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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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Perhaps you forgot your pilot group was too stingy to part with a measly .7-1.% to pay for your furloughed guys COBRA.From FlyDaPlane,2002:

"Pilots voted down by almost a 2 to 1 margin a projected .7 to 1.0% assesment to give a health care stipend ($250) bucks a month for their fuloughed pilots. Thanks a lot guys! (by the way my cobra costs $780.00 a month)
We'll remember this when we're working on the new contract and you start crying about retirement. In the "brotherhood" of the union, you all just showed your true colors. What comes around goes around.

Has any other carrier's pilots voted down a program instituted by their own union to help their own furloughed pilots?

Selfish, selfish, selfish! Enjoy that .7 % "

Defend THAT,as I know you will.Looks like your "brotherhood" extends only to your own wallet.Oh,since we get a lot of guff for a contract ratified in 2003,let's look at those mighty mainline payscales,hmm:

AT717 ATA737 FRT
2963 3000 3355 1
4012 5072 4137 2
4346 5647 4717 3
4751 6234 4982 4

8607 10506 8876 5
8948 10638 9074 6
9277 10758 9248 7
10838 11620 10150 max

Max 737-800 at AirTran is 12247.

Wow,so a third year F/O on a Tranny 717 made a whopping $6 an hour more than a maxed-out RAH F/O (based on a 100 hour month).Fifth year and not even breaking $5,000 a month ?

What does you group not having the balls to recall crooks have to do with the selfish upper seniority guys at YX voting down furlough support? I didn't vote as I was one of those furloughed. Like comparing apples to dingle-berries.

I have no clue what new math you are using but it stinks. FIRST year FO pay at FL is $6/hour more than top FO pay at repugnant. Third year is 65% above top repugnant pay. Fifth year at min is over $5000/month but I'm sure there are very few getting 70 hours. Probably looking at closer to $6000. Max 737-800 pay at Airtran is $173/hour. Again your numbers work for min pay but if you are on the top of the payscale there is virtually no chance you are working min pay by choice.

You forget a couple of things. FL contract is poor at best but it's light years above yours. Of that $6000/month a 5 year FO is being paid, $630 more is going into their retirement. The highest paid pilot at repugnant doesn't get that much.
"Wow,so a third year F/O on a Tranny 717 made a whopping $6 an hour more than a maxed-out RAH F/O (based on a 100 hour month).Fifth year and not even breaking $5,000 a month ?"

It's hard for me to follow what your post is saying (as you've pointed out I'm not too bright...) but according to APC a 3rd year Tranny FO makes $61/hr. If my 2nd grade teacher was correct, that is substantially greater than $43/hr (which is your alleged $6 more than a topped out RAH F/O). Please double-check that though so I can correct Mrs. Jones if it turns out she was wrong...

Yes,you are challenged-those are 2003 rates,the same year RAH's contract was signed.Those aren't exactly industry leading for mighty MAINLINE pilots flying mighty MAINLINE jets,now is it ?
Yes,you are challenged-those are 2003 rates,the same year RAH's contract was signed.Those aren't exactly industry leading for mighty MAINLINE pilots flying mighty MAINLINE jets,now is it ?

Dude, you crack me up. Their rates are alot higher than your mainline rates flying my mainline jets... And as I recall Airtran just sent in a 98% strike authorization vote. Does your group have the balls to stand up and do what is right like that? So far all signs point to the fact that you're a bunch of entitlement minded selfish children...
By the way - you say I'm challenged but I'm pretty sure my math was right on. I'm not sure how the year the contracts were signed is relevant, they still blow your payrates away...
Yes,you are challenged-those are 2003 rates,the same year RAH's contract was signed.Those aren't exactly industry leading for mighty MAINLINE pilots flying mighty MAINLINE jets,now is it ?

