago that I'd be furloughed in 6,9,or 12 months. And could have taken my current job much sooner if possible, instead of taking it under duress and uprooting my family on very short notice. And even though I found a fun job that pays more than NJA, I still had to move my family away from home and away form the grandparents, aunt's, great grandma's etc... Time that my family will never get back from my 18 month old.. For that I will remain forever bitter at the whole company.

We're not family.
~ David S
If I saw DS now I'd smack him upside his bald head along with his ugly wife....... No offesne to those who are bald or have ugly wives......

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