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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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I suspect that YX pilots could have offered to fly the 190 for free and you would have never seen an aircraft. At the time your managment was looking for a quick sale and busy packing their golden parachutes. Buying/leasing a new fleet and adding it to the cert. was a pipe dream. Guys writing training programs was just window dressing to string you along and keep the 717 flying for a few more months.
Republic PILOTS are 100% responsible for HOLDING UP the integration process allowing over 130 more Midwest pilots on the street, such that RAH is now hiring off the street. This is their responsibility 100%.

Lol Responsible for holding up the integration process? Lol Explain that one.
Lol Responsible for holding up the integration process? Lol Explain that one.
Didn't you get the memo ? We meet at BB's house wednesdays for cigars and brandy and mock YX pilots.
Lol Responsible for holding up the integration process? Lol Explain that one.

I'm sorry is it not RAH pilots who run the local IBT chapter? Before Frontier was a given (ie RAH or SWA) we could have been integrated. Republic's IBT leadership CHOSE to wait and allow 130 more MEH pilots to be furloughed.

We chose? Lol

Real funny. This coming from a group who willfully are represented by crooks. As far as I'm privy, not a single pilot has had the nads to stand up a a union meeting and proffer a recall. These are people you are comfortable with representing you in a SLI? And you wonder why the rest of the profession has zero faith that you will achieve anything resembling a industry standard contract. BB knows that of the soon to be 3000 pilot seniority list, close to half really don't have the backbone to pose a real threat.
I'm sorry is it not RAH pilots who run the local IBT chapter? Before Frontier was a given (ie RAH or SWA) we could have been integrated. Republic's IBT leadership CHOSE to wait and allow 130 more MEH pilots to be furloughed.


Feet were dragged on a YX/RAH integration, that is fact. And it was also the right call. Otherwise at this moment we wouldn't have a combined YX/RAH list, that would still be in an arbitrator's hands, and a YX/RAH/F9/L3 list would have to be contingent on the outcome of that first integration, consuming yet more months. Ridiculous. The best option to get YX pilots back in a narrowbody is the current state of affairs, grim as it may seem.

If things had gone your way, the best outcome would be some small number YX pilots possibly slated to fly E-jets in the future at the RAH rates that had already been rejected. Remember, even if there hadn't been a delay as you demand, we likely still wouldn't have seen the first integrated list by now.

You've been served a silt sandwich, no one denies that. You don't have to like it. But within months we will all be on the same seniority list, and the seeds of disunity sown now accomplish nothing and serve no one.
Real funny. This coming from a group who willfully are represented by crooks. As far as I'm privy, not a single pilot has had the nads to stand up a a union meeting and proffer a recall. These are people you are comfortable with representing you in a SLI? And you wonder why the rest of the profession has zero faith that you will achieve anything resembling a industry standard contract. BB knows that of the soon to be 3000 pilot seniority list, close to half really don't have the backbone to pose a real threat.

Perhaps you forgot your pilot group was too stingy to part with a measly .7-1.% to pay for your furloughed guys COBRA.From FlyDaPlane,2002:

"Pilots voted down by almost a 2 to 1 margin a projected .7 to 1.0% assesment to give a health care stipend ($250) bucks a month for their fuloughed pilots. Thanks a lot guys! (by the way my cobra costs $780.00 a month)
We'll remember this when we're working on the new contract and you start crying about retirement. In the "brotherhood" of the union, you all just showed your true colors. What comes around goes around.

Has any other carrier's pilots voted down a program instituted by their own union to help their own furloughed pilots?

Selfish, selfish, selfish! Enjoy that .7 % "

Defend THAT,as I know you will.Looks like your "brotherhood" extends only to your own wallet.Oh,since we get a lot of guff for a contract ratified in 2003,let's look at those mighty mainline payscales,hmm:

AT717 ATA737 FRT
2963 3000 3355 1
4012 5072 4137 2
4346 5647 4717 3
4751 6234 4982 4

8607 10506 8876 5
8948 10638 9074 6
9277 10758 9248 7
10838 11620 10150 max

Max 737-800 at AirTran is 12247.

Wow,so a third year F/O on a Tranny 717 made a whopping $6 an hour more than a maxed-out RAH F/O (based on a 100 hour month).Fifth year and not even breaking $5,000 a month ?
It's funny to hear a RAH guy knock any 717 rates. How about your own rates your leadership let go bye bye with the MEH pilot contract? You know, the rates based on an airplane that had fewer seats than the 170 you fly.
"Wow,so a third year F/O on a Tranny 717 made a whopping $6 an hour more than a maxed-out RAH F/O (based on a 100 hour month).Fifth year and not even breaking $5,000 a month ?"

It's hard for me to follow what your post is saying (as you've pointed out I'm not too bright...) but according to APC a 3rd year Tranny FO makes $61/hr. If my 2nd grade teacher was correct, that is substantially greater than $43/hr (which is your alleged $6 more than a topped out RAH F/O). Please double-check that though so I can correct Mrs. Jones if it turns out she was wrong...

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