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Comair need not apply!!!!!!!!

Good goes around

Wow! you must think the whole Comair pilot group is out to screw you, huh?
The only pilots with policy-making power at Comair have no intention of ever leaving Comair. They have that kind of power because they have been here way too long (like 18 years). Anyone that has been here less than about seven to eight years is just a little pawn along for the ride trying to build time and get out. I am very sorry we did not help you out at the time it was needed but I was not making the company policies (come to think of it, I was not even here then!) and niether were the rest of the junior pilot group.
Wow! you must think the whole Comair pilot group is out to screw you, huh?
The only pilots with policy-making power at Comair have no intention of ever leaving Comair. They have that kind of power because they have been here way too long (like 18 years). Anyone that has been here less than about seven to eight years is just a little pawn along for the ride trying to build time and get out. I am very sorry we did not help you out at the time it was needed but I was not making the company policies (come to think of it, I was not even here then!) and niether were the rest of the junior pilot group.

Here is the situation. You have a group of pilots that had no problem hiring Delta furloughees (ASA) and another group (Comair) that has a leader that puts it in writing that they have a problem hiring Delta furloughees without seniority number resignation. Unless of course Delta relaxes it's scope then we can work something out. So what group do you think is going to get the interviews when the worm turns? As for not making company policies, Comair reversed it's decision at the request of it's union about two years later but only after Delta started recalling it's furloughees. So apparently you did have a say. Too little too late.
You have a group of pilots that had no problem hiring Delta furloughees (ASA) and another group (Comair) that has a leader that puts it in writing that they have a problem hiring Delta furloughees without seniority number resignation. Unless of course Delta relaxes it's scope
You are wrong on the details. CMR wanted BRAND SCOPE which would have made Delta scope STRONGER.

If you look around DL you will see these new airplanes that look a whole lot like 737's with winglets pulled up to gates. These are not flown by Delta pilots, or even ALPA members. They fly because the Delta MEC made scope a free for all on the Connection level. The Comair MEC saw Delta's future and wanted a role in trying to stop the whipsaw that now even the Delta pilots must engage in on the low end of their equipment. The Comair and Delta MEC should have worked together.

Also, Comair is run by Delta Management, not pilots. If you want to change Comair policies, why nojt bring it up at the table when you are negotiating with Delta Management?

Finally, management hires the pilots. As an ASA pilot, I would love it if I got called first, but Comair guys probably has as good a shot as we do with Delta's hiring managers.

I do not understand how intelligent and rational Delta pilots hold some of the grudges they hold when the truth is that scope would be stronger if those effected had a role in crafting and negotiating their flying.

DAL737FO and General, are you guys happy to see Mesa, Skywest and Shuttle America doing your flying? It seems you would have a common concern with the Comair pilots who are now one week away from a strike (or very bad legal precedent that will effect everyone eventually). If Comair walks, Delta is back in serious trouble, quick.
You are wrong on the details. CMR wanted BRAND SCOPE which would have made Delta scope STRONGER.

Actually, that's not true. A couple of the CMR reps met with Captain Buergey and requested a relaxation of scope. No mention of brand scope.
If you were there after the "refusing to help our furlough phase", then NO. But, most captains at Comair now were at Comair then (after 9-11), and I would be opposed to them being hired NOW at DL. I hope ASA and CHQ guys get most of the interviews.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I think you accidentally left out SkyWest!
You are wrong on the details. CMR wanted BRAND SCOPE which would have made Delta scope STRONGER.

DAL737FO and General, are you guys happy to see Mesa, Skywest and Shuttle America doing your flying? .

BS......keep chugging the RJDC koolaid!!! What gives Comair the right to want anything from us!!

Actually, when Delta lost that flying it was given to you at ASA, which you now point the finger downhill at the Mesas and Chatauquas and Shuttles and say they took YOUR flying........remember a horse can pull many carts and should you forget, you are the cart BEHIND the horse....not the other way around.....
You are wrong on the details. CMR wanted BRAND SCOPE which would have made Delta scope STRONGER.

If you look around DL you will see these new airplanes that look a whole lot like 737's with winglets pulled up to gates. These are not flown by Delta pilots, or even ALPA members. They fly because the Delta MEC made scope a free for all on the Connection level. The Comair MEC saw Delta's future and wanted a role in trying to stop the whipsaw that now even the Delta pilots must engage in on the low end of their equipment. The Comair and Delta MEC should have worked together.

Also, Comair is run by Delta Management, not pilots. If you want to change Comair policies, why nojt bring it up at the table when you are negotiating with Delta Management?

Finally, management hires the pilots. As an ASA pilot, I would love it if I got called first, but Comair guys probably has as good a shot as we do with Delta's hiring managers.

I do not understand how intelligent and rational Delta pilots hold some of the grudges they hold when the truth is that scope would be stronger if those effected had a role in crafting and negotiating their flying.

DAL737FO and General, are you guys happy to see Mesa, Skywest and Shuttle America doing your flying? It seems you would have a common concern with the Comair pilots who are now one week away from a strike (or very bad legal precedent that will effect everyone eventually). If Comair walks, Delta is back in serious trouble, quick.

Delta's scope would not have been made stronger. That is merely a figment of a few deluded pilots' opinions. "Working together", as you put it, meant that the Delta MEC needed to capitulate to the delusional Comair MEC and the fabricated negotiating power they think that they had. Didn't work out very good for the Comair MEC. That Armada of RJs are now expensive paperweights. The 70 seaters are going away, and soon a judge will do what a couple of other judges have done--kill a strike.

As for hiring, I personally hold no bias, and have indeed recommended a Comair pilot with whom I have jumpseated on several times. By chance, he was not around when the RJDC took over Comair, as he is 2 year f/o. However, those that sat by and actively supported the RJDC, or sat by to "see what would happen" have played their pair of twos.

Legal precedent if a judge orders the Comair pilots to work? I think not, the precedent has already been set--three times as a matter of fact. Or perhaps, just perhaps, Delta will wink, wink, nod, nod the judge and Comair will be no more. Who knows? Either way, Delta already knows what it is going to do I would imagine.

Like it or not, it's going to happen.

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