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Diarrhea in a freighter?

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Not so much in freighters, there are stories
of two Jball CA's that $hitted themselves.
One TSA and one at crapex...I mean
corpex...I don't know what in the heck is
wrong with the food at KSTL...I could
probably do the burrito thing but there are
a few less than pleasant dining experiences
in Lambert that have left me wondering if I
was going to make it the rest of the way...
movingviolation said:
He actually got in an aruement with me that 100hr inspections were only recomendations, or that you could fly our plane IFR by hanging your headset in front of you and seeing which way it leans, I finally quit when I got in trouble for not flying through the mountians to our stop in Ga. through what was left of the first hurricane that hit FL. Call me crazy, but it's IFR down to 200ft in mountians.... and I don't even have a turn cordinator..... I guess I'm just a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** for not doing it.

Oh yeah, and dosn't sitting on a chute all day pulling G's make your ass sore? (still on subject)


Which plane did you fly? I saw Texan 3 in your sig, and I know who owns the other one as well (not to mention names).

Yea...sitting in that chute did hurt come sunset. What hurt worse was the tendonitis that developed in my ankle from standing on the wing giving the bailout brief a billions times a day.

I mostly flew T3 during my two years there. The pic that you see was taken on my very last flight. It was a nice 3-ship and my ride didn't want to touch the controls (I asked her several times...her loss). I still haven't touched the controls of one since then.

Is EF still at Titusville?
Texan Driver said:
Yea...sitting in that chute did hurt come sunset. What hurt worse was the tendonitis that developed in my ankle from standing on the wing giving the bailout brief a billions times a day.

I mostly flew T3 during my two years there. The pic that you see was taken on my very last flight. It was a nice 3-ship and my ride didn't want to touch the controls (I asked her several times...her loss). I still haven't touched the controls of one since then.

Is EF still at Titusville?

He went to work for pretty boy at Stallion, then quit that about 3 months ago and started flying a Citation out of Leesburg.

Speaking of piss.... more than once he's wet his pants driving home drunk in his truck......

Towards the end, when I didn't care anymore I used to give a breif that looked somthing like this

"If you happen to hear a burst of profanity on the intercom. followed by a rush of wind, and then silence, that means I bailed out, you are now free to fly the airplane untill the flight terminates, or you may follow suit... now just so you know, the guy we got these chutes from off Ebay said they were really good, so don't worry. We havn't killed anybody in almost 2 weeks now"

Did you ever go up to OQU with them? I loved it up there.....
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movingviolation said:
He went to work for pretty boy at Stallion, then quit that about 3 months ago and started flying a Citation out of Leesburg.

Speaking of piss.... more than once he's wet his pants driving home drunk in his truck......

Towards the end, when I didn't care anymore I used to give a breif that looked somthing like this

"If you happen to hear a burst of profanity on the intercom. followed by a rush of wind, and then silence, that means I bailed out, you are now free to fly the airplane untill the flight terminates, or you may follow suit... now just so you know, the guy we got these chutes from off Ebay said they were really good, so don't worry. We havn't killed anybody in almost 2 weeks now"

Did you ever go up to OQU with them? I loved it up there.....

I heard he went to work for Stallion. I also heard the brothers told pretty boy that if EF ever touched the controls of the Mustang that they would never work on it again. Dunno how serious they were, but I can see that. Ha...I love it.
We have stories about him...

Great brief. I never got that creative.
Also never made it up to OQU...everytime they went on the road, I stayed in FL..which my wife appreciated. Summer of 04 they called me out of the blue to ask if I wanted to fly the summer road show. I had to turn it down because of my present job. Too bad...I would love to fly one again. But, we may be heading back to FL by years end...so who knows.
If you ever make it back down here let me know, I'm in GNV now but make it down that way quite a bit. Have to go to the Fox and have a few.

