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Furloughs at Delta and Northwest

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Thanks for the advice. No, my history is pretty much right on.

The Comair MEC, not the entire pilot group, recommended to the company that any furloughed Delta pilot should start at the bottom of the Comair list without super-seniority, and recommended they that require surrendering their Delta seniority number. Comair was free to do anything they wanted, by the way.

Personally, I didn't care if Comair hired anyone from Delta. But I wouldn't think it would be fair for them to get hired with super-seniority, since there had never been any sort of flow-through agreement. But the fact of the matter is that this whole issue was never even raised to the membership.

You shouldn't drink and type. You have a very warped sense of history. Explain to us again why Comair wouldn't help furloughed Delta pilots while ASA was more than accomodating? Who got screwed?

I've always said there were Delta pilots there. I walked with 4 of them I think. And all had cameras clicking in their faces the whole time. I remember United, CAL, and NW guys with us. I don't recall any American or UPS guys walking, although they had hundreds of pilots that contributed to our pilots' fund.

So there were Delta pilots there walking the picket line? How many were there from United, Northwest, Even UPS and American?

Yes, jc lawson was lying, he's quite good at it!

I'm not sure about that. When I caught him lying, it was pretty obvious.

You mean those very same pilots you tried to sue?
The ones who were there walking the picket lines with you?

Uhhhh, I didn't sue anybody. Are you trying to group the entire Comair group with those RJDC guys? That group was made of of RJ guys from dozens of airlines, even your beloved ASA...Cooksey anyone?

No, you're wrong, as usual!


No, just not as stuck on myself as you guys.
As for the struck flying, I guess you never heard that DALPA's MEC Chairman told JC Lawson "******************** you, we're Delta. We'll do what we want." I guess JC was lying to my face when he told me that?

I can’t comment on what Captain Lawson did or didn’t say but I remember referencing a DALPA published document in CVG while y’all were striking. The point of this document was to ensure that we did not fly struck work and we all took this very seriously. Are you suggesting that we were flying struck work?
Nice mouth. Your boyfriend must love it when you talk dirty like that. Yet another gleaming example of a true Delta Professional.

Anyway, if you really did buy those 20 cups of coffee, thank you. But by your cool demeanor, you sure sound like one of the hecklers.

FU you F'ing F.

I remember buying your lines coffee in CVG and paying an assesement every week for you. Putz, pure putz---
I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. I AM suggesting that while our MEC was working with the DAL MEC to try and define the struck work, the Delta Chairman said F us, and that Delta would do whatever they wanted.

I can’t comment on what Captain Lawson did or didn’t say but I remember referencing a DALPA published document in CVG while y’all were striking. The point of this document was to ensure that we did not fly struck work and we all took this very seriously. Are you suggesting that we were flying struck work?
God, that sucks. There's no sickness like food poisoning from seafood. Isn't there some old wive's tale that you shouldn't eat oysters except in months that end in "r"?

Yes, Spondivits is around, but a bunch of people recently got sick on some oysters I believe. Also, if you have LONG layovers here (like during a European 6 day trip with ATL in the middle), I bet you would go downtown. I know a lot of our other bases have ATL layovers, and they stay downtown if they are over 12 hours.

I hope you are right about the DC9s and 742s. It just seems obvious that they could be parked. As far as the rest of the fleet goes, we are still getting more widebodies and 73NGs. That, along with your work rule changes to reflect ours will hopefully mitigate furloughs.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Does this board have moderators?

Bob Sacamano is out of line, off topic, and clearly flame baiting.

A terrorist has walked into the marketplace of ideas. Someone call security.
Luckily, I've always had an outside business interest, so I was fine. And I fly for a much more secure airline now. But it's nice that you're still making fun of the fact that some pilots were on assistance. Real classy.

Sorry Bob, I didn't know that was you.....:smash: :rolleyes:
Did you ever get off food stamps??:laugh:

Thanks for the advice. No, my history is pretty much right on.

The Comair MEC, not the entire pilot group, recommended to the company that any furloughed Delta pilot should start at the bottom of the Comair list without super-seniority, and recommended they that require surrendering their Delta seniority number. Comair was free to do anything they wanted, by the way.

Did any Comair pilot ever raise an objection at an MEC or LEC meeting? Was there ever a resolution introduced in opposition to it? Wasn’t the entire MEC including Captain JC Lawson re-elected by a large margin after this incident?

Personally, I didn't care if Comair hired anyone from Delta. But I wouldn't think it would be fair for them to get hired with super-seniority, since there had never been any sort of flow-through agreement. But the fact of the matter is that this whole issue was never even raised to the membership.

Was the membership aware of the actions taken on their behalf by the MEC? Did anyone object to the actions taken by the MEC? Once again didn’t the MEC get re-elected by a large margin? Sound like the membership approved of the actions of the MEC to me.
You could blame Edgar Rice Burroughs for the loss, but that doesn't mean it's true.

But your Walmart comment really shows what a class act you are. Fulfilling the stereotype perfectly.

Your strike cost our company $1billion! I blame the comair pilots for that loss!
And at least I was nice to you while you were a Walmart greeter!

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