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Pinnacle Air Services

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slickmagneto said:
(Quote= Ritz)Maybe your imaginary girlfriend or boyfriend will put up with your verbal abuse but we won't. Toodles Mac.

Therapy can help you with your fascination of imaginary people. Did you change your screen name so you could become an imaginary PILOT?

Okay Slick! Whatever you say! HAHAHA!

  • Don't go away mad...Just go away...
Hey TennLear! Don't give up on Ritz. He seems to have thin skin and unable to take constructive if somewhat stinky critisism. Ritz. Clue in on this. I think I found your personality on the web. Correct me if I am wrong in my assessment. http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...0&q=german+kid

As for your comment of being off the wagon. Well, I am usually nowhere near the wagon. I enjoy life too much to be on the wagon. However, I do speak my mind, and I don't sugar coat my thoughts. It seems that you cannot handle that. I still think that you are the former director of training. Why aren't you still there? Couldn't do your easy job? It's quite easy. I do this simple but mundane job in my flight department. Although, we have 9 pilots and three planes to keep up with. I don't know how much you had to keep up with, but that's where a simple spread sheet comes in to help. I know this was all an assumption. I just love to debate though.

P.S. Did you not like my "you stink" comment?
I forgot to mention that my one of my duties today is to arrange recurrent for two of my pilots and upgrade for another. Man, should I be swamped?
Wow. I haven't had milk squirt out my nose in a long time. Thanks for the link. I'll have to show that to the guys I fly with.
we have 9 pilots and three planes to keep up with

Is that 3 whole airplanes Mac? Sounds like a very impressive operation Mac and looks like you are doing a hell of a job over there too at least in your own mind.

I am glad you speak your mind and everything you have said is very profound too. Quite the Diplomat Mac. Your tact and interpersonal skills are just perfect for 3 airplanes.

Mac the stink commentary or "you stink" was very profound where did you come up with that? You just go too far with the rebuttals, LOL, I just can't tell if you are communicating or it's flatulence because everything that comes of your mouth is just crap. When Mac is insulted he rebuts with a poor quality video from Google so let's play your game then Mac. BTW, that was OK I was hoping to laugh harder. Your passengers, cargo, and I are hoping your flying skills are better than your video selections. I think I can do better. We'll call him Tom, this is probably what it's like to fly with Mac: http://thetravisty.com/Saturday_Night_Live/wmv/Iceman_-_The_Later_Years.htm

It's you MAC you're the ICEMAN...

Keep Livin' the Dream Mac!
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Any chance we can get back to the topic of this discussion and find out what's going on with the possible merger/buyout? JR pilots got an e-mail today from the VP of Ops that basically said the future of JR looks good, but that the VP can not comment on all the rumors circulating the company. Still left in the dark....
Starcheckdriver. I haven't heard anything either. Then again. I haven't talked to our CP about this in about 3 1/2 weeks. I hear a rumor once in a while. They are just that. Just rumors. I don't know when the deadline is either. Today is the last day of the month. Maybe we'll hear something tomorrow.
Great idea starcheck. It's still just rumors at PA. If the buyout does happen, I hope it's a win-win for everyone. PA is a fine company so you should not have anything to worry about. It seems that the owners have their mind set on having the largest 135 operation, wich makes me think it would be a buyout instead of a merge.
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You know how it is changes all the time. Some of the info you got 3 weeks ago maybe have since changed. We are just going to have to ride it out another month maybe less until we hear something official

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