I know it's stating the obvious BUT as i've said many times, anyone who thinks simply having a union will make things better doesn't quite get it. if you have a union all it means is you get a seat at the table and have the opportunity to have your issues addressed and bargain for what you need. the power and the ability to be successful in that venture rests solely with how cohesive the group is and how far they're willing to go. united and strong equals chance of success. fractured and weak guarantees failure.
Well said and I couldn't agree more. I guess what frustrates me and what I simply don't understand is why these guys don't even want to fight for a seat at the table. Flex management has proven time and time and time again that the ideas/opinions/needs of the pilot group are not a factor in their process.
Now there will be some who will I inevitably argue with that but I would challenge you to find me 3 good examples of when if they ever did take the opinions/vioces of the pilot group into consideration it was't ultimatly self serving to management or come back to bite you in the butt. Take your recent "raise" followed 1 month later by a duty reduction that actaully netted you guys a fair loss of income.
I guess the only point steelers makes that I guess I need to consider more is that union or not if y'all continue to be little girls about it, it's not worth it. Sorry to insult little girls...