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Comair exit poll

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Is there anything new about that? I see it as no change. That's how you've always seen us. Dam-ned if we do, dam-ned if we don't.

It is now time for us to see ourselves in the way that we choose. In other words, you are temporarily irrelevant if you're not a Comair pilot.

Now you know how WE feel, when YOU do as you please without regard to us. Wan't to raise your "bar". Go ahead, we're not stopping you and we never have. You've had your chances and you blew them all.

We wish you the best as always, but we're going to make this decision on our own. Thanks for all your "help".

Best of luck to you guys. But dont think your SH!T dont stink like everyone elses!!!!!!
homerjdispatch said:

Best of luck to you guys. But dont think your SH!T dont stink like everyone elses!!!!!!

Thank you for the good wishes. A word of caution -- if everytime you come into the room you smell sh!t, the first place you need to look is your own shoes, not Comair's shoes.
This is dated 2-7-05. Who would want to interfere with the Comair pilots voting? FB, GG or Joe K? I thought it was against the law to hunt on a baited field! :confused:

Embraer "buy," target price raised - update

Monday, February 07, 2005 1:47:34 PM ET
Banc of America

NEW YORK, February 7 (newratings.com) - Analysts at Banc of America Securities reiterate their "buy" rating on Embraer (ERJ.NYS). The target price has been raised from $33 to $35.

In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that the company is expected to receive an order for 25 E170s from Delta Air Lines’ regional airline, Comair. The order could pave the way for further such orders for Embraer, the analysts believe. The current valuation of Embraer’s stock is attractive, according to Banc of America Securities.

Embraer Empresa | detailed quote - chart - all headlines previous
chperplt said:
You guys act like anything CMR does will have some kind of effect on you.. Have you been able to get CMR wages during your years of negotiations? Have you been able to come close? I didn't think so.

So.. What we (CMR) do doesn't seem to have any effect, good or bad, on what happens with you or your contract. At least logic and current events would assume that.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that what happens at Comair (good or bad) would factor into what ASA's negotiators will ask for.

Since it sounds like this deal will be ratified, you better believe that ASA management will walk into negotiations the day we start talking compensation (which has not occured yet), and say that Comair's rates are unsustainable, and even their pilots know it. The fact that you took a pay cut will hurt our chances to increase ours.

Now, Comair has to watch out for Comair, and ASA has to watch out for ASA. We are separate airlines and have separate PWAs. But we are the two closest related airlines in the industry, and to say that anything you do will not affect ASA is fooling yourselves.
I hate to inform everyone, all the contracts at the regionals pay su*ks. QOL pretty good...pay deserving a lot higher across the board if you ask me. Like it was said before now is not a good time to negotiate contracts. However, when it is a good time there better be unity across the board for better pay rates.
sweptback said:
Now, Comair has to watch out for Comair, and ASA has to watch out for ASA. We are separate airlines and have separate PWAs. But we are the two closest related airlines in the industry, and to say that anything you do will not affect ASA is fooling yourselves.

I'm a firm believer that we can do more as a group than we can as an individual. I hope I'm wrong and you guys have the same resolve that the CMR guys did in the past. I wasn't here then and I don't see it here now.

For what it's worth, I'm a no vote.
Wacopilot said:
we are not the reason the bar will be lowered. that is on the backs of every pilot group under us that choose not to join us. we are in this predicament because no other pilot group choose to keep the bar high. the top is a lonely place to be.


Umm... yeah. Like all those companies that had to negotiate post-9/11. It was just as easy after 9/11 as before. Yep.

You saying that is like the guy bopping the hottest girl in school saying, "Gee, Billy... you should find a girlfriend as hot as mine. It's easy, isn't it?"

I'm not starting crap because I have a lot of friends at CMR and I wish you guys the best of luck. But lets compare apples to apples, on behalf of those of us who negotiated in an "oranges only" era.

Is the new Mesaba contract great? No.

Does it suck? No.

How did I vote? No.

Do I have to live with it? Yes.

Everyone is in survival mode. Yes, we are all in this together but for CMR folks to criticize everyone else for not "holding the bar" is crap.

Sounds an awful lot like "let them eat cake" to me.
surplus1 said:
The difference between Comair pilots and the rest of you naysayers is simple. We see ourselves as John the Baptist. You want to confuse us with the Messiah.

We are not your "saviors" and we know it. We don't have the ability to rise from the dead and ascend into heaven, and we know that too.

If we drop the cross one more time we'll be out of the parade. So spare us the palm fronds of last week and get the message. We are not going to allow you to crucify us so that you can laugh while you fight each other for our garments.

We're going to do what we have to do now to preserve our own skins. The rest of you have already proven beyond any doubt that you won't hesitate to benefit from our downfall. You've done it before and you'll do it again at the first opportunity. Well, this time we're going to take care of ouselves as we see fit.

We don't all agree with each other and we never have. However, we're not going to shaft our junior people, like many of you have, so that you can continue to staff your left seats with J4J captains while you starve your own FO's and deny their seniority rights.

Our only real concern is the folks at ASA. We'll continue to support their efforts in the same way that they supported ours. But, we won't commit suicide to do it; just as they didn't commit suicide for us. We can't be of any benefit to them by giving our upgrades to CHQ or some other newcomer just so you can boast of your one-year upgrades.

Yes, it will cost us a lot of money to do this. The key word is "US". It won't cost you a dime and you know it. You aren't really worried about what happens to Comair, you're worried about what happens to YOU, and it shows.

So, spare us the hypocrisy and let us decide for ourselves what we want to do for ourselves, instead of railing us about what you think we should do for YOU.

Your expressed concern for our welfare is disingenuous and transparent. This one is OUR call, whichever way it goes. It's not easy and we'll be stuggling with each other for a long time no matter what we ultimately decide. We'll solve that internal problem just as we have before; we'll overcome it and emerge together. When we have, the rest of you will still be looking in our direction and arguing about whether to hate us or love us, just as you are today. Nothing new about that.

Check back on March 1 and you'll learn what we have decided.

That is the best post that I have seen here in a long time. I know you wanted to use like 4,000 more words, but knew with the attention span on this thread it would just dilute the message.

Very well said.

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