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FLASH, This just in,...NWA and DAL pilots

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Happy to see them merge and get that stock price up. It's going to happen and will be good for everybody involved.
Ticket prices will go up, stock will go up and MSP will soon be seeing 777's flying out to exotic destinations. Buddy of mine at Boeing, who works in the 777 Dept, said they were up in MSP checking things out. Things that make you go hmmmm?

:laugh: :laugh:
Thanks for the laugh chuck.....Like you have any buddies!:laugh: :laugh:

Airline Merger Talks Continue Wednesday - March 26, 2008 - 05:00 AM CT

Pilots at Northwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines revived discussions on resolving differences in merging their contracts, a step necessary for the carriers to proceed with a merger proposal.

The meetings have purportedly involved a handful of senior pilots and are not formal negotiations. It is unclear whether the group has made any progress.

Pilot unions, both affiliated with the Air Line Pilots Association, would not say whether any new meetings had been held. The airlines have refused to comment on union developments.

Managements of Delta and Northwest approached the pilots last month to see if they could sort out union-related contractual issues before a deal was proposed to the government and the companies' respective boards and shareholders.

Pilots at both airlines have said there would be no merger without the cooperation of the pilots and have been wrangling over how to combine seniority lists. Seniority is crucial for determining what planes and routes pilots fly and when they work. Negotiations ended nearly two weeks ago without a deal, dousing expectations that the airlines would strike a quick merger agreement.
—New York Times

This has to be the General grabbing any senior NWA pilot he can find on his layover and telling them how great it would be for them if Delta took over their "little" airline.

I honestly would prefer not to have us merge. Nah, no thanks. If we do, I have a feeling our side will have gotten what it "wants", and the NWA MEC will have crumbled, actually understanding that relative seniority is the way to go. Repeat out loud "THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW." Thanks.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Wait, weren't you listening? The General doesn't lower himself to laying over in the cities where Northwest pilots lay over. He spends his nights in Rio and Vienna. *Yawn*

You forgot a whole list of other cities. We have quite a selection from ATL. It is FANTASTIC.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Happy to see them merge and get that stock price up. It's going to happen and will be good for everybody involved.
Ticket prices will go up, stock will go up and MSP will soon be seeing 777's flying out to exotic destinations. Buddy of mine at Boeing, who works in the 777 Dept, said they were up in MSP checking things out. Things that make you go hmmmm?

The new supersized Airbus passed through MSP as well a few months ago. Big plane! Ugly, but big.
I honestly would prefer not to have us merge. Nah, no thanks. If we do, I have a feeling our side will have gotten what it "wants", and the NWA MEC will have crumbled, actually understanding that relative seniority is the way to go. Repeat out loud "THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW." Thanks.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Ahhh....Clever....laying the CYA groundwork to cover the possibility of a development that will prove you,FDJ2,737Pylt(punkalouver) wrong about everything you have declared as Gospel here. the only reason it will have happened if it does is because NWAALPA crumbled....Got it. Clever little general aren't ya?
Both sides see fuel prices rising, the economy going south, legacies trimming the fleet and are thinking.....

"hey we might as well merge and sacrifice a couple thousand junior pilots in order to keep the airline afloat."


A couple thousand pilots sacrificed? Only if the DC9s are brought on property. Also, any merger would include no furlough protections, which include high fuel prices.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Ahhh....Clever....laying the CYA groundwork to cover the possibility of a development that will prove you,FDJ2,737Pylt(punkalouver) wrong about everything you have declared as Gospel here. the only reason it will have happened if it does is because NWAALPA crumbled....Got it. Clever little general aren't ya?

CYA? Is that what you have to do during your walk arounds at DTW? You might get shot by M&M types from the "8 mile...." You must love it there.

Hey, I would think FDJ2 knows a bit more than all of us here. He is "close to the action." Anyway, if we do merge, we have won. No SLI without relative seniority. You will be my FO DTW319.

Bye Bye--General Lee
So if we get to the convention center/Georgia Dome/U.S. Senate late, due to not getting the Batphone call or seeing the giant Widget in the sky, will we still be allowed in?!?

Only if you know the secret code and hand-shake, otherwise, we might be arrested for loitering and obstruction of DAL business.
CYA? Is that what you have to do during your walk arounds at DTW? You might get shot by M&M types from the "8 mile...." You must love it there.

Yes, and "Hartsfield-Jackson-Insert name of dead mayor here" is in such a GREAT part of town!

Hey, I would think FDJ2 knows a bit more than all of us here. He is "close to the action." I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that it's been a long time since either one of you was "close to the action" :D Anyway, if we do merge, we have won. No SLI without relative seniority. You will be my FO DTW319. Really? With Relative Seniority? Might want to check your calendar there Robert E. Then again, if you can get me that Batphone code I may just do it!!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Not spooked at all. Read what has already been put out long ago. NWAALPA believes that consolidation is inevitable. NWAALPA, unlike DALPA, believes that you don't have as much say as you think you do in whether your Fortune 150 company, and the shareholders,creditors, and BOD (you only have 1 seat), decides to do a merger or not despite soundbites from RA and EB. Show me a legal document that gives DALPA the ability to stop a merger.

Besides, as all knowing as you claim to be, if NWAALPA was hearing something that had them worried I'm sure we would have heard it from you right away:rolleyes:.

Cool! Will I get the secret Batphone access code then or will there be some kinda fence on that?

Riiiiiight. Why are you calling again? It is so obvious that something is wrotten over there, and your MEC sees it. Oh yeah, it is INEVITABLE......according to your man Steenland. He wants his payout. (Anderson gave his up)

Bye Bye--General Lee

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