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Rip nji

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Raj and his very small minority buds won't get their wish-the LOAs are firmly in place. The vast majority of us want to minimize any impact. In fact, we are also in favor of the protections afforded you. I just wish we were given some good deals as well, as the fences in place prevent the vast majority from ever seeing the left seat of any G.

I think the last part of this paragraph is exactly why the first part of your paragraph is untrue.
Time to give it up Raj, no rational person is listening to you anymore regarding this issue.
Time to give it up Raj, no rational person is listening to you anymore regarding this issue.

You are the one no one is listening too. Instead of a logical well thought out argument against what I said you come on here with a personal attack. The reason for this is because you know I'm 100 percent right.

Bring some facts with this sour milk you bring.
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None of what you have presented has been fact. All of your information is "all the pilots I have talked with feel this way" and "I know this is how the pilots would vote", which most rational NJA pilots know is bullcrap. Then again, maybe you are in the 5% and only associate with the 5%, in which case you'd be an a-hole, and I'm willing to give you more credit than that. So please, stop pretending.
None of what you have presented has been fact. All of your information is "all the pilots I have talked with feel this way" and "I know this is how the pilots would vote", which most rational NJA pilots know is bullcrap. So please, stop pretending.

You don't have a clue about this pilot group if you are going to make a statement like that.

There are many pilots laughing at you when they read this comment you made. If you are that clueless I guess you deserve to be laughed at.
Have a great day, Raj! :) I do have to say that all of the pilots I have flown with there are much more rational than you. Your last comment asserting your opinions, against the plenty of other pilots on here disagreeing with you, sort of confirm that.

A serious question. IF the merger was not taking place, do you think that the pilots would have kept their 401k's and health bennies being that you would not have had any protections? The company killed the f/a's bennies and I imagine the company would have done the same to the pilots. That being said, the pilots would have taken huge pay cuts in terms of bennies and God knows what else. In this case, the CBA has protected a lot of stuff for you guys. Maybe I am wrong, but what do you think? And no, I am not trying to rub it in, start a fight or anything, just an honest question..

Honest answer: I have no idea. I can't prove or disprove a negative. All I can do is analyze what is. For me and every 9 + year G pilot, the integration will be a pay cut. There will be those that take the 18 day schedule that make more on paper but the idea of working 21% more days for 7-8% more pay doesn't cut it for me.

Like any other proposition, there are pros and cons. My entire point was refuting the notion that I should pay back dues to a union I had no voice in joining.

And imac, thanks again for being one of the voices of reason and civil discussion.
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You are a very very confused and misinformed puppy.

The pilot group prior to 2005 wanted to make sure that NJI was not taking work from NJA pilots with the Gulfsteam side. That does not mean that we wanted to merge and become 1 pilot group. I have never flown with a single pilot that wanted to merge the 2 pilot groups or seniority lists or even cared anything about it.

Do you think that survey information is remotely accurate? I have never been asked anything about integration in surveys I have taken. On top of that the questions are asked in a manner in which we can't even say exactly what we want to say most of the time.

The merger does make sense economically. No doubt about it. I don't think we need different HQ buildings all over the country. I understand the business end of this deal. I just don't believe that NJA pilots ever really wanted to merge seniorty lists.

Why now on an "anonymous" chatboard are you spewing this venom?
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You don't have a clue about this pilot group if you are going to make a statement like that.

There are many pilots laughing at you when they read this comment you made. If you are that clueless I guess you deserve to be laughed at.

Appears a new messiah has been discovered. :rolleyes:
This person claims to know the majority of what the pilots at NJA think.
My whole argument against you and your friends is that you don't represent or speak for the pilot group.
You tend to use the words "we" as if you are speaking for the union or a significant number of pilots.
You do not speak for me or the union, you had nothing to do with the bargaining of the integration LOA, you are not a recognized SME.
You are embarrassing yourself.
I have my personal feelings about the integration, but as a member of the union I have to accept the fact that I exist in a union, and put my faith and loyalty in the drafters/Subject Matter Experts of the LOA.
raj who appears to have a terribly long (decade)wait before he could even hold PIC on the G wants to simply spread his disappointment on innocent fellow pilots.
A successful integration is where everyone on both sides of the integration "feels" equally screwed.
raj your logic is becoming circular and mostly a waste of time.
Have fun, I've given you and your buddies too much attention.
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Appears a new messiah has been discovered. :rolleyes:
This person claims to know the majority of what the pilots at NJA think.
My whole argument against you and your friends is that you don't represent or speak for the pilot group.
You tend to use the words "we" as if you are speaking for the union or a significant number of pilots.
You do not speak for me or the union, you had nothing to do with the bargaining of the integration LOA, you are not a recognized SME.
You are embarrassing yourself.
I have my personal feelings about the integration, but as a member of the union I have to accept the fact that I exist in a union, and put my faith and loyalty in the drafters/Subject Matter Experts of the LOA.
raj who appears to have a terribly long (decade)wait before he could even hold PIC on the G wants to simply spread his disappointment on innocent fellow pilots.
A successful integration is where everyone on both sides of the integration "feels" equally screwed.
raj your logic is becoming circular and mostly a waste of time.
Have fun, I've given you and your buddies too much attention.

Please produce some facts to back up your own argument. You can't pick on me for not having FACTS unless you bring some facts to the table. You have no facts so you continue the personal attacks.

I will also guarantee you that most of us have no interest in ever bidding the Gulfstream. Again you prove how little you know about what this group wants.

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