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Furloughs at Delta and Northwest

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For an 11 hr I see they have us at a Crystal City (airport hotel) in DC and for an 13 hr I see the Georgetown hotel...I'm guessing 12 hours+???

Yes I REMEMBER!!! LOA's were offered but not many took them. The only ones that took them were the ones in line for furlough who had worked out deals ahead of time. LOA's don't work for pilots as we are usually the bread winners.

Also LOA's mean you don't get furlough pay or unemployment... FWIW

Yes I REMEMBER!!! LOA's were offered but not many took them. The only ones that took them were the ones in line for furlough who had worked out deals ahead of time. LOA's don't work for pilots as we are usually the bread winners.

Also LOA's mean you don't get furlough pay or unemployment... FWIW

Thanks for the info T. Thats sucks that if a person is willing to step out for a brother that might need to fly more is penalized with no furlough pay or unemployment.

Out of curiosity what is furlough pay and how long does it last?

Also, when furoughs start happening, I assume the jr guys in a senior base get dsplaced to the jr bases (ie SLC to NYC) and down to jr equipment 757 to MD?
[quote=FBN0223;1608729" The DC-9 fleet will be around fifty aircraft or less by the time we merge."

OK, but how do you propose that the potential furloughs corresponding to these 50 birds subsequently being parked be allocated?
Out of curiosity what is furlough pay and how long does it last?

That question opens pandora's box. It all depends on what the reason is for the furlough. If they want to go the force majure route you may never get furlough pay like over 500 NWA pilots were on the receiving end. The other 300 some odd lucky pilots (who were furloughed later and for different reasons) had to file grievances to win their lawsuits. Only problem at that point was that even though we won that grievance, NWA decided to declare bankruptcy and it became a bankruptcy claim. It is just disgusting to see what NWA did to these guys that won and were entitled to that claim money. What was once a $20K+ claim has now turned in to pennies on the dollar because it was tied to the price of the stock.

Some of this has been mismanagement on the part of ALPA, however it is the same old case of NWA not doing the right thing and paying their debts to employees that win a judgement against them.

So I guess the short answer is if you are working for a company that respects the work you do, you will receive furlough pay right away. Other more disengenuous companies will try to claim force majure and then tell you to grieve it if you feel differently.
FBN0223;1608729" The DC-9 fleet will be around fifty aircraft or less by the time we merge." OK said:
Hey, I agree (of course) that I don't think any current Delta pilot should be furloughed for a parking of planes that weren't on our original property. That is why we should throw a fence around it (the DC9), just like the 744 that the NWA senior guys will obviously say needs a fence around it.

As far as Delta potentially parking ALL of the DC9s at once, I don't see that. NWA flies them all over the Midwest and NE from DTW, MEM, and MSP, and there aren't enough replacements for a mass parking. It would likely take awhile, and in the meantime we would get new 737-700s and even MD90s (yes, THOSE MD90s I keep talking about) to possibly fill in. I KNOW we have talked with Saudia for at least 20 of them. Who knows? I also think the DC9s could be used for a couple years or more as the "100 seater"---although with high fuel prices I don't know how long they will last. Hopefully they will last long enough for a replacement. Also, any blame should be pointed at BOTH MECs---since the JOINT contract they are working on now will affect those junior people involved now.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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OK, but how do you propose that the potential furloughs corresponding to these 50 birds subsequently being parked be allocated?

Supposedly, the hiring that took place here already took those aircraft retirements into consideration. That info came from crew planning here at NWA. FWIW
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