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Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

Flopgut said:
This change will stratify the profession even more. I am less worried about airline mgts than I am about these senior pilots that will be allowed to linger. Combine greed with the fact that this change is simply a gift to them that required no additional discipline and the results are worrysome. They are going to want more pay and benefits at the top. Too many will have zero regard for what that does to the bottom half of the seniority list. (nothing like this happened to them in their career) I already hear far too much talk at CAL of a captains only raise. Just look at the tone of the posts here by the age change contingent. Look for them to not only pull up the ladder on the rest of us, they will probably roll out the "cauldron of boiling oil" to pour on our heads. They will cut deals with mgt and enable them to make the <50% seniority airline career worth zip.

You just don't give up on this mantra do you? Blah blah blah senior pilots blah blah blah their fault blah blah blah I want to upgrade blah blah blah. Give it a rest pal. There has been a great deal of damage done by junior pilots here on property and at other carriers. Or have you forgotten what seniority bracket the NC was and some of the LEC reps?

Odd, I have never heard a peep about a "Captains only raise". What makes that even more ridiculous is that the contract is already finished which makes this diatribe a moot point. So you better try some new material that will give you a little more credibility.

This last post of yours makes it crystal clear what your real concerns are. Selfishness and worrying about yourself by blaming others. Inceidently, are you a scab?

Come up with some better arguments for a change. And don't forget that these senior people negotiated things in the past that made this a job for those like you to aspire to. What will the next generation say about what the current contracts being negotiated today?

BTW, when I was junior and getting hosed by the senior guys, I didn't whine and compalin about it. I guess that is what we have now is an entitlement society and thinking. At least for you anyway.
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Think ahead to things like loss of license insurance. Claims are going to drive premiums into orbit! Exponetial cost increases with the benefits going disproportionally to senior captains. What a huge transfer of wealth! Not unlike this whole change issue, its a huge windfall for these pilots.

So senior captain X loses his physical at 63.5, collects LOL at captains rate, retires at 65 into Medicare and collects SS. I spend another 3-5 years at FO pay, shell out $400-$600 for LOL premiums, try to work to 65 and then retire and probably get no SS and possibly have no Medicare. Thanks guys.
How about the geriatric cases who will push to come back out of retirement to regain their old seniority numbers?
Draginass said:
How about the geriatric cases who will push to come back out of retirement to regain their old seniority numbers?
An airline would have to approve that and I don't think they would for a number of reasons.

1. The airline's MEC would ALSO have to approve such a measure.
2. They would have to pay that Captain at the highest wage level they have, versus upgrading an 8 or 10-year guy.
3. LOL concerns mentioned earlier and other health care cost issues (higher premiums for a higher age group).
4. Can you say "FULL INITIAL TRAINING" required for these guys who have been out for a year or more? $$$

Lots of other stuff I'm probably not thinking of right off the cuff, but the main thing is to make sure your MEC wouldn't buy off on re-hire if you're that concerned about it. The retired guys would scream discrimination and probably sue ALPA but by the time the dust settled from that law suit, they'd be past age 65 anyway.

Plus, IF the feds make an "astronaut physical" a requirement, it could squash the majority of those retired pilot's claims anyway.

The sky is not falling... everybody take a pill. :)
UndauntedFlyer said:
The "Wall" will fall on December 23, 2006. There will be no changes in medical certification or anything else except pilots will be able to continue flying to age 65.

If the FAA is to be believed on the issue of medical certification....you are wrong on that point. The testimony of FAA witnesses, the briefings filed by the FAA, and comments they've made on Capital Hill indicate they do plan on changing both the standards and the testing if Congress crams a change down their throats.

UndauntedFlyer said:
ALPA will have large numbers of resignations. The cause, poor leadership in times of change such as now.

For doing what the pilots want?

It's a big tent. Even though we have a lot in common with each other, there are a few issues that tend to divide us. Bomb-throwing reactionaries who can't compartmentalize individual issues cause the vocal disunity. Nothing new there.

At NWA, every MEC meeting features a resolution reinstating the membership of pilots who resigned in a huff...then came crawling back when they realized they'd made a mistake. Not to go biblical, but the parable of the Prodigal Son comes to mind. I'm proud to be a member of an organization that offers redemption. (If I could just do the same consistently in my personal life, I'd be a better person)

UndauntedFlyer said:
Help is needed. Join APAAD.

Sure! And MoveOn, and the Log Cabin Republicans, and Planned Parenthood, and the John Birch Society.

But if you find one single element in any of their narrowly-focused platforms that you disagree with, I expect you to cut-and-run. The "Big Picture" isn't available on DVD. You gotta edit it yourself.

No slam intended here...just an observation. I don't join special interest organizations whenever I disagree with my wife on an issue....although I'm thinking of joining PPDDA ("Pilot Porn-Downloaders Defense Association"). I express my difference of opinion, then focus on the ties that bind.
How could I be a scab with 11k hours? How many years ago was that? Frankly, I consider the NC seniority level to be senior! I am quite junior to them, <10 years at CAL. I know there is a better way than what we are doing, I have seen it. It pains me to watch things happen here. It would be typical CAL politics that you would have no idea what goes on with most FOs. I hear often that we should have a captains only raise. It is obvious too that you have no regard for the affect this will have on FOs.

We are on the precipice of a wholesale seniority change here. I think it would be good. I wish you the best in your retirement, you are likely to already have more than I will get. I can't work on changing that until you retire. You concede as much in your last paragraph: You feel you got screwed, so it should be OK to screw me. I have a novel idea: How about nobody get screwed? Lets get the best deal we can for everybody!

Lets talk dollars, if you don't mind? Just round numbers. Your a B756 CA and you drop the S bomb a lot. Additionally, you think the NC members were "junior" with around 20 years. So I'm guessing you have 25+ years at CAL. The last guy I visited with that kind of longevity at retirement got a lump sum check for 900K. It might be as little as 750K, but still, how are any of the rest of us suppose to match that? The plan is frozen, the B plan stinks, the pay is down, and now we might have to keep you senior guys around. You are going to want us to negotiate more for you, and I know you have taken a hit, frankly I would like to see you get more. But you don't have that same regard for me, do you?

I'm not a scab. All I want is to wait in line and take a turn at the best deal we can create here at CAL.
Undaunted Flyer,

I'm a Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom vet...and a furloughed pilot.....isn't it time for me to get back on campus so I can start enjoying a 20 year airline career?

Move over so the youngsters can have a shot at an airline career....
250scp said:
Undaunted Flyer,

I'm a Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom vet...and a furloughed pilot.....isn't it time for me to get back on campus so I can start enjoying a 20 year airline career?

Move over so the youngsters can have a shot at an airline career....

Hey, Undaunted Flyer, ........... comments?
BTW Boeingman:

You throw around the scab term enough that to me, I seriously doubt you "never whined and complained about getting hosed". Sounds to me like your a little displeased with some of our pilots. Well take a look at what this does to my career, the result is very much the same as a crossed picket line. Just what am I supposed to do? Be happy that seniority progression gets deffered for five years cause your such a great captain? I'm not calling you a scab, but have you even considered for a moment what its like for the junior pilots?
It's going to happen sooner or later, so lets just get past it.

Bring on 65. For me to think that I can expect to go the next 21+ years without an age increase is absurd.

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