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Delta Connection Academy...THOUGHTS????

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Delta Connection Academy what do you rate it?

  • Good

    Votes: 45 14.7%
  • Bad

    Votes: 207 67.6%
  • Average

    Votes: 54 17.6%

  • Total voters
SMOE said:
Appaerently no one has given you the answers your looking for. If three pages of mostly negative comments aren't sufficient, check out the thread: "Getting the axe at DCA".

And if you read my previous posts, you would know I was a grad...

I thought I have read your thread about getting the axe. Didn't you get the axe because you have scored below 90% on one of your tests in the stands class? I know they did not tell you the "why" but if you were in the stands class that that is the only reason to get the axe. One guy did the same thing just 2 months ago. Made it through the interview and the CFII then failed one of the written tests. It is a one shot thing. However the flight portion at the end of the stands class is now a 2 shot thing.

I would say one gets the axe when he/she does not make it through the interview.
No, it wasn't the test score. I was told there was a "problem" with my ride but they would be at a "disadvantage" to give me specifics. This came from the then Chief of Standardization, who by the way washed out of Comair's F/O training. What it really comes down to is too many candidates, too much backlog. Gotta try to keep that bogus 97% hire rate going!

DCA provides many opportunities to get the axe:

a. Question procedures
b. Raise the bulls*&^ flag
c. Suggest improvements based on years of previous aviation experience
d. Let it be known your aware DCA is not the end-all/be-all to an aviation career
e. Demonstrate independent thought

'nuff said...
SMOE: i did read your posts (in this thread only though - although i will now go and read the others). I am not looking for a "specific answer", as you suggested. I was simply asking if ANYONE ELSE had something objective to say, if they'd attended DCA.

The "three pages of negative comments" had a lot to do with topics that were too general in nature, and in my opinion didn't address the primary question. The topics that started being discussed were getting into issues that were not the point of the initial post. I simply wanted to know if there were anymore objective responses.

It sounds to me like you took my question a little personally. That's a bad attitude to have for a CFI...

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Xak said:

It sounds to me like you took my question a little personally. That's a bad attitude to have for a CFI...


Now THAT I'll take personally. Who the hell are you to judge me????????!!!!!!!!!
XAK Sounds like your being alittle too judgemental about someones attitude and personality that you know nothing about. Smoe is right about there being too many qualified applicants and not enough positions at the academy. I find it hard to believe that smoe failed a test a dca after making it through military FE training.
The academy is not for everyone. I am a member of this flight school and a happy member of the instructor force there. The program is not for everybody. It is hard. The rewards can be great (A job with a good airline). There are no garuntees. You have to like flying a ton. If you work hard then you will do just fine here.
PLz tell me why this is so great

I don't understand how all of you guys can justify paying so much for flight training. I paid less than 20,000 for my private thru ATP. Now I'm a training captain for the counties largest independent regional.

I mean really 11,000 for a multi are you guys high. I paid 2,000 it was garentied and I rec'd better training cause my CFI wasn't scared

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