I've got some pictures of Texan 1 and 4 that would make you cry (from after the hurricane). Ranger lost their big new hanger, and the one that Sunstate used to be in. Marathon south was destroyed. You really couldn't tell much of a difference on the Riley ramp.... I think the storm actually cleaned the place up a little
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This didn't happen in an airplane, but was work related so close enough.

In December we had the company X-mas dinner. My wife and I show up at the appointed time, hang out and wait for everyone else to show up.
Sit down and order. I had some pork chop thing and can't remember what anyone else had because...well who cares. This is my story.
The restaurant is pretty upscale..which equates to very rich food. Under normal circumstances, this will do a number on me in about 30 minutes.
After the meal the countdown began. I was checking my watch to make sure I could eat dessert and make a timely escape. After dessert, nothing...nada,..zippo. No pain in my gut, no building of pressure.
Yay for me, I think. So I hang around and chit chat and etc...

Fast forward to about 90 minutes later and we are walking to the car. I felt a slight tremor in the Force and knew it was on the way. I figured I had about 30 minutes at best and since I had a 20 minute drive home, that gave me a 10 minute reserve before the laying of cable commenced.

So, I am driving home and BAM! It hits. The wave of pressure on the O-ring, the cold sweats...I even feel slightly sick to my stomach. Great. I press on the acclerator to go faster and hope that the Highway Patrol is somewhere else.

About 7 minutes out it is unbearable. I decided to grant a waiver to my hard fast rule of not going at a gas station, but alas the nearest one at this point is across the street from where I live.
My wife asks, "Are you ok?". In a low gutteral tone I reply, "No, I gotta go!". She pats me on the knee and in a demonic sort of voice I go, "Don't touch me!"

At this point, I am contemplating the relief I would feel if I just let it go. Good ol' Trouser Chili. I can't believe I even had those thoughts, but I have never felt this much pain and pressure before in my life. But then I think of the smell I would have to endure in the coming months. I am a freight dog, so by default my car is a POS, but I still have to drive in it.

We get to the complex where I live..and of course it is gated. The stupid remote gate opener is having fits and didn't want to work until I was stopped at the gate...it finally opens and I pull into my parking space. Now remember I said my car is a POS. That, of course, means it will not open from the inside. I roll down my window, reach out and unlatch the door...my wife says, "Don't worry about locking up the car, just go!" Well...old habits die hard and I take the time to get my side locked up.

I do the fast walk of a man with a doomed butt whimpering like a beat up schoolboy. Up the stairs I go praying that I don't do something stupid like drop my keys. I get the key into the door and run into the bathroom...I didn't even have time to pick up a book off the library shelf (the floor). I then proceed to unleash an explosion that would make Robert Oppenheimer proud. Alice may have painted the roses red, but I painted the bowl brown....and green...and some other unidentifiable colors. It was like some groovy 70's coffee coming out of a pressure cooker.

I can feel a 2nd, but smaller wave approaching, so I sit there, relax a little and pick up a book (Sin Killer) and wait for it.

30 minutes later, I emerge from a cloud of greenish-yellow haze to my wife laughing...then gagging on the smell, but feeling much much better.
movingviolation said:
If you ever make it back down here let me know, I'm in GNV now but make it down that way quite a bit. Have to go to the Fox and have a few.

I've got some pictures of Texan 1 and 4 that would make you cry (from after the hurricane). Ranger lost their big new hanger, and the one that Sunstate used to be in. Marathon south was destroyed. You really couldn't tell much of a difference on the Riley ramp.... I think the storm actually cleaned the place up a little

I miss the Fox. They had good Scotch Eggs and Toasties.
I saw some pics that were taken after the hurricane. I almost cried. I went thru there about a year ago when I was ferrying a Pitts to New York and saw T4 up close for the 1st time.

I almost came out there this week, but plans changed.

I hear ya about Riley...Everytime I walked thru the gates, the theme from Sanford and Son went thru my head. Is it true that he is closing shop?

When I am out there, I'll look ya up and 1st round is one me. We can swap EF stories.

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