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No longer a rumor - United will hire..

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I should know more of the details than I do, but I believe if you factor in the debt paydown we made quite a lot of money. Much can be debated regarding the goal of strengthening the balance sheet, but I don't think the argument can still be maintained that UAL is losing money. I'm sure someone will be motivated to show some numbers that probably prove me wrong.

I took the paycut and left a regional to come back to UAL. I'm in the midst of the worst of it (brutal pay cut, reserve on the LCO, etc) but I'm still very happy I came back. Only time will tell if I made a foolish decision. Here's hoping that Age 65 takes long enough for plenty of new hires to make it on the property. (c:

Hey, I certainly hope that's the case with all the negative numbers and I'd be tickled pink if they started making money and would survive long-term.

I still remember United as saving my BUTT back in the 80's when I was a 15 year old snowskiing in Aspen and broke my ankle BADLY (sheared the end completely off and it had to have a bunch of screws and plates). My dad worked for UAir and HIS OWN AIRLINE wouldn't let me on to get to the Mayo Clinic in JAX without a suit and tie... I'm in a wheelchair in agony. United's counter wrote the ID-90 remotely without him being there and without UAir ticket stock on a non-stop to JAX and on the flight there was a F/A selling these cool airbrushed ties with a UAL 747 on them - she gave me one 'cause I was obviously so miserable. I still have the tie.

There are some VERY cool employees there, and I have always thought United would be around long-haul. Here's hoping you guys make it!
ORD starting July 1st.

I guess I should change my handle...then again, I'm sure I'll always be w8n4ual to do something or other (merge, pay me more than Chautauqua, furlough me again, really the possibilities are endless...)

I should know more of the details than I do, but I believe if you factor in the debt paydown we made quite a lot of money. Much can be debated regarding the goal of strengthening the balance sheet,

It appears UAL is on baby step #2. Do they have the $1,000 cash?
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I'll take the bait. I will apply. I'm coming from XJT, am very senior, will make 80K or more this year and I will STILL leave for a legacy carier. Thats the way it works. I did not start this career to fly the 145 for 30 yrs. Call me a dumba$$ but.............
According to Reuters, United announced this morning that they will hire 100 pilots before year end.

Great news guys. Time to get that resume polished up, shoes shined, logbook perfect and put on the game face! This is the big time and you may only get one shot at a place like UAL. Games on!!
I'll take the bait. I will apply. I'm coming from XJT, am very senior, will make 80K or more this year and I will STILL leave for a legacy carier. Thats the way it works. I did not start this career to fly the 145 for 30 yrs. Call me a dumba$$ but.............

I think you've got it right.
As a pilot group in general we have come to accept the fact that you have to make less than an ilegal alien for a few years to start on a company and I think that this is a wrong way of looking at things. More seats, more money. What a concept!
I talked to a HR person today and found out that those of us that were good enough for UAL in 2000 are not going to be good enough in 2007. No special pile, nothing as far as she knew. She was going to ask around and try to find out for sure. You would think we could at least get moved into different app pile! I am not supprised.

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