NJA's pilots have a contract and the company is now profitable. that is not what I would call "drinking kool aid".
your post is a nonsequitur.....idiot
It is drinking the "kool aid" if you truly believe the company is profitable. If I were you, I'd pay a little more attention to "NumberCruncher." He/she has a pretty good idea, posted a while back, about how the company went from being $50 million in the red to $25 million in the black in a very short period of time and no, it wasn't because rates were raised for new owners and the sell off rate dropped.
BTW, since when did you start believing management? I thought they were lying to you when they said they were losing money? Why did you think this? Because it helped your cause. Now, they say they are profitable? Why do you all of a sudden believe them? Because it helps your cause.