Besides the great folks to work with, how is everything else? What kind of schedule are you flying? Do you need to live in Chicago or NJ or is commuting an option? Any training commitment? Do you have to resign your seniority to work there?
I wouldn't be here if I had to resign my seniority number. Thats the great thing about his place. Schedules......... right now they are a little ....... crazy. Commuting, I would have to say no for now, but we're all trying to help each other out to make the schedules work. Training contract yes...... we're a nickel a dozen man so ofcourse the answer is a yes. 24K prorated for a one year contract, but whats a year now a days being furloughed. Money is good and hoping it gets better. Everyone that has flown on us for the last two weeks have loved the service and the plane and they swear up and down by us so ...... time will tell. Good luck and I hope this helps a little.
I got hired here in the first class november 11th and there was 10 of us and 8 pilots already at Indigo from the DA-20 days. Because of financing for the 3rd and 4th airplane they decided to furlough 6 pilots a couple of weeks ago. Now before anybody gets excited, this is just temporary. We are operating 2 ERJ135's with 16 seats to prove that the niche works. So far so good. Like someone else said earlier time will tell. As soon as things get going they are going to pick up the the other planes. They are already painted and sitting in Brazil. Anyone with some connections can check up on my story. Not drinking the koolaid here at all, just hoping things workout so that more people can be brought on board. Now a days who knows whats going to work and whats going to fail. Again time will tell..........
Indigo is expecting to grow to 25 planes with an option of 50. First 9 are going to be the ERJ 135's and after the 9th one they are getting the Legacy jet. Good luck.
Hubell got canned a while ago. He was...... ahem...... as useless as they got. We have management here from AE and things are moving along. Time will tell.......................
Ralph Hubbell II, was DO at USA Jet. He got canned there in 2001 then onto Indigo. I guess he was just misunderstood by the owner....great guy (ha). I guess the saying what goes around comes around fits here.
So Indigo is not flying any Falcons? Any other former USA Jet guys there?
Our company NJA recently put a buddy of mine on a plane from teb to mdw ( i think). He said it was an awsome experience. The crew was awsome and the plane was really comfortable. He told me it was a great experience which made airlining bearable again.
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