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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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A clarification is needed: You would be recalled BEFORE any new payrates are voted on,since a contract is at least a year or two away.YX pilots are in class right now.So no,the payrates won't be equal to the old YX rates for NOW.

You are assuming that the IBT will still remain the bargaining unit at RJET. There is going to be a MASSIVE representation drive after the SLI is complete. As an F9 guy, I hope that it will be a new independent union, but I will be happy with ALPA. As long as it is not IBT, everything will be ok.
You are assuming that the IBT will still remain the bargaining unit at RJET. There is going to be a MASSIVE representation drive after the SLI is complete. As an F9 guy, I hope that it will be a new independent union, but I will be happy with ALPA. As long as it is not IBT, everything will be ok.

Uh,looks like the assumption is all yours.Where did you see that ? I'm sure there will be a representation drive,and nobody is happy with the IBT.But you have to admit,an independent union doesn't have the resources that a national union does.Up until now,you haven't needed it,but you're not dealing with rational,logical management anymore,as you will soon see.F9 had a MUCH better labor/mang. relationship,but those days are gone,alas.The IBT knows what is at stake and they're going to have to step up to the plate in the meantime or they're toast.
When you stated that the pay rates were a year or two away I did assume you were referring to pay rates within the current section 6 negotiations.

If a new bargaining unit is established, we will have to start from scratch. That is a good thing considering what the IBT is currently working with.

Your point regarding the IBT exactly why I don't want them. If they are just now "stepping up to the plate" as a response to possible competition for the business, they don't deserve the right to represent me.

FAPA understands very well what it is like working "with" Heller and is band of idiots. There are some enormous violations of our CBA occuring, and they are being dealt with in a very efficient and expeditious manner. There is virtually no communication between the teamsters and republic. In fact, during a road show with Bedford if flatly stated that "I don't even talk with the teamsters, there is no leadership to even communicate with even if I wanted to". I believe the roadshow was taped so it can be found somewhere on the web.
Doesn't anyone realize that the "branded operation" is based on cheap labor? Its all about cheap labor, and management will fight anyone & everyone to keep it that way. They don't care whether the pilots fly a J-31 or an IL-96M, they want it done cheaply. Who knows how far they're willing to go to remain cheap.
Uh,looks like the assumption is all yours.Where did you see that ? I'm sure there will be a representation drive,and nobody is happy with the IBT.But you have to admit,an independent union doesn't have the resources that a national union does.Up until now,you haven't needed it,but you're not dealing with rational,logical management anymore,as you will soon see.F9 had a MUCH better labor/mang. relationship,but those days are gone,alas.The IBT knows what is at stake and they're going to have to step up to the plate in the meantime or they're toast.

Does your keyboard not allow you to put a space after a comma or period? Trying to read this is like trying to read my 5 year old nephew's crayon scribblings.
I've yet to see one post on this subject advising a legal, effective action that RAH pilots could have taken. Not one post. A lot of bitching, and "I woulda done this!" type stuff, but no actual advice. The RAILWAY LABOR ACT is killing us here and until that changes, pilot groups will always be bringing a knife to a tank battle.

Republic PILOTS are 100% responsible for HOLDING UP the integration process allowing over 130 more Midwest pilots on the street, such that RAH is now hiring off the street. This is their responsibility 100%.
A clarification is needed: You would be recalled BEFORE any new payrates are voted on,since a contract is at least a year or two away.YX pilots are in class right now.So no,the payrates won't be equal to the old YX rates for NOW.

I'm finding it hard to follow what you're trying to say, but since you seem to be late to the party, here are the facts:

1. Midwest's MD80s were taken out of service when the fuel prices spiked in 2008-2009.
2. Midwest's B717s were configured for 99 passengers.
3. Midwest's management demanded massive paycuts (to Republic's payrates).
4. The Midwest pilots said "He!! no."
5. Republic pilots said "We'll fly 99 seat airplanes (E190s) for the rates Midwest management has proposed."
6. Midwest management said, "Sweet, that's alot easier than negotiating with our own pilots!"
7. The Republic pilots all hold hands and say "It's not our fault, really, it's not. Please ignore the fact that we completely destroyed any chance for Midwest pilots to negotiate a reasonable payscale that is in line with industry standard (and keep their jobs) and that we have collectively lowered the bar for the entire industry." and "Don't blame us, blame management." and "We need to put food on our table." and countless other similar stupid statements.
8. All 400 Midwest pilots were laid off.
9. Midwest pilots are rightfully p!ssed off, as every narrowbody pilot in the industry should be.

The simple fact is that if Republic hadn't had such ridiculously low 99-seat payrates, neither company would be in this situation.

#5 is by no means a "Fact."

Those payrates were negotiated in 2003, when Chautauqua Airlines was still a fledgling commuter carrier. Air Wisconsin also flew similar sized airplanes back then (the BAC jet) and RAH's captain rates are nearly identical to those. (I know the RAH FO rates are lower due to the single payscale.)

Nobody in 2003 could have predicted the events between RAH and Midwest in 2008-9.
Nobody in 2003 could have predicted the events between RAH and Midwest in 2008-9.

BS. The 170 was sitting on the ramp in Indy during the negotiations. There was no secret that the BB was chomping at the bit to fly larger aircraft. I personally told every pilot I came in contact with that there shouldn't be rates for anything larger than 50 seats in the contract. Anyone who was on property in 2003 who didn't think that BB was going to go after larger aircraft and more outsourced flying are complete idiots. None of this is of any surprise. I maybe didn't know which airlines would feel the brunt of BB's megalomania, but to deny that no one could have known is plain foolish.
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#5 is by no means a "Fact."

Those payrates were negotiated in 2003, when Chautauqua Airlines was still a fledgling commuter carrier. Air Wisconsin also flew similar sized airplanes back then (the BAC jet) and RAH's captain rates are nearly identical to those. (I know the RAH FO rates are lower due to the single payscale.)

Nobody in 2003 could have predicted the events between RAH and Midwest in 2008-9.

If you have an option for 99 seat jets in your contract, you MUST negotiate rates appropriate for those airplanes.

If BB puts a provision in the next contract to take over the soon to be outsourced manned flights to low-earth-orbit are you going to do those for $37/hr in the right seat? I agree it's highly unlikely NASA is going to choose RAH for the space shuttle replacement, but if Bedford wants to negotiate for it, you better believe he's thinking it's a possibility and you BETTER negotiate reasonable rates.

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