So then I guess you are just pointing out bad your contract is. Seems the FL contract, which I already pointed out is awful, has done a much better job of keeping up with inflation than your sorry POS. The wise pilots at FL have also seemed to be much better at being proactively planning for a multitude of potential avenues that their management could use. You guys couldn't plan for a airplane that management told they were interested in and actually was sitting on the ramp. So now you have FO's flying around aircraft for half of what they should be making because your brainiac negotiating committee couldn't see that 2 year upgrades won't last forever. On top of that they couldn't foresee a problem with negotiating rates based on number of seats? How about cancellation pay? That was a stroke of genius.
Does your group have the balls to stand up and do what is right like that? So far all signs point to the fact that you're a bunch of entitlement minded selfish children...
I'm a selfish child? You don't even know me. Not very "adult" of you. It's disheartening that you think that "all signs" are your limited discussions with a very small group of RAH pilots (or those who claim to be) on the flightinfo message board. Just sayin.'

I don't know that we would return a 98% strike vote but I firmly believe that we would break 90%. I'll be the first in line to cast my vote. I'd do it right now if I could. In the mean time I keep working, stay away from any "branded" flying (I have a MCI overnight in June on the Airways side, be nice on the hotel van), and keep adding money to my strike fund. I plan on being able to walk without a second thought for at least 8 months, should it be necessary.

Honestly, I'd like to see as many YX pilots as possible come over. I have numerous reasons but the biggest reason being that I would love to walk a picket line with you guys. You know why? Because that would mean that we have stopped fighting amongst ourselves and are now united in our fight against the real enemy.
I'm a selfish child? You don't even know me. Not very "adult" of you. It's disheartening that you think that "all signs" are your limited discussions with a very small group of RAH pilots (or those who claim to be) on the flightinfo message board. Just sayin.'

I don't know that we would return a 98% strike vote but I firmly believe that we would break 90%. I'll be the first in line to cast my vote. I'd do it right now if I could. In the mean time I keep working, stay away from any "branded" flying (I have a MCI overnight in June on the Airways side, be nice on the hotel van), and keep adding money to my strike fund. I plan on being able to walk without a second thought for at least 8 months, should it be necessary.

Honestly, I'd like to see as many YX pilots as possible come over. I have numerous reasons but the biggest reason being that I would love to walk a picket line with you guys. You know why? Because that would mean that we have stopped fighting amongst ourselves and are now united in our fight against the real enemy.

Interestingly, in testimony before the NTSB last week, an Air Wisconsin Captain, Line Check Airman and FAA Designated Observer said that regional pilots (particularly F/O's) are of an entitlement mentality and it is a potential threat to professionalism and safety.

I went to college with a number of guys that are currently at Republic (and the sister companies) and all I hear out of them is bitching. I have literally NEVER heard a single one of them say a positive word about their jobs. They bitch about pay, schedules, work rules, hotels, commuting, labor/management relations, etc., etc.

I don't remember ever hearing that kind of complaining when I was at Midwest and never felt that way myself, despite the fact that the whole time I was there I was commuting to reserve and living in a crash pad. It's called paying your dues and we've all done it. It's time for the entitlement-minded crybabies to grow up...
Interestingly, in testimony before the NTSB last week, an Air Wisconsin Captain, Line Check Airman and FAA Designated Observer said that regional pilots (particularly F/O's) are of an entitlement mentality and it is a potential threat to professionalism and safety.

I went to college with a number of guys that are currently at Republic (and the sister companies) and all I hear out of them is bitching. I have literally NEVER heard a single one of them say a positive word about their jobs. They bitch about pay, schedules, work rules, hotels, commuting, labor/management relations, etc., etc.

I don't remember ever hearing that kind of complaining when I was at Midwest and never felt that way myself, despite the fact that the whole time I was there I was commuting to reserve and living in a crash pad. It's called paying your dues and we've all done it. It's time for the entitlement-minded crybabies to grow up...
By all means, since some guy said that "regional pilots particularly F/O's are of an entitlement mentality" then it must be so.

Do you want to know why all of your friends who are at RAH complain about stuff while you "never hear complaints like that at YX?" It's because YX was an LCC. A real airline. RAH is a regional airline and the pilots are treated as such. It doesn't sound like you had the pleasure of flying for a regional. It's too bad b/c that's where 121 pilots pay their dues. Regional airlines try to provide the worst QOL out there b/c they don't want the pilots to stick around. They don't want the high payroll costs associated with pilots making it a career destination.

I'm sure RAH has some of those "entitled" pilots, I'm also sure that those pilots are at every airline and many other companies out there.

