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Delta to put ALL regional flying up for rebid

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SkyNation said:

all part of competetion. I don't necessarily disagree with you. suggesting, however, that we should vote in a union to thank all the other union airlines for getting us where we are is just silly. we're competing against each other.

I never said that you should vote in a Union as thanks to other Union carriers, or for any other reason for that matter. I don't really care anymore what you guys do. I just take exception to some people out there that think that they make what they make at SkyWest because the Company is some how superior to other regionals and poo poo the idea of Unions having the least bit to do with the quality of their jobs at SkyWest. I must say that the idea that you think ASA and SkyWest should compete against each other is troubling, though. That's just the way Jerry likes it.

if all the other regionals were non-union, JA would do the exact same thing, which is try to keep us near the top in a sustainable way that allows for future growth and opportunities.

And if all regionals WERE Union he would do the same thing. But right now most other regional are Union, you aren't, and that give you some power. All I was pointing out was that SkyWest benefits when other pilot groups keep the status quo of get improvements because if JA were to allow benefits somewhere else to surpass SkyWest's or if he were to take too much away from you there would soon be a Union at SkyWest.

I can't say I begrudge the SkyWest pilot group their pay and benefits because if I could get what I have now without paying Union dues I'd do it too. As long as JA has the threat of a Union at SkyWest hanging over him you will be able to reap the rewards. Take that threat away and I'd be very interested to see what would happen.
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It's all about getting paid and not working. And I don't brag because there are people senior to me who might get the idea.
I can't call Sky Nation's bluff, because I see about the same thing. My current TOTAL compensation...meaning this includes per-diem($3600 bucks worth) is 35,755 buckaroos(I'm working on my fourth year at SkyWest and I don't do the JRM thing...so I am blocking about 90 hours a month for about 96 hours of credit). I typically get 12-13 days off a month and I mostly fly four day trips...that's my preference...and again...I have my reasons. HOWEVER, I would prefer to see legally recognized representation at SkyWest. I have my reasons, and I won't get into a pissing match about them. I AM not looking for a great increase in pay, basically due to the same reasons that Sky Nation states. I have other, and in my opinion, more important reasons to want a union at SKW.
work and scheduling rules-all without a union! imagine!!

SkyWest getting something without another carrier getting it first. Now that would be something you'd have to imagine!

Sorry, that's the kind of comment I was talking about.
shamrock said:
I can't say I begrudge the SkyWest pilot group their pay and benefits because if I could get what I have now without paying Union dues I'd do it too. .

I think we agree. To clarify, I don't mean we are competing with ASA. Myself and everyone I've ever talked to never wanted us to buy ASA in the first place, and I hope for the best for ya'll. I do for everyone, but I take exception to any idea that we somehow 'owe it to' someone besides ourselves to vote in a union. If I felt confident that it would be an improvement to our overall pay, QOL and company health, I'd have voted for it already. However, I see no evidence of that in the industry.

best to all
To give more info...my current block:676:38 credit:814.94

SkyNation has it right...it's all about credit hours
This is Awac and united Again....However comair is awac in this situation... sorry guys.....The good airlines are out...the bankruptcy judge will look at cost and that’s about it...how do you think g-jet and mesa took flying from awac.....
How do you think awac (now USAir) took flying from mesa (now United)? It was a fair trade get over it. We were displaced just like they were.

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