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Flops TA

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Measure your own success by what ALPO has gotten you over the years. Then again, if you were truely a line pilot for Delta, you woulds understand that. Your continuous diatribes against the Fractional pilots and their well being tells us all you're nothing but a management troll. Go away-you're not welcome here. Or anywhere for that matter. God, I can't believe I responded to this ASS.

Call me anything you want, everything I've predicted for three years has happened... I could make the list, but proving all of you wrong again just gets repetitive.

I'm certain that the T/A is nowhere near as rosy as it could have been 3 years ago had 1108 stepped up to the plate instead of playing the typical union greed game with other peoples money..... the pilots.
How about we all just keep this an internal matter and not celebrate until the cba is viewed and ratified. For all we know the negotiators got tired of dealing with the company bs back and forth and sent it to the pilots to let mgt know what we are willing to accept. That being said, any agreement reached was in the best interest of management and you can bet they spared no expense to hire the best analysts to tell them that the survivability of this war is probability zero. The pilots have faced the brunt of this uneccessary battle and paid a very heavy price. How many divorces and broken families were the result of this? How many bankruptcies and lost houses resulted from this? How many owners and pilots jobs were lost as a result of this? It is a little early to be celebrating anything. I want to send our negotiators a personal thank you for their unwavering devotion and persistence. Let's all keep this an internal matter until we know all the facts and have something solid to share.

This post hits to the core of all the miserable things I have said about unions. How many examples of above have I used over these last three years of what bringing a union on to the property can do to a company? All of you laughed when I used them so I stopped, now it's hit to the core, and I need to ask you.. was it really worth it?

Have the non union fracs suffered the same for three years?

I think not.
I said you can rest assured the company spared no expense to hire the best business analyst money could buy, not the worst union busters (b19 and ford and harrison). Why don't you and your cronies just admit it would have been in everyones best interest to settle this fairly and years ago? You are going to be unemployed shortly, but that pales in comparison to how many excellent aviators you forced out of the business. I am not a religious man, but I take comfort in knowing there is a very warm resting place awaiting you in the next life. Cheers mate!
That's exactly what I said almost three years ago. 1108 was so greedy they didn't get it done when the going was good. Typical union behavior, instead of negotiating in good faith from the beginning, they ask an unreasonable amount (in this case, NJA plus) and place the company into years of turmoil, but oops, the economy tanked in the meantime. Good going 1108, how much did that greed cost the group?

If they had gotten it done before the economy tanked, the pilot group would have been much better off. Instead, it's the union way to to be greedy and hold out instead of quickly negotiating in good faith.

Typical union behavior, three years of turmoil and a contract not nearly as good as what they would have had three years ago.
How would someone who works at a non-union, wide-body, international carrier know what was offered/requested/denied in negotiations? Good faith is a funny term to use coming from someone who works in management.
This post hits to the core of all the miserable things I have said about unions. How many examples of above have I used over these last three years of what bringing a union on to the property can do to a company? All of you laughed when I used them so I stopped, now it's hit to the core, and I need to ask you.. was it really worth it?

Have the non union fracs suffered the same for three years?

I think not.

What a f-in moron, so I forgot the union caused all of this, there are 2 partys to this fight, The Union and The Company. Yup the union fired pilots, the union took away our 401k, the union did all of this! What an idiot. Who do you think stands to gain having a contract in place. Dam right it was worth it!
Now, the likes of you have to pay up, or quit. I wish they all would quit.
Come on guys ...This is BT mad cause he failed at his job once again..Just like he has failed at all his previous jobs..He has failed numerous line checks when he attempted to be a line pilot..He wiggled his way into management before he was let go as a line pilot..Like so many other Flops Managers...And now he will be soon leaving FLOPS..He was a big talker about how ricci ran the place in the ground and never paid his bills and if it wasnt for SHEETfinger and Sanjbabble the company would be bankrupt..He was the first one at the door kissing Riccis *ss when he came back..And now he needs to look for employment again..Not a good time to be looking for a job....Hes old, his resume isnt to impressive..And hes scared...Maybe he should just realize hes a washed up loser and try being a walmart greeter..
How would someone who works at a non-union, wide-body, international carrier know what was offered/requested/denied in negotiations? Good faith is a funny term to use coming from someone who works in management.

Because what I do now is a positive reflection of what I learned when I was dealing with unions by my personal invovlement in offering, requesting, and denial in negotiations. Never again will I allow a union to run or destroy my career. I know the fractional business model inside and out from working in 135 and 91K and the differences between the cost structures.

It's why I won't work for a union carrier. I've been there and seen first hand the way union reps operate. I've watched the 5 minute caucus turn into hours for no reason. Unions create turmoil, and that has been what all of you have been dealing with for years, just what I said it would be.

The contract T/A should have been accomplished years ago, but the union chose to use the NJA contract (that is now causing massive turmoil at NJ) as the model. Instead of doing what was right and being realistic, they dragged their feet (as unions always do) into something that is only a portion of what they could have had if they had negotiated in good faith years ago.
What a f-in moron, so I forgot the union caused all of this, there are 2 partys to this fight, The Union and The Company. Yup the union fired pilots, the union took away our 401k, the union did all of this! What an idiot. Who do you think stands to gain having a contract in place. Dam right it was worth it!
Now, the likes of you have to pay up, or quit. I wish they all would quit.

and how much of this happened BEFORE you guys kicked the company in the shins by threatening with a union? That's part of the game. Deal with it, your union has cost you well over 3 years of turmoil.

And yes, this is about greed and unions.

A union pilot still calling me names? Wow... original.

Once again.. is it Beavis in your avatar or Butthead? I'll vote on Butthead simply based on your attitude.
Because what I do now is a positive reflection of what I learned when I was dealing with unions by my personal invovlement in offering, requesting, and denial in negotiations. Never again will I allow a union to run or destroy my career. I know the fractional business model inside and out from working in 135 and 91K and the differences between the cost structures.

It's why I won't work for a union carrier. I've been there and seen first hand the way union reps operate. I've watched the 5 minute caucus turn into hours for no reason. Unions create turmoil, and that has been what all of you have been dealing with for years, just what I said it would be.

The contract T/A should have been accomplished years ago, but the union chose to use the NJA contract (that is now causing massive turmoil at NJ) as the model. Instead of doing what was right and being realistic, they dragged their feet (as unions always do) into something that is only a portion of what they could have had if they had negotiated in good faith years ago.

Soooo, you have no idea what was requested/offered/rejected then. Maybe you should stop commenting on things you have no idea about. Makes you look like a fool.

How many wide body turboprops do you employ again?

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