Quite frankly I find it incredibly offensive that b/c I'm an FO at a regional airline then I must have an entitlement mentality and I'm incredibly unsafe and anything but a professional.

Interestingly enough, I came to a regional airline with only slightly less TT than you had when you went to your LCC. B/C you went to an LCC and I went to a regional, does that mean that you don't have an entitlement mentality? Does that mean that you are more of a professional than I? The 40+ yr old member of the Air Force who was in my initial class...is he less professional b/c he chose to go a regional? It sounds to me like you feel that these problems only exist at regional carriers. Something you need to know is that all of those former regional pilots moved on to bigger and better airlines taking their bad attitudes with them.

Have I ever bitched about my commute? Yes. Have I complained about our payscales? Yes. Have I complained about how RAH treats me? Yes. Who hasn't complained about stuff related to their job? Even my wife has days where she just needs to vent about something. It's perfectly normal.

I enjoy flying airplanes. Do I want to fly airplanes for RAH for the rest of my career? Not a chance but I do hope that I leave a better airline for those who remain than what I found when I came here.
By all means, since some guy said that "regional pilots particularly F/O's are of an entitlement mentality" then it must be so.

Do you want to know why all of your friends who are at RAH complain about stuff while you "never hear complaints like that at YX?" It's because YX was an LCC. A real airline. RAH is a regional airline and the pilots are treated as such. It doesn't sound like you had the pleasure of flying for a regional. It's too bad b/c that's where 121 pilots pay their dues. Regional airlines try to provide the worst QOL out there b/c they don't want the pilots to stick around. They don't want the high payroll costs associated with pilots making it a career destination.

I'm sure RAH has some of those "entitled" pilots, I'm also sure that those pilots are at every airline and many other companies out there.

Quite frankly I find it incredibly offensive that b/c I'm an FO at a regional airline then I must have an entitlement mentality and I'm incredibly unsafe and anything but a professional.

Interestingly enough, I came to a regional airline with only slightly less TT than you had when you went to your LCC. B/C you went to an LCC and I went to a regional, does that mean that you don't have an entitlement mentality? Does that mean that you are more of a professional than I? The 40+ yr old member of the Air Force who was in my initial class...is he less professional b/c he chose to go a regional? It sounds to me like you feel that these problems only exist at regional carriers. Something you need to know is that all of those former regional pilots moved on to bigger and better airlines taking their bad attitudes with them.

Have I ever bitched about my commute? Yes. Have I complained about our payscales? Yes. Have I complained about how RAH treats me? Yes. Who hasn't complained about stuff related to their job? Even my wife has days where she just needs to vent about something. It's perfectly normal.

I enjoy flying airplanes. Do I want to fly airplanes for RAH for the rest of my career? Not a chance but I do hope that I leave a better airline for those who remain than what I found when I came here.

I can think of at least two reasons that you shouldn't take the entitlement comment personally: 1. I was merely referencing what was said on the record at an NTSB hearing on professionalism; and 2. It seems like the statement doesn't really apply to you.

Furthermore, I don't claim to be any more or any less professional than anyone else regardless of their (or my) position, experience or background. I fly with the same professional attitude whether I'm in a Skyhawk, Citation or Boeing. I don't believe (and didn't intend to imply) that EVERYONE at regional airlines lacks professionalism or that EVERYONE has an entitlement mentality - once again, it certainly doesn't seem to apply to you.

Finally, I know these problems don't only exist at regionals, however, I think some regional pilots better get comfortable with the fact that it could be the end of the road. As I'm sure you're aware, regionals do half of the flying in the US and as you all continue to fly larger and larger jets, mainline jobs continue to go away (400 at YX for example). It's time that regional pilots start negotiating reasonable contracts that pilots can live with long-term. It's the only way to arrest the death-spiral the industry is presently experiencing.
"I enjoy flying airplanes. Do I want to fly airplanes for RAH for the rest of my career? Not a chance but I do hope that I leave a better airline for those who remain than what I found when I came here."

Well, that's an idea. Here's another one: Some of your new coworkers have been working at places where you could hang your hat for the duration (problems on the business side notwithstanding). Looks like were all stuck here for a while, let's see if we can't make a destination airline out of this place? Works for me...

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