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FO/Flex how would you vote to integrate??

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Piggy Back on Teamsters CBAs

You contract has done nothing for us genius. We did piggy back on the NJ pay raises, but nothing we have is because of you. Be careful not to break your arm patting yourself on the back.

The Netjets Pilots CBAs were negotiated by the Teamsters. The attorneys and consultants the were part of the negotiating team were employed by Local 1108 (Teamsters).

Those same attorneys and consultants were employed by Local 1108 (Teamsters) and on the negotiating team that negotiated the Flight Options Pilots CBA. That contract was negotiated in some of the worse economic conditions since the great depression. Yet, they reached exemplary work rules.

On another note, NJASAP and the Teamsters have a great working relationship. They have created coalitions on more than one front to further union representation throughout the fractional industry. That includes a close relationship between NJASAP and Local 1108 (Teamsters). These unions work together to effectuate representation and the betterment of the entire fractional industry.

Right now, Flexjet pilots are the last real player (albeit the smallest) remaining that fails to be organized. Think about it. Between Netjet, Flight Options and Citationair - over 3700 pilots stood unionized at one point. It has to make one wonder why Flexjet pilots would not want to follow the same path? Could over 3700 be wrong and 325 be right about union representation in the fractional industry?

Interesting enough, some of the items in the Flexjet pilots employee agreement come right out of the Flight Options Pilots CBA. Of course, you have no way to enforce them.
The Netjets Pilots CBAs were negotiated by the Teamsters. The attorneys and consultants the were part of the negotiating team were employed by Local 1108 (Teamsters).

Those same attorneys and consultants were employed by Local 1108 (Teamsters) and on the negotiating team that negotiated the Flight Options Pilots CBA. That contract was negotiated in some of the worse economic conditions since the great depression. Yet, they reached exemplary work rules.

On another note, NJASAP and the Teamsters have a great working relationship. They have created coalitions on more than one front to further union representation throughout the fractional industry. That includes a close relationship between NJASAP and Local 1108 (Teamsters). These unions work together to effectuate representation and the betterment of the entire fractional industry.

Right now, Flexjet pilots are the last real player (albeit the smallest) remaining that fails to be organized. Think about it. Between Netjet, Flight Options and Citationair - over 3700 pilots stood unionized at one point. It has to make one wonder why Flexjet pilots would not want to follow the same path? Could over 3700 be wrong and 325 be right about union representation in the fractional industry?

Interesting enough, some of the items in the Flexjet pilots employee agreement come right out of the Flight Options Pilots CBA. Of course, you have no way to enforce them.

How about some examples. I bet they were in there before you got your contract. You kinda sound like you want to say "your welcome" and force us to say "thank you."

It amazes me how you guys just want to beat up the FJ pilots and working conditions. Are you guys the "bad" cops and some day someone nice from your union will start communicating in a way that is not condescending and insulting.

Why do you care if we want to be part of the union.

Don't ask for a single carrier ruling and it seems we both get what we want.

You get to keep the IBT and we get to stay non union.

Or will you only be happy if we have to join pilot groups.

KR has no control over the merging of the pilot groups. He can't make it happen. It has to come from the pilots.

If the union gets voted out it is because you guys petitioned for single carrier. If you don't play the first card a vote probably won't happen. The only way I would see that then is if the anti union people at FO could get 50%+1, but I don't think they have the numbers.
Why are you upset?

How about some examples. I bet they were in there before you got your contract.

Examples? I'm not sure what you are asking for.

It amazes me how you guys just want to beat up the FJ pilots and working conditions.

What's wrong? There wasn't any pushing of anything. You attempted to point out that your reactionary raises could not be in anyway accredited to the Teamsters. You seemed to discount the Teamsters for any influence. That was inaccurate as I previously described.

Did pointing out the vast amount of organized pilots in the fractional industry upset you?

And calm down on the "you guys." Everyone has free choice. You might be surprised one day how may of the "you guys" are Flexjet pilots.

But let's lay the facts on the table. Good or bad. Not some opinionated conclusion that cant be substantiated in any way.
Come on architect! 3700 are wrong and 1 guy is right. Didn't you get your Koolaid this am?

There are also a lot of people that use illegal drugs. Guess I better start that also.

Oh, and it isn't just 1, there are quite a few of us at FJ that feel this way.

Why do you think the 2 previous union drives by the IBT here failed so miserably. Never even got enough interest to put it up for a vote.

I was on the union board last time. There were a whole 30+/- registered people. That included me. And it was the same 4 or 5 people from FJ on there bitching.

Guess what, they are still here. But the majority of the people I talk to want nothing to do with the IBT. Of course you'll say that is because I am the anti-Christ. You'll tell me 100 things about me you don't like, even though you don't know me from Adam.

Ok, bring on he insults and non fact based replies. You guys don't know how much entertainment you bring me.
Examples? I'm not sure what you are asking for.

What's wrong? There wasn't any pushing of anything. You attempted to point out that your reactionary raises could not be in anyway accredited to the Teamsters. You seemed to discount the Teamsters for any influence. That was inaccurate as I previously described.

Did pointing out the vast amount of organized pilots in the fractional industry upset you?

And calm down on the "you guys." Everyone has free choice. You might be surprised one day how may of the "you guys" are Flexjet pilots.

But let's lay the facts on the table. Good or bad. Not some opinionated conclusion that cant be substantiated in any way.

Ummm, examples of your CBA directly contributing to our work rules as you stated. Go back and read you post again.

I know we have a few at FJ that would like the IBT. But I bet you would be suprised of the outcome when it comes to a vote. Bet there are more anti IBT at FO that you would believe.
TWA, let me know if you need any help...I was typing a reply to Glorrified Gabby's lies when you posted your reply. As I 've said before, just ask most any FO line-pilot their view on the union...ranges from indifference to "i don't like the "leaders" to "whatever". I haven't had the pleasure of meeting any of the goobers that post here relentlessly about their glorious union, but I think it would be obvious if I did.

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