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Comair exit poll

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JI Gone OH said:
And for those who think we will get the airplanes regardless, no way. Fred can't come in here, ask for concessions for growth, be told to pack sand, and then reward us. Not gonna' happen. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Someone join me for a beer, I hate drinking alone...

Guess what... Fred can go in there ask for concessions, hopefully get denied by your pilot group, and then HE CAN STILL TAKE THE AIRPLANES FROM DELTA.. It is not Fred's decisoin weather you get the airplanes or not... It is DCI, and Delta. Like I said.. They are already being painted with Comair colors and if you pass this thing, Fred will be toasting champaign and lauging at you!
And the comair pilots that voted YES to this proposal are the spear head of the broken unitiy... These pilots that voted yes do not know the history of aviation management. If the FAA would allow them to put monkeys in the cockpit, managment would do it. They dont care about you...

Look at Leo Mullins (ex CEO of Delta) He got in when it was good and left when things got tough and almost broke the airline with his golden parachute and severance... How many Laborers lost their jobs because of what Leo Mullins took from Delta after he left..

what makes you think Fred Brutrell is any different?

Do you think he cares, Did he tell you in one of his road shows that he cares about you and your family? Did he tell you that this is what is good for comair... Guess what this is what is good for FRED and all his cronies... And if you belive what they have told you you are a fool.
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viper01 said:
exactly what management wants to see, cmr and asa breaking their unity.

Now that didn't take long, did it?

A year ago we were clammoring for a common list -- there is even a section of the BB with photos, statements, proclamations, letters to management, ad nauseum. A real Kume Buy Ah moment if I had any idea how to spell it.

A few weeks ago we got these nifty little stickers (and I mean little) voicing our support.

Voting NO doesn't mean management wont be back with a better offer, but voting yes guarantees they'll never put a better offer on the table.
av8tor4239 said:
Guess what... Fred can go in there ask for concessions, hopefully get denied by your pilot group, and then HE CAN STILL TAKE THE AIRPLANES FROM DELTA..

Sure he CAN, but he won't. Semantics ;) If we get the planes anyway, his credibility goes out the window. I would imagine that he has bigger plans for himself than COMAIR someday, so the decisions he makes now could come back to haunt him.
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av8tor4239 said:
Guess what... Fred can go in there ask for concessions, hopefully get denied by your pilot group, and then HE CAN STILL TAKE THE AIRPLANES FROM DELTA..

Sure he CAN, but he won't. Semantics ;) If we get the planes anyway, his credibility goes out the window. I would imagine that he has bigger plans for himself than COMAIR someday, so the decisions he makes now could come back to haunt him.
JI, How is it that you "KNOW" he wont... Just so Fred can save face.... these guys dont care about what they look like to you.. They care about what is going into their pockets... That is why they are asking for concessions... THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE... THE COMAIR PILOTS HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE.
av8tor4239 said:
JI, How is it that you "KNOW" he wont... Just so Fred can save face.... these guys dont care about what they look like to you.. They care about what is going into their pockets... That is why they are asking for concessions... THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE... THE COMAIR PILOTS HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE.

Your right, I don't "KNOW" that he won't, but I am not willing to take a chance that he will come back with a better offer or that we will get the airplanes if we tell him to pack sand. Personally, I am done trying to hold the line for the rest of this industry. The other "regionals" were supposed to be our wingmen, and most of you have left us hanging. We have received little help from anyone since the strike to try and make this industry better, and we're done. We have been forced to make things better for ourselves, and freezing our pay with guaranteed growth is certainly a way of assuring that. Selfish, yes, but tough sh*t....
The difference between Comair pilots and the rest of you naysayers is simple. We see ourselves as John the Baptist. You want to confuse us with the Messiah.

We are not your "saviors" and we know it. We don't have the ability to rise from the dead and ascend into heaven, and we know that too.

If we drop the cross one more time we'll be out of the parade. So spare us the palm fronds of last week and get the message. We are not going to allow you to crucify us so that you can laugh while you fight each other for our garments.

We're going to do what we have to do now to preserve our own skins. The rest of you have already proven beyond any doubt that you won't hesitate to benefit from our downfall. You've done it before and you'll do it again at the first opportunity. Well, this time we're going to take care of ouselves as we see fit.

We don't all agree with each other and we never have. However, we're not going to shaft our junior people, like many of you have, so that you can continue to staff your left seats with J4J captains while you starve your own FO's and deny their seniority rights.

Our only real concern is the folks at ASA. We'll continue to support their efforts in the same way that they supported ours. But, we won't commit suicide to do it; just as they didn't commit suicide for us. We can't be of any benefit to them by giving our upgrades to CHQ or some other newcomer just so you can boast of your one-year upgrades.

Yes, it will cost us a lot of money to do this. The key word is "US". It won't cost you a dime and you know it. You aren't really worried about what happens to Comair, you're worried about what happens to YOU, and it shows.

So, spare us the hypocrisy and let us decide for ourselves what we want to do for ourselves, instead of railing us about what you think we should do for YOU.

Your expressed concern for our welfare is disingenuous and transparent. This one is OUR call, whichever way it goes. It's not easy and we'll be stuggling with each other for a long time no matter what we ultimately decide. We'll solve that internal problem just as we have before; we'll overcome it and emerge together. When we have, the rest of you will still be looking in our direction and arguing about whether to hate us or love us, just as you are today. Nothing new about that.

Check back on March 1 and you'll learn what we have decided.
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