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FO/Flex how would you vote to integrate??

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Don't worry TWA. You are running scared it shows in your posts. We all know who you are and why you take the stand you do. Your scum TWA you don't have half the followers you say or think you do. I will personally bring you down when the time is right. A lot of flex guys wanna see you fall. You run your mouth but the people your running it to are stabbing you in the back. Your time is limited once kr realizes you don't have the faithful following you claim to have.

You're talking out of your a$$.

No one at flex is looking to bring TWA down. In fact, comments like slowtation's reference to his doh vs twa's only reinforces our resolve to keep the two groups separate.

You guys need to accept this fact: except for a few pilots we at flex want nothing to do with you or the IBT. If God forbid it does happens, KR will have to drag us kicking and screaming and putting his business model at great risk. At that point, most of us will leave. I'd rather go somewhere else than work at a mediocre place where I need the trailer trash of unions to represent me.
We would ALL
KR is using you to try to get rid of the IBT, but do you really think he will be loyal to you, once the determination has been made? Was he loyal to the FJ pilots (or any group, other than the preferred

Oh I agree with you there, we are getting used to vote out the union. I think that is KRs top priority. And I do agree that afterwards he can make changes as he see fit, so that's a risk for us to vote no. But it's also a risk for us to vote yes. Since you guys out number us, we might see ourselves being presented with a contract we don't like (like 8 day trips). Either path we take we are possibly going to lose what we already have. It's a crap choice, it'll be the lesser of two evils. All we have on one side is KRs word on a piece of paper, and rather big unknown if we go pro union. At least KR has said we can keep our schedules, the union can make no such promises.

Just keep us separate, problem solved
Just keep us separate, problem solved

The Union is only meeting with the company because the company wants single, and the Union is trying to come to agreement to protect both sides before a single status occurs.

So really, you should be asking the company to stop meeting with the Union in an agreement to protect everyone's positions, if the company stops meeting, there won't be an agreement, and the Union wouldn't proceed forward with single as the company wants.

Petition the company to stay seperate, the company wants single, the Union is only working to protect us.
The Union is only meeting with the company because the company wants single, and the Union is trying to come to agreement to protect both sides before a single status occurs.

So really, you should be asking the company to stop meeting with the Union in an agreement to protect everyone's positions, if the company stops meeting, there won't be an agreement, and the Union wouldn't proceed forward with single as the company wants.

Petition the company to stay seperate, the company wants single, the Union is only working to protect us.

Slow, correct me if I am wrong. If your 50% +1 and the IBT do not petition the NMB, doesn't that keep us separate? That is what I believe all or most of the Flex guys believe. My understanding is that while yes, KR wants single carrier, only you guys can make that happen. Since there is no way in hell that the company can get 50% + 1 of the Flex guys for a straw man vote. Therefore, you guys, as I see it, control whether you keep you union or not. Am I wrong here?
Where ya gonna go, when 325 of ya send out resumes all at the same time?

I don't think any of us want to leave.

It just shows how much some of our pilots don't want the IBT.

If the IBT gets voted in I am not leaving. FJ is a good company with a bunch of hard working commited employees. I don't want to see that be taken from us because you can't stand to work without the protection of a union.

The swinging gear comment was a joke. The chances of you and I ever flying together is slim to none.
The swinging gear comment was a joke. The chances of you and I ever flying together is slim to none.

There is no joke, when it involves telling someone that they can swing gear for you.

It's a d*ck comment, and you know it.

Everyone knows in the industry that when someone says you can swing my gear, that you are an arrogant self centered pr*ck.

The only time I have heard that comment used as a joke, is between my friends and I when we fly together, and normally it goes something like this
"Dude, your gonna be my g,p,i,c (gear, papers, ice, coffee) bi*ch for the week."
"Hel* no, your gonna by mine"
Rock papers scissors here we go....

Now you are trying to save face.
So now its going to be the IBT's fault when FJ is no longer the good company you remember. Right out of the handbook again. So how often do you get your talking points from the lawyers again?
The swinging gear comment was a joke. The chances of you and I ever flying together is slim to none.

So by your logic, the supposed Flops pilot that climbed onto a Challenger 300 in Nor'leans and said "I can't wait to have your seat".

What he said was a joke, right?

..............and then we all had a good laugh together!

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