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Regions Air????

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This is pretty good. You guys have your own "mini crackpipe" located just within this very thread. Who needs their own pilot website when FI will host it for free.
This is pretty good. You guys have your own "mini crackpipe" located just within this very thread. Who needs their own pilot website when FI will host it for free.

Regions Air pilot's will always be welcome to voice their complaints on FI. Seems one of the Mods use to work at Corpex, and may have not left on the best of terms.
We used to call it Kotex......you know....to stop the bleeding?

I was present when that was coined...geeze...I think that I said something about how jballs were kind of shaped that way, all you have to do is tie a rope to the tail...

and yet we even had hope for better...

how innocent we were...

well, maybe not...but a heck of a sense of gallows humor!


There are kotexers/crapexers all over the world. Ran into someone that knows someone I know from there in Okinawa of all places...it's a small world once you get into a machine that has long legs.

The company has been a long unserviced lav on the back page in the annals of avation history. While the fun we shared learning 121 will be remembered well and remain dear to us as individuals, the company has left no mark-sadly, it will be forgotten by all but to those it owed money. The crews that outhouse has produced have been and continue to be legend . Regardless of the outcome for the company the drivers will be fine.

In fact, they have the world to gain!
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This is pretty good. You guys have your own "mini crackpipe" located just within this very thread. Who needs their own pilot website when FI will host it for free.

Hey now, don't the pipe for free AND complain....
Regions Air pilot's will always be welcome to voice their complaints on FI. Seems one of the Mods use to work at Corpex, and may have not left on the best of terms.

As well he should have. The terms, as altered to fit the company's mood were, ah, shall we say warped to serve as another income stream...

As their's may well be the most reasonable...we did try to make it work. Noone can fault the crews that it it hasn't. It goes back to the saying "Failure to plan is planning to fail." Quite frankly through unnegotiated sacrifices in pay and benifits every hourly employee of Regions Air have conritributed to the company's continued existance-without promise of reward for their personal sacrifice...or the loss to their familys.

More than one crewmember was told that "you don't see the big picture" when advising hq of problems...

I have come to the conclusion that when a headquarters fails to listen to advice from the people that make the company function on a day-to-day basis it is time to get out. If you can't trust the people that are bringing in the cash, all is lost.

Well, fact of the matter is that the folks in the trenches sometimes have a better view of the imediate threat than HQ does-a common failure in American business practice.

No better example has been presented than out of MQY.

May others study their failures and take heed...
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Don't be envyous of my superior German genetics, rapist wit and fantastic hair!

Yeah, your name sounds distinguishably German! LOL Are you sure your folks didn’t come from that country where they put rearview mirrors on their tanks?

My track record speaks for itself (and you know what I mean!)

True – money can buy you anything!!! ;)

So when you are done waving white flags at other countries and sucking on Ricola herbal mints, give me a buzz and we'll do lunch (you know where)!

LOL – wrong country brotha but that’s ok, at least you didn’t say I was from Norway like some highly abusive flightinfo’ers had in the past. :)

With your new "bounce-able" paychecks it sounds like all lunches will be on me for quite some time...

So what’s the latest folks, who’s going where? Any good news? C’mon give us some good news please – this thread gets so depressing…
"you don't see the big picture"

Isn't that the stick figure drawing hanging up in HQ titled "The Big Picture" ?:D


The good news is that all but one of the FOs on the CLE side have job offers/interviews with other 121 operators. That's pretty good news. One fella went 135. He was the only man I knew who mastered the Saab in a matter of minutes. Went by the name of Doug. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel: cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red, like the fires of hell. But I digress...

Not sure about the Captains, but I am sure they will be fine with their experience.

Predictions or Comments on the Bears/Saints game this weekend???
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Saints.. man.. the Saints...

All of us will find other jobs, it's just finding the right job and hey.. we'll all get a raise!! :D
The Panthers...uh, the Seahawks...uh...don't listen to me, I pick the loosing teams...

Last sunday I was drinking my breakfast and I guess I was the only one in the place that was cheering for the Seahawks...I looked up and yelled out something about "get him-stop the sob!" and all these angry looking sunburned Chicago fans turned and glared at me...
Yeh, I was pulling for the Hawks, had to support the Bama boy.. :D

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