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Pinnacle Air Services

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Slick let's improve on our spelling shall we. Very intelligent response, I bet you spent the latter part of the day thinking that up that witty rebuttal. Did you personally know the former Director of Training or are you just ignorant and taking a break from your imaginary girlfriend? Come on brightlights, I know you can do better than that.
Ritz Carlton said:
Did you personally know the former Director of Training. Come on brightlights, I know you can do better than that.
Yes I did and Yes I can. He was canned for recruiting pilots that had just completed recurrent training to work for another company. How's that for witty!
Ritz Carlton said:
Slick let's improve on our spelling shall we. Very intelligent response, I bet you spent the latter part of the day thinking that up that witty rebuttal. Did you personally know the former Director of Training or are you just ignorant and taking a break from your imaginary girlfriend? Come on brightlights, I know you can do better than that.
Ritz. Sounds like YOU were that former "Director of Training." Disgruntled? Just an outsider looking in this conversation. Who says what you said and it be about someone else?
Ritz Carlton said:
Word to the wise Jet Ride Pilots: be real careful what you say or who you talk to right now at Pinnacle Air Services, they have a bunch of brown-nosing PIC's who will snitch you out to the D.O. or C.P. first chance they get just like they did with the former Director of training who was one the hardest working best liked pilots in the company.
What a way to create animosity. I'll be completely honest with you and everyone here. I have worked for Pinnacle for a year and a half now. It was a little rocky at first. That has changed because the person who made things rough for everyone has since left. As far as ou D.O. He is stern, but completely fair. Don't let hear something about what has happened to you or what you have done through the grapevine. Let him hear it from you. He wants to hear it from the source. As far as the "Director of Training." I didn't know we ever had one. If we did have one, that would be news to me. We did have a pilot who worked here that was trying to recruit our pilots to other companies. That is definitely a conflict of interest. I believed he was asked to not come back to work. Dave J may know more on that than myself. As far as being snitches. We have nothing to gain, but everything to lose by being tattle tales. If we as pilots come across as cry baby children then we are looking for a new job. There is absolutely no room for that here. Back stabbing is definitley frowned upon by all of us pilots. You won't last if you are not mature. Nuf said.

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Ritz. Sounds like YOU were that former "Director of Training." Disgruntled? Just an outsider looking in this conversation. Who says what you said and it be about someone else?

No, I wasn't and no I am not. So I am glad we got that settled Mac. It was a word to the wise and we really appreciate your sentiments as an outsider. So why you are looking in, there are some colleagues of mine at PA looking to improve their position or better themselves with Management by politicking and undermining the efforts of fellow pilots even when they are not present to defend themselves to put it mildly regardless if what he did was wrong or right. So instead of instigating perhaps you could add something positive since you're eyeballing this discussion.
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Ritz Carlton said:
No, I wasn't and no I am not. So I am glad we got that settled Mac. It was a word to the wise and we really appreciate your sentiments as an outsider. So why you are looking in, there are some colleagues of mine at PA looking to improve their position or better themselves with Management by politicking and undermining the efforts of fellow pilots even when they are not present to defend themselves to put it mildly regardless if what he did was wrong or right. So instead of instigating perhaps you could add something positive since you're eyeballing this discussion.
It seems that we are both "eyeballing" this forum. Instigating, huh. Looks like you are instigating a problem between the two merging companies. Sure. I'll add something positive. Here it is. YOU STINK!
iLR60Mac said:
It seems that we are both "eyeballing" this forum. Instigating, huh. Looks like you are instigating a problem between the two merging companies. Sure. I'll add something positive. Here it is. YOU STINK!

Mac that hurts, I guess I should feel insulted now huh? Whats wrong Mac? Are you on the wagon again? In the doghouse, Group therapy not working? As far as your opinion goes:


Maybe your imaginary girlfriend or boyfriend will put up with your verbal abuse but we won't. Toodles Mac.

Post Script: Don't Go Away Mad Mac! Just go away!
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Hey, where do I sign up for this gig? Expanding company, ok pay, benefits, good equipement, and 15 days a month off. Send me an application!!! Send two, I have a GF that flies also. We love Vegas this time of the year and I have family in Arkansas. Wouldn't mind flying a jet finally either.
Ritz Carlton said:
Slick let's improve on our spelling shall we. Very intelligent response, I bet you spent the latter part of the day thinking that up that witty rebuttal. Did you personally know the former Director of Training or are you just ignorant and taking a break from your imaginary girlfriend? Come on brightlights, I know you can do better than that.

(Quote= Ritz)Maybe your imaginary girlfriend or boyfriend will put up with your verbal abuse but we won't. Toodles Mac.

Therapy can help you with your fascination of imaginary people. Did you change your screen name so you could become an imaginary PILOT?
Downwind said:
You can pretty much disregard what I said earlier. We have 6 60's, 3 35's, and 1 31 coming on property from a buyout. We SHOULD not be taking any managed aircraft to our property.


Hey Downwind,

Your Info is a little flawed. The LJ31 is a managed airplane.
Also we're in the process of placing a GIII on the cert. and it's managed.
So if this merger/buyout is taking place between PA and JR than your taking some or all the managed ACFT.

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