If you're on the reserve schedule at netjets and like it you're going to lose a lot. Hard days are going away, read the union message board. On the 18 day schedule you will be able to request certain days off. Totally up to scheduling to grant them. I'm pretty sure you will go out for one 8 day tour during the bid period. Think about the utilization they'll get out of you then. On the reserve schedule now I'm able to place my H days before and after my vacation in a way that allows me to get 25 days off in a row, so that's another loss. I like the flexibilty of the reserve now to get certain days off I need every month and it's not at the whim of scheduling whether you get them or not. 7 and 7 doesn't allow me to do this nor do the new schedules. So these new schedules are a big win for the company and a loss for the reserve guys now.
Lets see FRDA is going away, can you say more crew rot. No thanks, I do enough crew rot the way it is. The whole purpose of FRDA was to prevent this when you didn't have a plane to fly or one crewmember missing. Now we're going to just let them keep us there a hour longer and multiple times a day. I'll wait until 2010 unless this changes in the final proposal.
Schedule bidding every year on June 1st so now junior guys can't plan anything for the summers because they might lose their line. How about making the open bid earlier in the year. Unless this get fixed in the final proposal it's a no vote for me.
Lets see FRDA is going away, can you say more crew rot. No thanks, I do enough crew rot the way it is. The whole purpose of FRDA was to prevent this when you didn't have a plane to fly or one crewmember missing. Now we're going to just let them keep us there a hour longer and multiple times a day. I'll wait until 2010 unless this changes in the final proposal.
Schedule bidding every year on June 1st so now junior guys can't plan anything for the summers because they might lose their line. How about making the open bid earlier in the year. Unless this get fixed in the final proposal it's a no vote for me.