Right now the only regional that can hold their heads up is Horizon. The rest of the regional industry has a lot of catching up to do. Lets face a lot of guys are somewhat comfortable at their regional and will never move on some guys will be stuck there. Regionals will be some pilots careers and it isn't the regionals of the past. Regional pilots need to start insisting on better pay, better benifits and better QOL! PSA pay is not less than Mesa's, mesa still sucks and not much will change that until mesa pilots move out of their mother basement and grow up and stand for whats right. Regional pilots think they have no say in their improvements, well if you would all just stand for a common goal you will. Stop letting management intimidate you. Right now people think the industry is in the toilet and yes it has been, but the tide is turning and I hope every regional pilot strives for Horizon payrates and better, besides Horizon can't move forward unitl you guys catch up! everyone is behind and instead of pointing fingers saying it's their fault take responsibility and know your own worth. Contract negotiations are always a work in progress. Right now, all the mainline groups are fed up with RJ's and everyone I know is making a stand to try and recapture scope. You may think well if they do it will hurt us regional pilots, no it won't. Hopefully it will provide positions at your mainline brothers to grow. Regionals will always be there, I spent 8 1/2 years at the regionals and then moved onto a mainline carrier. Trust me even with the consessions at mainline the QOL and treatment is far better than I was ever treated at PSA. PSA guys right now should be ashamed of theirselves, I haven't been there in a few years and miss the good ole Dornier, but the PSA guys could have done better and their union leadership should be fired but they won't because so many PSA pilots voted for these new rates. I just hope you guys have a bigger plan since you are in contract negotiations like most of the industry is. Just my 2 cents