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Delta to put ALL regional flying up for rebid

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Unfortunately it looks like DL has Comair's employee groups in their crosshairs with this RFP. If they don't cave and give in to company demands, DL will take all their flying away. OH has a great group of employees, and its sad to see them treated this way. Will also be interesting to see if DL tries to use this to get rid of Mesa as well. Going to be interesting to see how this all plays out, but we will all likely be hurt as DL will try to whipsaw everybody against each other.
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And how many Billion did Delta sink into Comair? How many pilots lots tons on the stock?

Delta's smart play would have been to place the E170's with Comair, make the operation super sexy and IPO it. But no one ever accused Delta management of having a good plan.
And how many Billion did Delta sink into Comair?

Heard a rumor from some Comair folks a few months ago that Dave Mueller was looking at getting a group of investors to buy Comair back for around 500 million. Would be funny as hell to see him buy the company back for less than half of what Delta paid him (and others) for it. Particularly when you consider the strong arm tactics Leo used to force them to sell. Love to see how old Leo would address that in an interview............"due to my enlightened management and leadership skills I bought a company for 1.91 billion and now its only worth 500 million........"
Mongolikecandy said:
50 seat rate better than Skywest's blended rate

Ummm... We don't have a blended rate. We could only wish. Those rates are for 50 seat RJ's, and we voted them to cover up to 99 seats. Of course, we thought we were only getting 70 seaters at the time and it was only supposed to be for 18 months. Some of us knew better and voted it down. Now we're stuck with this cruddy agreement. Mesa makes more to fly their 90's than we do. Hopefully, we'll get our act together and work to get this changed.
(scratchy sound of broken recored playing, over and over)

........there is more to compensation than the hourly rates.........

........there is more to compensation than the hourly rates.........

........there is more to compensation than the hourly rates.........

........there is more to compensation than the hourly rates.........

all told, SkyWest pilots earn more than all or most other regional pilots. the true measure is the gross pay on your W2.

how are things at Comair? I don't want to see them eat it, but is the status quo sustainable? are thy stable? growing? adding flying?

........there is more to compensation than the hourly rates.........
Get over your little W2. Admit you work for a non union, whipsaw regional and your owners keep you non union for a reason.

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