You climbed the ladder and made it to GJ sounds like you reached the very top my friend! My friends let see one is a retired United Captain on the 747 just retired a few years ago and has seen tons of different airlines. His brother retired around the same time from Northwest. I have a cousin at Eagle and two other friends that were at Eagle also. Two former instructors went TSA until they were let go. One friend who was at PSA until he got the F bomb same with the other who was at airnet up until recently. One still at ASA as an FO as far as I know and another at Skywest as a captain. Last but not least another coworker who was at Republic. You see they have lots of different stories to tell but all say the same about your magnificent airline and the industry itself. Myself well I'm done with my ratings minus the CFI's which I no longer need, had I not been in school I could have been at a regional and furloughed by now, but I think I'm much better off for not.