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FO/Flex how would you vote to integrate??

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You keep telling me how this will not hurt us, but when some of your members post it sure brings back some memories.

Haven't seen too many of the Flops posts that are negative towards your job position, unlike yours;

I think you would enjoy swinging gear for me.

Heck, you might even get to fly a few empty legs.

Let me know how that works with my '99 hire date verse your '04
Nobody shared you name on the union board

Might want to think about all the loyalty that you claim people have to you, because it wasn't shared on the union board, it was shared somewhere else, I didn't ask for it, it was just handed to me, along with your #.

Then call me. Would love to chat.

I am sure there are a few people here that aren't my biggest fans.

I am sure you have a few at FO also.

You can't be everyone's friend.

Seriously, call me. Why on earth would you say you have my number and not call?

I looked at your profile page and aw who visited you lately. I think I have a didn't idea who sent you the PM that said who I was. He was hitter and angry when he left FJ.

On e again you think stating that you have my # is going to intimidate me. You have got to be kidding me. You know you don't have the balls to call.

I am still waiting for the PM telling me how you know me.......yeah I thought so.

Best bet for you guys is to start pleading with your union to not file single carrier status. Actually, I bet one of you is up high in the union so just tell your buddies not to so it.

Remember, if your union gets voted out it will not be our fault, I told you not to push us.
Haven't seen too many of the Flops posts that are negative towards your job position, unlike yours;

Let me know how that works with my '99 hire date verse your '04

The you go assuming it will be a DOH.

Your contract states that a merger will be done per the Allegheny/Mohawk agreement.

Have you ever read how that is accomplished? Yeah, didn't think so.

Instead of looking at your beloved 99 DOH look at what % you are asking active FO pilots.

Figure we have 325 and you have 260 active pilots. Add those up and you will be about the same % on the new list.

Only problem is that your union is about to put up a fence that won't allow us to fly together.
Don't worry TWA. You are running scared it shows in your posts. We all know who you are and why you take the stand you do. Your scum TWA you don't have half the followers you say or think you do. I will personally bring you down when the time is right. A lot of flex guys wanna see you fall. You run your mouth but the people your running it to are stabbing you in the back. Your time is limited once kr realizes you don't have the faithful following you claim to have.
Don't worry TWA. You are running scared it shows in your posts. We all know who you are and why you take the stand you do. Your scum TWA you don't have half the followers you say or think you do. I will personally bring you down when the time is right. A lot of flex guys wanna see you fall. You run your mouth but the people your running it to are stabbing you in the back. Your time is limited once kr realizes you don't have the faithful following you claim to have.

Personally bring me down.

Exactly how do you plan to do that smart guy?

That's the problem with the few FO pilots on here. You think because you have union protection that you have way more power than you do.

That would be like me align I was going to get you fired. I have zero control over anyone's employment.

KR doesn't know anything about me. I have never met the man.

If I am the scumbag you say and KR is the devil you say wouldn't he love to keep me, or heck even promote me?

I am not running scared.

You guys have totally lost control of this debate. It has been pages since you did anything but try to down talk the FJ pilots that don't agree with you.

How's that IBT message board going for you. Seems to me that if it was going well we would see none of this on here.

Oh yeah Shane's. Where is that info from my past where you knew me that you didn't find on FI......yeah thought so.

Someone telling you my name doesn't make me know you.

Talk about fighting a losing battle.
Really, you think I want to talk to you on the phone?
I was just proving a point

What is that point exactly?

That you have my number and chose not to call me.

Are you going to show up at my house now with your union thugs and punch my dog?

You can't scare me by saying things like that.

You and Shane's and everyone on your union message board knows who I am. So what.

I don't get why you would post that you have my # and not want to call unless you are just trying to intimidate and scare me.

Sounds like we are back to where we started, good old union 101 - fear and intimidation.
Figure we have 325 and you have 260 active pilots. Add those up and you will be about the same % on the new list.QUOTE]

When was the last time only active pilots were included in the merging of seniority #'s.
Our furlough pilots of furlough recall rights, just like you with TWA-AA.

So figure u have 325 pilots, we have 471 pilots, I am in the top 16% of those 471 pilots that would be included in the merging of our seniority lists.

What percentage are you.

The old seniority list I have of Flex, show you at seniority # 224, it also shows you have 472 pilots. So lets just say, but we know it doesn't happen that way, that 472-325=147 pilots left above your 224#-147=77#, that puts you at 24%, and that best case of 147 pilots leaving above your 224, '04 hire date.

For someone that had to

I would love to keep chatting but I have to get up early tomorrow and go fly.

You sure have a lot of time this morning

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