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In the defense of the go-around crew member that sounded rude, I think anybody usually respectful on the radio may do that when you're forced to do something you rarely do, probably at the end of your 4-day rotation, trying to catch a last flight home, etc...

You've exercised your authority as PIC, and the result was a safe flight, so kudos to you and your crew.

On another note, ATL is not really suitable for a/c to fly at 117 kts on final approach speed. ATC will chew you out if you slow from 170 to your Vref at 0.5 mi. sooner than FAF. You should probably let your company knows of this incident, so that your safety dept can relay that info to ATL Tracon, so this go-around won't happen again in the future.
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Flying a CAT II into Frankfurt taught me that adapting to the standard airport flow sometimes overrides company SOP's. RVR 1400 and those Germans still wanted 170 to the OM. We slowed early and advised ATC. They prompty advised us to go around and sent us to the back of the line. It was clear that we weren't going to land until the we played by the local rules.

ATL ATC could have/should have seen this coming and nipped it in the bud.
I dont think you want to get into a battle of who pays more taxes at an airport. You will lose.

Go ahead and think that big money can be kept out of any airport. Whatever makes you feel good.

My point on taxes wasn't a tax (fee) collected on tickets. Big money doesn't buy tickets.

Big money sells tickets.

How did Arpey get down to SJU other other day? It wasn't a boat and it wasn't on AA.
True! Although I never have been asked to fly faster than 170 by ATC going into TEB. If it's visual we hold 170kts till 500ft as per.... you guessed it, the SOP. IMC and the ILS they've worked with us in the past without any problem.

Side note... the Hasbrook Hilton makes you pay for "hot breakfast".... what's up with that?

We call it the "Hanoi Hilton" now. And why does the lobby smell like Burger King???

You don't like doing the circle to land to RWY 02R in PDK?! ;) You don't like looking at towers at eye level turning to base and to final?! :eek:

Doesn't even faze me at this point... 5000+ hours of doing that stuff in a turboprop with no autopilot will do that.... :D

Now, watching the machine do a procedure like that one into PDK, basically circling all by itself? That's cool! :pimp:
And don't forget, that guy in the back of the Slowtation going into ATL is probably getting shuttled over to the terminal and getting into a first class (read: high yield) seat in the front section of a 777.

Do you really want to keep him and his little airplane out of the busy airports?
In Lubbock you can do 250 to the marker, taxi straight to the gate and be in the bar in 30 minutes.


Now come on Gup...that's pushin it isn't it!!! You should be able to do 250 to the marker, touch down, make the first turn off(high speed or not), taxi to the ramp, jump out and run for the van to make the hotel in less than 20!! Oh wait, i don't fly freight anymore...ahhh the good ole days.:D All that plus at EVERY airport in the nation, not just LBB, but i guess at 3 am no-one cares if you fly arrivals or how fast you fly...i mean heck, they just don't want you to wake them up from their naps.
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What's with the assumptions about Citations? I have to be patient everyday as I'm climbing at 300/.80, cruising at .91, and descending at 340/.90, all while dodging Madogs and such.
Pervis: Not all Citations are created equal. That big cabin T37 with JT15's is pokey.

Do you really want to keep him and his little airplane out of the busy airports?
It isn't us, it is the airline transport organization, the ATA. Same folks that battle ALPA on rest regs.


The statistics that our thin skinned Citation drivers helped generate will be used as further ammunition in the ATA's quest to keep 91 / 135 guys out of "their" airports.
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