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FlexJet / Flight Options / SkyJet

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The problem with this I think if the Options pilots try to keep it separate then Ricci will just slowly dissolve us. He doesn't really care he wins. He has another company. If the lists merge and the Union is voted out he wins. What he doesn't want is the lists to merge and the Union voted in. That's the only win for the pilots.

not sure i agree. Flex is actually shrinking, while options is the one growing. Flex is going to have 4 year and new airplanes, and evidently our old ones are coming your way. So he can't just transfer flying to flex, he has to buy new planes to grow flex. easier to grow options. Of course that plan could change anytime

So let me ask this, why not just have two separate lists? Perhaps after your next contract would be a better time to petition for single carrier. It's just going to be a tough sell currently to flex pilots.
So let me ask this, why not just have two separate lists? Perhaps after your next contract would be a better time to petition for single carrier. It's just going to be a tough sell currently to flex pilots.

They have plenty of time. If they are right about KR then he will surely piss off the Flex pilot group while they negotiate for an industry standard pay scale and 401k match. There's no rush.
The way I understand it, if a single carrier is filed and the entire transportation system (F.O. Flex and furloughed) votes to be represented by the IBT the combined group would work under the current CBA. Of course fence agreements, as provided for in the CBA, would be negotiated to protect current fleet and seat positions, schedules etc. Fence agreements could also cover wages. I doubt the IBT, or any union for that matter, is going to be on-board for anyone taking pay cuts.

That's close to what I was told. If/when a single carrier petition is filed and found to be true (as it will be), then there will be another vote to determine how the entire group is operated. It could be under the IBT, it could be a different union, or it could be as direct employees.

Until the determination vote, each group continues working under their current arrangement.

I'm still trying to finish reading the NMB stuff to verify this information. But to assume the Flex pilots are automatically covered by the Options CBA after a single carrier determination might not be accurate.
not sure i agree. Flex is actually shrinking, while options is the one growing. Flex is going to have 4 year and new airplanes, and evidently our old ones are coming your way. So he can't just transfer flying to flex, he has to buy new planes to grow flex. easier to grow options. Of course that plan could change anytime

All that was, was a slide show. The problem with Ricci is he's a liar. And will smile at you while he's doing it. Ricci comes up with great ideas, problem is he rarely follows thru with them. We've had more 4 to 6 airplane fleets then any company out there. We're going to start this program and grow it to 15+. Well maybe not now. That costs money. I really don't know what you guys had before but do you really believe from what you've heard and seen so far since the first announcement that he is just going to pay you guys a ton of money and keep your nice schedule intact. His philosophy since the Corporate Wings days has always been, minimum crews, maximum duty. I would just really think hard about do you really want to be a "at will employee".
I'm still trying to finish reading the NMB stuff to verify this information. But to assume the Flex pilots are automatically covered by the Options CBA after a single carrier determination might not be accurate.

My understanding is this happens after a single carrier determination and a yes vote for representation. A no vote means a return to at-will for Flex pilots and a downgrade to at-will for Options pilots. The latter is difficult to contemplate.
Stop the Madness

Look....No one at Flex wants to say this so I guess I will. Everything that has been told to us has been all LIES!!!! From upgrades, to "Guys wait and see it's going to be like being shot out of a cannon" to Insurance coverage and now shrinkage with no furloughs HAHAHA what a joke!!! Now you have all these Flex coolaid drinkers thinking and saying on yammer that "Flexjet will take care of me they always have!" While yes, they have taken care us in the past what you guys fail to realize is that this isn't BOMBARDIER ANYMORE you fools! Keep numbing yourselves from the truth and one day you will all wake up and say "Well Dagnamit it boys, shucks where'd Ya'll go!" I for one have faith in the FLOPS guys telling the truth more about the future and not management! You called it my friends yes you did!
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