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FO/Flex how would you vote to integrate??

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The Flex pilots I've running into are 60-75% in favor of having representation DESPITE their affiliation with the IBT.

Cabbie, you are delusional. I can say with near certainty that if Flops files for single carrier at this time IBT would be voted out. And no I am not anti-union. But if KR comes in and starts screwing with us like you guys are so certain of and obviously wishing for, then all bets are off. If Flops guys on this board are smart then they/you will back off and just wait to see what happens with this mess we all find ourselves in.
I am far from that.

After I was furloughed I was bitter. I am sure you would be also.

I am not proud for all of my posts.

Now, here we sit with another union trying to take over a company I work for.

And you wonder why I am so passionate.

You keep telling me how this will not hurt us, but when some of your members post it sure brings back some memories.

I am actually glad you posted those messages. It is adding resolve to my cause.

You are starting to realize the uphill battle you are fighting or you wouldn't have starting dragging up my past to discredit me.

The ball is in your court. Is is up to the IBT to sell to FJ why us having your union is better than staying as we are. So far you are failing miserably.

All I/we have to do is keep shooting holes in your ridiculous and inaccurate claims. It seems to me that we have the easy part of the job.

Good luck

Time to hang your head and walk away. Everyone knows you're a management tool. My guess is most of the Flex pilots who used to admire you know it too. Cut your losses JM.
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The Flex pilots I've running into are 60-75% in favor of having representation DESPITE their affiliation with the IBT.

You're either on crack, just happened to run into the small minority that want it or you're lying. No way that's a true representation of the Flexjet group.
Time to hang your head and walk away. Everyone knows you're a management tool. My guess is most of the Flex pilots who used to admire you know it too. Cut your losses JM.

I get it. One of your buddies here at FJ shared my name on your union board.

You feel by posting my initials that you scare me.

Bitch please.

Everyone at FJ knows who I am. I am not ashamed nor should I be. How is it that those at FJ who use to admire me (I don't think there are many) will change their mind. They already know who I am. Nothing you have said changes that.

You guys are losing the battle and grasping at straws

I feel sorry for you.

I would love to keep chatting but I have to get up early tomorrow and go fly.

You guys keep trying to figure out when you lost this battle.
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So by KR saying in his meetings a few months back, that he wants single carrier as of yesterday, that means what?

Yeah but he wants single carrier status because he thinks that the union will be voted out. which it certainly might be. I'd agree with the others who said a 60%+ pro union mentality at flex is way high. No way it's that many. I've talked to guys who were pro union when it was a just a flex union on the table but they are not pro union in the case of a merged options and flex pilot group. Flex pilots are going to go bat sh*(&t crazy if single carrier status is handed down and vote no to the union out of spite, basically blaming the union for forcing a merger.

What is there to gain for flexjet, or both pilot groups for that matter, under a single carrier status? I think we'd all be happier if we play in our own sandboxes just like we have been since the sale.
Our 6 month check is done on the road with a check airmen, a 8 rotation is spent with the check airmen.

I'm not sure what I find more horrifying, the fact that you do 8 day rotations or that you basically do an 8 day eval for recurrent. Must admit I'm not a fan of either of those tow things and hope we never see them at Flex. Personally I think we have great training. I like the 6mo being in the sim because you get time to see some unusual failures that you could in no way see in the real airplane safely. Cascading failures on a rejected takeoff for example.
I'm not sure what I find more horrifying, the fact that you do 8 day rotations or that you basically do an 8 day eval for recurrent. Must admit I'm not a fan of either of those tow things and hope we never see them at Flex. Personally I think we have great training. I like the 6mo being in the sim because you get time to see some unusual failures that you could in no way see in the real airplane safely. Cascading failures on a rejected takeoff for example.

We would ALL prefer to do our 6 month check in the sim. It is obviously the better way to do things, but that costs too much $$ money. You don't honestly think the rolling 8-day checkride was by choice of the FO pilots do you? Mark my words... KR will cut that sim time in a heartbeat. Sure, he won't change anything while there is a potential representation vote at stake, but that will be one of the first things that disappear once the single carrier / representation thing is determined.

What shocks me the most is that some of you Flexjet guys have learned absolutely nothing from history. Ask around about the RTA/FO merger. Ask about the proposed FO/CA merger. Seriously, just ask!!! What do you all think will happen to the pilots of XO jet when that acquisition is finally announced? Once you hear the truth about those things, think about your position in this whole merger. KR is using you to try to get rid of the IBT, but do you really think he will be loyal to you, once the determination has been made? Was he loyal to the FJ pilots (or any group, other than the preferred management pilots/SFO's) in determining the new Global pilots? KR will be loyal to the cheapest labor who won't write anything up, that's who he'll be loyal to. Look, I will be the first to admit that the IBT isn't the perfect answer to everything, but voting out the union is the worst possible choice. The best choice is to grab a seat at the table. Trusting in the benevolence of management and begging for mercy and is a waste of time, and a drag on the whole industry. Are ALL the pilots of the majors wrong for wanting to be represented by a union? Together, we will all be stronger. Food for thought.
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I get it. One of your buddies here at FJ shared my name on your union board.

Nobody shared you name on the union board

Might want to think about all the loyalty that you claim people have to you, because it wasn't shared on the union board, it was shared somewhere else, I didn't ask for it, it was just handed to me, along with your #.
You are starting to realize the uphill battle you are fighting or you wouldn't have starting dragging up my past to discredit me.

The ball is in your court. Is is up to the IBT to sell to FJ why us having your union is better than staying as we are. So far you are failing miserably.

All I/we have to do is keep shooting holes in your ridiculous and inaccurate claims. It seems to me that we have the easy part of the job.

Good luck

Actually I was looking for something I thought you had said, and saw all those old posts.
Wasn't trying to dig up anything, except for a quote of something that I thought you said.

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