To make HUGE jumps in logic and conclusions that you passionately claim are "true", and representative of the whole group-majority, most likely has to be based on more information that the rest of us don't have.
Personal conclusions (opinions), which I really have no problem with
(I actually support) after all this is FI, of course.
The disagreement I have with you and the opinion or view that I have is,
its simply your opinion, not the pilot group's.
Don't drag, or misrepresent other pilots opinions into your desperate attempts to appear to have a valid voice for the group.
It's fairly obvious you haven't been/or viewed the website, or signed up for the furloughed NJ pilots facebook site (not that you can anyways), or spoken with too many furloughed guys.
I still don't understand where you are coming from with "speaking for the majority"..Are you saying the majority of furloughed guys aren't ticked off? Or don't feel a bit shafted from NJA. Or weren't ticked off about the NJASAP boot?
My only opinion when it concerns the merger is that people sound a bit whiney.. Unless you have me confused with another CRJ poster?? I haven't claimed to have any insider info or otherwise..
So again I still don't know where in left field your getting the idea that I have posted info about what the pilot group wants....I never have. I've never said "so and so wants this, or the pilot group is feeling this way. " Other than the obvious, which I could go to either of our msg boards and prove very easily..
-Guys are ticked....Do you refute that?
-Many, and remember I said many not all, feel shafted about the union board access.And the lame excuse about it being unlawful...Do you refute that?
-Sokol is a numbers guy, who doesn't appear to care about customer service as amuch as RTS.. do you refute that?
-Many of us do not see how the 5 year fleet plan jives with the expected recall dates... You can't refute that because you don't have an expected recall date....your not furloughed!!
-Many of us don't think DS is the mesiah simply because he cut costs and saved a few bucks..Any manager in business could have seen the waste and done the same thing...
-Many of us feel that a bit more could have been done to aid in job searched by the union or even the company....
1)NJME/EJM....theres is absolutely no reason we couldn't have been given pref. interviews at either company(instead we received a subscription to Do you refute that?
-Many of us feel that NJA is becoming less customer serviced based and more dollars concerned... Which will reduce our product quality, and since we're more expensive than the competitor...Hopefully you can see more than a foot in front of you nose and see what will eventually happen...
-The unions attempt at aiding through the UI process was a disaster. The unions help actually made it worse. I completely did it on my own and got through it the first time... again you can't refute that because you didn't receive that MASS JOB LOSS number..
The only things you've posted about is how we're wrong and have supported it with no thoughts of your own. Just attacks or coments labeling us NJ haters, disgruntled.. Calling us ex-FO's etc...
If you can honestly say that any of the above isn't how many feel. I'll consider saying your the king of NJA. I'll even go as far as saying, "I love Crepes"
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