???? Where have you been? NJASAP and IBT284/1108 before them have been pounding the table for YEARS (at least for the 11 I've been here) to integrate the pilot groups. It was one of THE major bones of contention in the 2005 contract talks because the VAST majority of the membership demanded it.
And, let me see if I've got this straight. I am required to: join a union that I did not vote for in an organizing election, watch 27 pilots get furloughed when we weren't overstaffed, take a pay cut for the next 4 years, give up major quality-of-life benefits the job has always provided, and watch another 50 of my co-workers lose their jobs and you want me to PAY $20-25,000 for the privilege?
Most of us accepted the integration as a fact of life long ago and are trying hard to see the benefits down the line but I am just VERY thankful that NJASAP is actually run by people with a CLUE and not people that believe as you do.
You are somewhat misinformed. While it is very unfortunate any were furloughed, the whole company was overstaffed due to decrease in growth. And all but 50 or so NJI pilots were upgraded to captain in the last two years. Now there is a 90% capt to FO ratio. There are G captains six years my junior. Who got the better deal there?
Pay cut? Hardly. You get the option of keeping your salary and work rules or CBA rules and pay. On top of that, the company will true up the higher amount regardless of your choice at the end of the year on a case by case basis. Fact is, the vast majority of NJI pilots will get a significant raise due to OT, after midnight, and holiday pay in the CBA. Quite the protections granted without paying any dues at this point.
Where do you get 20-25k? It's 1.5% of gross. You must have misplaced a decimal point. You won't spend half of your annual per diem on dues-a benefit you don't get now. Besides, add up the salary differences and those QOL issues you have had and still get to keep after all these years and tell me you got the short end.
All the majority want is equal treatment for all. You guys have and still are getting the better deal, and the folks I've been paying dues to for years pushed the whole deal in 2005 and 2007.
I realize change like this is uncomfortable and unsettling, but when you add up the differences there is no question who comes out on top-those that have always been on top. I'm sure if you sit down and think about it, even you will find some justification for 2800 pilots to feel a bit miffed when NJI pilots complain about the change.