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Delta to put ALL regional flying up for rebid

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Skywest no better than Gojet guys.... Will you (skywest guys) fly ASA's aircraft and routes = YES.....no problem No ALPA--maybe ALPA national sure put Skywest pilots on the scab list like everyone on flightinfo wants Gojet pilots on the list.....but Gojet voted in representation....at least it was something.....
SkyNation said:
yes, they do. however, like I said, is it sustainable?

No, you're absolutely right. It's not sustainable. As long as there are people like you willing to profit from the gains of unionized pilot groups without contributing to the cause yourself, then it won't be sustainable. You can brag about all the pay and work rules you want (although I'd argue that working 20 days a month just to make a livable wage isn't exactly something to brag about), but just remember that you would have none of it if it weren't for the unionized pilot groups spending their negotiating capital to get it first. You piggy-back on the union pilot groups and contribute nothing. Leeches.
PCL_128 said:
No, you're absolutely right. It's not sustainable. As long as there are people like you willing to profit from the gains of unionized pilot groups without contributing to the cause yourself, then it won't be sustainable. You can brag about all the pay and work rules you want (although I'd argue that working 20 days a month just to make a livable wage isn't exactly something to brag about), but just remember that you would have none of it if it weren't for the unionized pilot groups spending their negotiating capital to get it first. You piggy-back on the union pilot groups and contribute nothing. Leeches.


Lead, Follow, or get out of the way. Which are you doing Skywest?
PCL_128 said:
You can brag about all the pay and work rules you want (although I'd argue that working 20 days a month just to make a livable wage isn't exactly something to brag about), but just remember that you would have none of it if it weren't for the unionized pilot groups spending their negotiating capital to get it first.

That was the point I was trying to make, put in a more eloquent way. Sometimes I don't speek or rite too good.
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Its not the pilots of all the other regionals. (except a certain group of Scumbags. GJ)
scarlet said:
Skywest no better than Gojet guys.... Will you (skywest guys) fly ASA's aircraft and routes = YES.....no problem No ALPA--maybe ALPA national sure put Skywest pilots on the scab list like everyone on flightinfo wants Gojet pilots on the list.....but Gojet voted in representation....at least it was something.....

Ok, I took the bait... Don't even think of comparing us to frickin GoJet. It's Apples and Oranges! Just because we've been non union for over 30 years?! Give me a break. If Skywest was created within the past few years as an alter ego scope busting TSA screwin' crappy airline like Gojet, then you have a point. We have it pretty damn nice here at Skywest. Are there areas we can improve on? Sure! I have friends at all kinds of regionals and majors and my quality of life is very comparable (if not better in some areas) to my friends'. Personally, I think ALPA will get voted in this time around. There are positives and negatives to being both union and non union. Also, like I said earlier, we (as a pilot group) made a really stupid mistake by voting in that "18 month TA." So we make one mistake. We'll make up for it, but comparing us to Gojet? Give me a break!
SKYW Pilot said:
Ok, I took the bait... Don't even think of comparing us to frickin GoJet. It's Apples and Oranges!

It can very easily be argued that Skywest has a much greater (not to mention detrimantal) impact on the regional pilots than Go-Jets ever will.
PCL_128 said:
No, you're absolutely right. It's not sustainable. As long as there are people like you willing to profit from the gains of unionized pilot groups without contributing to the cause yourself, then it won't be sustainable. You can brag about all the pay and work rules you want (although I'd argue that working 20 days a month just to make a livable wage isn't exactly something to brag about), but just remember that you would have none of it if it weren't for the unionized pilot groups spending their negotiating capital to get it first. You piggy-back on the union pilot groups and contribute nothing. Leeches.

Amen, It is only sustainable if other groups back you up
172driver said:
Ummm, I think he probably knows that, since he works for Comair and has better work rules than you ever thought about having.

1. How many days a month do you work to average 107.5 hours of credit?

2. How do you average 25 hrs of credit over your block? I can see 10, but 25?

3. Any other SKYW pilots want to call his bluff?

Dude, I think he is tellin the truth. I'm in my 2nd year here and on pace to make about 46k-48k this year. I average 13 or 14 days off a month. Last month I blocked 89.5 hours = credit of 105.6. But I have had 1 month of "stand-ups" this year (flew 30 hours, credited 98), so that helped me out a bunch.
We did however just go to a Preferential Bid system, so I'm curious to see how that works out for me.

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